OFFLINE Cash BAM . . . $650 in less than 24 hrs! MY STORY!

64 replies

Greetings to ALL . . .

I have read every darned post and probably bought "almost" every WSO under $30 in the Offline Cash Cow arena within the past week!

Did I have doubts? hmmm, to be honest yes and no.

I most recently purchased Maria Gudelis & Chris Endres WSO and also purchased Robert Nelson's WSO AND immediately got to work, in less than 24 hrs I have generated my first sale of $650 . . . BAM!!

$650 NEVER felt so good, let me tell ya!!

I've been in Real Estate for 12 yrs, just recently went through tough times, and have completely started over. I know what it's like to have, lose and start over.

I AM talking to YOU... "you" know who you are...

You need to generate cash
You don't know how you will make your next mortgage payment or Rent payment
You are trying to figure out which utility bill is priority
Don't know if you'll have enough at the end of the week for a full tank of gas much less
any extras like, kids acitivities etc!

I KNOW, because I have recently been there after starting over again.

I'm a private person, but I write to you today, because I want YOU to know that YOU too can do this. It doesn't take a Guru or much cash to get started with offline consulting!

I simply purchased a couple of good WSO's
Grabbed a cup of coffee
Rolled my sleeves up
and started reading Everything!
Next day went out made some flyers, passed them out and ... BAM!! In less than 24 hrs: $650 and guess what? I already got a referral from my Very first client and I have an appt on Friday!!

Wanna Know My Secret?
Get off Your A$$ and Just "Do It" (took a page outta Nike's book ;-)

Some of you may say, "yeah but you've been in Real Estate for a long time, you can sell"
My Answer to YOU: That is true, BUT... Business Owner's Don't know what you know and they are willing to listen . . . Provide a Solution and YOU become the Expert...local business owner's NEED YOU to provide services. By the simple fact that YOU are on this Warrior Forum alone, YOU are an Expert. You already have EVERYTHING you need right here 24 hrs a day!!

Much Success To All My Fellow Warriors!!

Do NOT operate out of FEAR . . . Take a Deep Breathe and Just Go . . . Don't Look Back!!

JUST "Do It"


have any questions feel free to drop me a note!
#$650 #bam #cash #hrs #offline #offline cash story #story
  • Profile picture of the author JoeCool

    Thanks for sharing your great news and for giving others here the inspiration to go out and "Just Do It!"

    Keep us posted on your New career!

    Warm Regards,
    ~ JoeCool

    My Favorite Charity .:: ::. Helping Third World Entrepreneurial Families Help Themselves.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[760297].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author elitementor
      Originally Posted by JoeCool View Post


      Thanks for sharing your great news and for giving others here the inspiration to go out and "Just Do It!"

      Keep us posted on your New career!

      Warm Regards,
      ~ JoeCool
      I appreciate that. I know how fear can be one's own worst enemy.
      All it takes is basic knowledge and action. WF is the best resource
      any of us could ask for. The wealth of knowledge shared daily is
      incredible! Amazing Talent on this site. Just doing my part to
      share my knowledge and give back.
      Best Regards,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[760329].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tonyscott
    Hello EliteMentor, what service did you provide for $650

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    • Profile picture of the author elitementor
      Originally Posted by tonyscott View Post

      Hello EliteMentor, what service did you provide for $650

      Hi TonyScott,

      I set up their autoresponder, that was it! Now it's going to lead to an upsell for writing a few follow ups and uploading. Not to mention they used my affiliate link for the AR.
      I may even customize a pkg for a monthly newsletter and have monthly residual from that!

      They have no time or the knowledge to do this and they have a few locations so, it's a service they really needed as they were doing everything manually!
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      • Profile picture of the author Gary And Billy
        Originally Posted by elitementor View Post

        Hi TonyScott,

        I set up their autoresponder, that was it! Now it's going to lead to an upsell for writing a few follow ups and uploading. Not to mention they used my affiliate link for the AR.
        I may even customize a pkg for a monthly newsletter and have monthly residual from that!

        They have no time or the knowledge to do this and they have a few locations so, it's a service they really needed as they were doing everything manually!
        That is great news for you....but not so good for me.

        I haven't read these WSO but this kind of service is something that I have been providing for some time and do really well. I have a lot of businesses on a recurring fee. I was just completing my own WSO on the subject and was getting ready to launch it next week. Talk about bad timing

        Back to drawing board for me :rolleyes:


        PS. I am sincerely happy for you though and am glad that you took action. Well done.
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        • Profile picture of the author JoeCool
          Originally Posted by Gary And Billy View Post

          That is great news for you....but not so good for me.

          I haven't read these WSO but this kind of service is something that I have been providing for some time and do really well. I have a lot of businesses on a recurring fee. I was just completing my own WSO on the subject and was getting ready to launch it next week. Talk about bad timing

          Back to drawing board for me :rolleyes:


          Don't be discouraged on releasing your WSO!

          Your experience with setting up autoresponders for businesses would be a very valuable product to offer many people here on the Warrior Forum, especially if it is step-by-step!

          I'll be looking for your WSO, so get cracking man!

          Best Regards,
          ~ JoeCool

          My Favorite Charity .:: ::. Helping Third World Entrepreneurial Families Help Themselves.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jon MacPherson
    BAM! That is so kick-butt, Melissa.

    I look at you and read your post, and think this woman is going to thrive in this arena.

    I'm excited!

    Great advice.

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    • Profile picture of the author elitementor
      Originally Posted by Jon MacPherson View Post

      BAM! That is so kick-butt, Melissa.

      I look at you and read your post, and think this woman is going to thrive in this arena.

      I'm excited!

      Great advice.

      Hey there Jon,
      Thanks for the kind words.
      I'm excited too! Dare I say this is Easy?
      I really enjoy this kinda stuff; nothing wrong with having
      fun at what you do...always makes it seem easier!
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    Melissa, Thanks for sharing.

    The expression that came to mind as I read your story was,
    "Necessity is the mother of Invention" ....I've found when we NEED to make something happen, we just do it. You needed results so you produced results. Bravo!

    Would love to hear more of your exploits with Offline marketing!
    Best, Bruce
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  • Profile picture of the author Maria Gudelis
    Woop Woop Woop!

    I agree -

    Just Get Off Your A$$ and Just Do It!

    Thanks for confirming to all that it really is just that simple!!!

    Brand NEW: How To Dominate Facebook SEO - LIVE Coaching - Closes SOON! Get In Now Click Here

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  • Profile picture of the author kosmo101
    DO you have a copy of your flyer... i assume this is what got you the sale? And where did you place them?

    Thanks Kevin
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Riddle

    Congratulations Wooo Woo Always Celebrate each achievement so you can remember them and strengthen you success with the memories of past victories!

    Gary did you miss the part where she said she read ALL the WSOs before launching?

    Mark Riddle
    Today isn't Yesterday, - Products are everywhere if your eyes are Tuned!
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  • Profile picture of the author nichebreakers
    That was quite motivating, thank you for sharing that.

    I know I sometimes don't do everything I could because I am scared of rejection.
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  • Profile picture of the author shan beach
    legitimatemoney -

    WSO's are Warrior Special Offers. I just bought Maria's after reading this post! I'll update soon on my progress
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy

    Great job!

    Thanks for having the guts to post your success.

    Also, thanks for the idea that you gave me.
    I hadn't thought about looking for those who were
    trying to do things "manually".

    Here's to your next success!

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Buckley
    It always amazes me how relatively easy it is to make some significant income quickly by offering services to offline businesses. What we take for granted as IM 101 stuff is magical to many small business opeople.

    "Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something." -Plato

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  • Profile picture of the author elitementor
    @ kosmo101: the flyer I used was a combination of a flyer from a WSO I purchased and customized with my contact info etc. You can do something as taking a simple outline with your business name or logo at the top, list some features/benefits & services and your Contact Info. The more flyers you pass out, the better chances of your phone ringing! Also, network with people you know. I've made several calls today alone to people I know and told them about my services. Keep flyers with you and biz cards, everytime you go somewhere pass out a few! Be Consistent!

    @ Mark Riddle: You are so right... it's so important to celebrate even the smallest of achievements! It's amazing how one's attitude and outlook can change for the better.

    @ nichebreakers: You're welcome. We are all in this World together and I felt it was important to share my story and rise to the top again...I'm NOT done yet though ;-)

    @ legitimatemoney: WSO = Warrior Special Offers ... many GREAT one's on here!

    @ shan beach: Let me know how you like Maria's WSO... it ROCKS!!

    @ Ron: yes, it took some guts for me to post "My Story" and I hope it helps others. Glad it got your creativity going!

    @ Paul: Well Said and you hit the "nail on the head", providing solutions to business owner's is like Magic to them! Problem Solved = Priceless!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Susan Hope
      Melissa thanks for sharing with us, great inspiration! Especially the part about not knowing if you will have gas money at the end of the week, I have soooo been there, for me it was money to put in the electric so we would have light in the house, a horrible place to be.

      I am currently in the middle of getting my own offline biz going here in the UK so you have further inspired me!

      Do report back and let us know how it all goes.

      And you newbies out there, go and start a conversation with your friends about anything to do with the internet, e.g. websites, hosting, what social networking is, that kind of thing, I bet you will instantly find out exactly how much you do know over and above what they know, you will be amazed and as Melissa said, anything else you need to learn, you are in the right place, right here!

      One-to-One WordPress Coaching Service Available at Low Hourly Rate - Let the frustration end now! WordPress Installs, Theme Design, Site Tweaks & other WordPress services available
      Find me on Pinterest: PINTEREST
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    • Profile picture of the author Chuck Staff
      Originally Posted by elitementor View Post

      ...the flyer I used was a combination of a flyer from a WSO I purchased and customized with my contact info etc. You can do something as taking a simple outline with your business name or logo at the top, list some features/benefits & services and your Contact Info. The more flyers you pass out, the better chances of your phone ringing! Also, network with people you know. I've made several calls today alone to people I know and told them about my services. Keep flyers with you and biz cards, everytime you go somewhere pass out a few! Be Consistent!
      Since Melissa's initial success was with passing out flyers, thought I'd share a thought or two... always worked well for me.

      Simple split testing. Make TWO different flyers on contrasting colors - bright orange and bright yellow, for example. Print enough of each to only last for a week or so. Keep a count of how many of each you pass out.

      When you get calls - and you will - ask the caller if they still have you flyer in front of them and, if so, what color is it? You'll quickly see which one pulls better. That's your "control". Make a new flyer to compete with your "control".

      The subconscious plus is that when you hit the street, you're not really "selling" - you're just trying to get a lot of flyers in the hands of a lot of business owners to see which one works the best. Really helps relieve the cold-call jitters. (In the process of "not selling" - just handing lots of flyers to lots of owners - you'll find some who ask questions and want to talk to you right then and there.)

      BTW, I found my callback rate skyrocketed when I used: "Call for additional info - 24-hour recorded message". More calls 'cause they weren't afraid of getting hammered by some hardcore salesperson.

      Recorded a 1 - 2 minute message with additional details and ended with something like: "You've taken the first step toward ______ by making this call. The next step is easy. Leave your name, your number and the best time for me to call to arrange a free 30 minute consultation."

      Best part? When I called back, there was NO pressure on me! After all, they called me. The ball was in their court: "Hi, Bob? Chuck Staff here. You left a message on my voice-mail regarding ______ . How can I help you today?" Bob replies: "I.. err.. I... Well, I wanted to see if I could set-up an appointment to talk about ________." Worked like a charm.

      Go forth and do great things, Warriors.
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  • Profile picture of the author JaySabree
    I Love IT!!!!

    GREAT Work!!!

    It's time we all take matters into our own hands...

    The economy is only an issue if you allow it to be...

    $5 is all you need and this one WSO...

    Good luck everyone



    Originally Posted by elitementor View Post


    Greetings to ALL . . .

    I have read every darned post and probably bought "almost" every WSO under $30 in the Offline Cash Cow arena within the past week!

    Did I have doubts? hmmm, to be honest yes and no.

    I most recently purchased Maria Gudelis & Chris Endres WSO and also purchased Robert Nelson's WSO AND immediately got to work, in less than 24 hrs I have generated my first sale of $650 . . . BAM!!

    $650 NEVER felt so good, let me tell ya!!

    I've been in Real Estate for 12 yrs, just recently went through tough times, and have completely started over. I know what it's like to have, lose and start over.

    I AM talking to YOU... "you" know who you are...

    You need to generate cash
    You don't know how you will make your next mortgage payment or Rent payment
    You are trying to figure out which utility bill is priority
    Don't know if you'll have enough at the end of the week for a full tank of gas much less
    any extras like, kids acitivities etc!

    I KNOW, because I have recently been there after starting over again.

    I'm a private person, but I write to you today, because I want YOU to know that YOU too can do this. It doesn't take a Guru or much cash to get started with offline consulting!

    I simply purchased a couple of good WSO's
    Grabbed a cup of coffee
    Rolled my sleeves up
    and started reading Everything!
    Next day went out made some flyers, passed them out and ... BAM!! In less than 24 hrs: $650 and guess what? I already got a referral from my Very first client and I have an appt on Friday!!

    Wanna Know My Secret?
    Get off Your A$$ and Just "Do It" (took a page outta Nike's book ;-)

    Some of you may say, "yeah but you've been in Real Estate for a long time, you can sell"
    My Answer to YOU: That is true, BUT... Business Owner's Don't know what you know and they are willing to listen . . . Provide a Solution and YOU become the Expert...local business owner's NEED YOU to provide services. By the simple fact that YOU are on this Warrior Forum alone, YOU are an Expert. You already have EVERYTHING you need right here 24 hrs a day!!

    Much Success To All My Fellow Warriors!!

    Do NOT operate out of FEAR . . . Take a Deep Breathe and Just Go . . . Don't Look Back!!

    JUST "Do It"


    have any questions feel free to drop me a note!

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  • Profile picture of the author JaySabree

    Quick question...

    From the speed that you implemented everything
    didn't sound like you had time to whip together
    a website for your knew business???

    Did you have a website before approaching your first client?



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  • Profile picture of the author AlbertF
    I am curious to know what this technique is. Perhaps a link to the thread would be great. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author XRay
    Wanna Know My Secret?
    Get off Your A$$ and Just "Do It" (took a page outta Nike's book ;-)
    Excellent advice in a very inspiring post. Congrats on your success, Melissa!

    BAM = Bust A Move

    I create quality online content at Squidoo, and Yahoo! Contributor Network to inform, to have fun and make some money at it along the way :)

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  • Profile picture of the author GoGetta
    Awesome Melissa. This is testament and proof to everyone here that if you just do it, you actually get some great results.

    Awesome JOB and no doubt the first of hundreds and hundreds!

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  • Profile picture of the author ShellySamuel
    Thanks for that inspiration, i have being trying to go to my local businesses, i think i know where to start now.
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  • Profile picture of the author stealthwarrior
    hi elite,

    thanks so much for the final push that i needed. perfect timing those words are.

    so guess what im doing, getting some coffee, rolling up my sleeves and taking action.

    thanks again

    perfect timing !
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  • Profile picture of the author Akky
    Hi Melissa,

    Thanks for the awesome inspiration! You have made it look easier than ever. Yep, Time=Money .


    Just a random guy. Learning Ruby On Rails at the moment.

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  • Profile picture of the author sashagilberg
    great work Melissa! Did you just walk down the street and put flyers in business mailboxes, or did you go in and talk to the owners?

    I'll help double your AARRR metrics 80% faster than you've projected.

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  • Profile picture of the author xDennis
    I've been procrastinating since feb. I have all the tools and resources, i just keep looking for excuses.. you know what. I just graduated this last saturday, i have no more excuses. It's time to put this into action.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Silvester
    Good On You Melissa,

    For those guys that cant make any money
    in the offline world simply havent take action.

    Melissa, is a perfect example of what you can
    do if you just get off your ass.

    Take Care,

    Michael Silvester
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    • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
      The reality is you don't need to buy ANY WSOs to sell your internet marketing services to local brick and mortar businesses.

      You just need to go talk to some business owners...preferably today!

      It was never that complex.

      If you have internet marketing skill there are almost certainly business owners you already know or the owners of buisnesses where you are already spending money who you can help...


      You can help a buisness increase its sales and profits with nearly any internet marketing marketing, pay per click, SEO, social all works to some extent.

      All you need to do is use just a little imagination to make the connection between the skills you already have and helping a business make real sales.

      It all starts by talking to some business owners.

      There are now a whole pile of people who will try to tell you it's more complicated than that.


      Talk to business owners...that's always been the quickest way to go from zero to getting paid and your ability to get paid premium fees will hinge on your skill at talking to business owners so the sooner you get started and start developing that skill the better.

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh

      P.S. Just as an aside $650 is great when you're getting started but many people just going out and talking to business owners have been paid $1,500 to $3,000+ for their first job.

      So there really is a stack of money in this if you're just willing to help the businesses who so desperately need a rainmaker now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chuck Staff
    Awesome job, Melissa!

    A Warrior's Warrior... Walkin' the walk (not just talkin' the talk).

    We celebrate your success...

    «:::A:::» «:::W:::» «:::E:::» «:::S:::» «:::O:::» «:::M:::» «:::E:::» !!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Bayo
    Congratulations Melissa.

    Inspiring story (especially having to start over)

    Proud of you and sure you are proud of yourself.

    "There ain't no ceiling now is there?"

    More grease to your elbow!
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  • Profile picture of the author iantrader
    Inspirational Melissa!

    They say the reason why most people don't make any money in IM (and probably in other walks of life, too) is that they don't DO ANYTHING!

    'Scuse me while I get my a$$ in gear...

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  • Profile picture of the author dejoliet31
    Melissa, you are kicking butt. Congrats. Thanks for sharing.
    Simple Free Cash Cow Moneymaking System - The Lack of Start-up Money Is No Longer an Excuse
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  • Profile picture of the author joshril
    This is an inspirational thread! Very good stuff!
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  • Profile picture of the author bozz723
    Good product from Maria. Very awesome for this type of stuff, and it definitely works.
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  • Profile picture of the author elitementor
    Oh My Goodness.... I haven't checked my posts in a couple of days and I come back to find ALL of YOU Wonderful Warriors and Your Kind Words.

    Update: I have been so busy returning calls and setting appointments with new clients I have slowed my pace down on passing out flyers. I'm completely overwhelmed with the amount of interest from business owners. I want you ALL to know that my Positive Mindset has had EVERYTHING to do with my Success!! I am constantly role playing at home and visualizing over and over in my mind, talking to a prospect and offering them assistance in Solving their Problems!

    I feel like I have "THE Golden Ticket" or a LOTTERY Ticket with a never ending Winning Number That's truly the BEST way to describe my excitement and Passion for what I am doing.

    I am so Grateful for All of the Knowledge and Support that Maria, Robert & Chris have given me. The 14 day Challenge is the icing on the cake ... I look forward to that call everyday and the excitement and enthusiasm is contagious.

    I know in my heart that anyone who puts an ounce of effort into following the steps that are given will see results. Maria and Robert have designed what I believe is a Fool Proof and Flawless System that anyone with half a brain can follow and see success.
    Folks, Trust me ... Take Action Today & Get Involved with an Industry that is Thriving and in my opinion Recession Proof!!

    "Go LOCAL ... Just Do It"

    Best Regards,
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  • Profile picture of the author SullyUI
    Congrats, you're on the right track. Your background in real estate will help you tremendously in IM, you'll find the same principals for selling apply everywhere, and internet marketing gives you leverage to do a whole lot more.
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  • Profile picture of the author limoman61
    Originally Posted by elitementor View Post


    Greetings to ALL . . .

    I have read every darned post and probably bought "almost" every WSO under $30 in the Offline Cash Cow arena within the past week!

    Did I have doubts? hmmm, to be honest yes and no.

    I most recently purchased Maria Gudelis & Chris Endres WSO and also purchased Robert Nelson's WSO AND immediately got to work, in less than 24 hrs I have generated my first sale of $650 . . . BAM!!

    $650 NEVER felt so good, let me tell ya!!

    I've been in Real Estate for 12 yrs, just recently went through tough times, and have completely started over. I know what it's like to have, lose and start over.

    I AM talking to YOU... "you" know who you are...

    You need to generate cash
    You don't know how you will make your next mortgage payment or Rent payment
    You are trying to figure out which utility bill is priority
    Don't know if you'll have enough at the end of the week for a full tank of gas much less
    any extras like, kids acitivities etc!

    I KNOW, because I have recently been there after starting over again.

    I'm a private person, but I write to you today, because I want YOU to know that YOU too can do this. It doesn't take a Guru or much cash to get started with offline consulting!

    I simply purchased a couple of good WSO's
    Grabbed a cup of coffee
    Rolled my sleeves up
    and started reading Everything!
    Next day went out made some flyers, passed them out and ... BAM!! In less than 24 hrs: $650 and guess what? I already got a referral from my Very first client and I have an appt on Friday!!

    Wanna Know My Secret?
    Get off Your A$$ and Just "Do It" (took a page outta Nike's book ;-)

    Some of you may say, "yeah but you've been in Real Estate for a long time, you can sell"
    My Answer to YOU: That is true, BUT... Business Owner's Don't know what you know and they are willing to listen . . . Provide a Solution and YOU become the Expert...local business owner's NEED YOU to provide services. By the simple fact that YOU are on this Warrior Forum alone, YOU are an Expert. You already have EVERYTHING you need right here 24 hrs a day!!

    Much Success To All My Fellow Warriors!!

    Do NOT operate out of FEAR . . . Take a Deep Breathe and Just Go . . . Don't Look Back!!

    JUST "Do It"


    have any questions feel free to drop me a note!
    Melissa many thanks for encouragement I myself was in real estate hook up today with WARRIOR fORUM MAY SOUND STUPID but feel different already. One stupid question nobody laugh or think I am stupid what is WSO
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    • Profile picture of the author elitementor
      Originally Posted by limoman61 View Post

      Melissa many thanks for encouragement I myself was in real estate hook up today with WARRIOR fORUM MAY SOUND STUPID but feel different already. One stupid question nobody laugh or think I am stupid what is WSO
      The Warrior Forum is a great place full of incredible information and support. A whole new world has opened up for you, so no it does not sound stupid!

      WSO stands for "Warrior Special Offer", there is a whole section of Warrior Special Offers on the Main Page of the Forum. Many great deals on there from trusted longtime fellow Warriors!

      Thanks for stopping by!

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  • Profile picture of the author writergirlk
    You know, I've known about this cash cow thing for a while now but in talking to people in industry, namely my sis who is in marketing, I realize how much of a need for this there really is. Businesses are struggling, and getting online could be the one thing that will save them in a lot of cases.

    So, I have 2 days a week where I can devote to this (but only two) which I am imagining will make me look in demand.

    WSO is "Warrior Special Offer". It's a place on this forum where people go to offer their products (and I think services) at a special rate for other members.
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    • Profile picture of the author M4UNow
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      • Profile picture of the author Bennette
        Hi Melissa,

        Thanks for the recommendation. I just ordered but I'm having a problem retrieving the info and I don't have enough posts yet to reply is WSO forum to ask Maria for the link. I hope she sees this and can help me.
        My order id#5PU72763PA444261M. Sorry to hijack your post.



        P.S. your post inspired me!
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        • Profile picture of the author elitementor
          Originally Posted by Bennette View Post

          Hi Melissa,

          Thanks for the recommendation. I just ordered but I'm having a problem retrieving the info and I don't have enough posts yet to reply is WSO forum to ask Maria for the link. I hope she sees this and can help me.
          My order id#5PU72763PA444261M. Sorry to hijack your post.



          P.S. your post inspired me!

          Hi Bennette! I'm sure Maria will see this and I'll send her a PM. You will love your purchase from Maria... she always overdelivers!

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    • Profile picture of the author timmykins
      Mellissa, well done on your initial success, but there is another side to it all, something that money can't buy...

      I was with one of my clients last weekend , making a few tweeks for him and he told me that because of the website that I built for him, his revenue is up more than 30% compared with the same time last year. That has put me on top of the world, not that I have made some money from him, but that I have helped a fellow human being be more successful, it's a great feeling.

      Best of luck for the future Mellissa, and anyone else that goes into the offline niche.

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      • Profile picture of the author elitementor
        Originally Posted by timmykins View Post

        Mellissa, well done on your initial success, but there is another side to it all, something that money can't buy...

        I was with one of my clients last weekend , making a few tweeks for him and he told me that because of the website that I built for him, his revenue is up more than 30% compared with the same time last year. That has put me on top of the world, not that I have made some money from him, but that I have helped a fellow human being be more successful, it's a great feeling.

        Best of luck for the future Mellissa, and anyone else that goes into the offline niche.



        Congrats on Your success also!! Helping others is Absolutely so rewarding ... you will continue to see many successes along the way with your positive attidude, no doubt.
        Keep up the great work!

        To Your Success,
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      • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
        Originally Posted by timmykins View Post

        there is another side to it all, something that money can't buy...

        I was with one of my clients last weekend , making a few tweeks for him and he told me that because of the website that I built for him, his revenue is up more than 30% compared with the same time last year. That has put me on top of the world, not that I have made some money from him, but that I have helped a fellow human being be more successful, it's a great feeling.

        This is really the most important thing.

        If all you're doing is collecting money from business owners and not giving anything back then you're really just a shyster.

        Fortunately the skills most internet marketers have are exceptionally valuable to small businesses and can help them make real money.

        When you're helping businesses make real sales and profits it's not too difficult to get them to hire you over and over and to get them to give you referrals of business owners they know.

        So being of genuine service to business owners...being a rainmaker to them...will also help you build a lucrative business of your own.

        It pays never to get so caught up in your schemes to get new clients that you forget that the idea is to really help the businesses you're working with.

        Kindest regards,
        Andrew Cavanagh
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  • Profile picture of the author TE2
    Originally Posted by elitementor View Post

    Wanna Know My Secret?

    Get off Your A$$ and Just "Do It" (took a page outta Nike's book ;-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Maria Gudelis
      Originally Posted by TE2 View Post


      Love it! Truly A$$ Kicking Isn't it!

      And facing one's FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real

      Brand NEW: How To Dominate Facebook SEO - LIVE Coaching - Closes SOON! Get In Now Click Here

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      • Profile picture of the author elitementor
        Originally Posted by Maria Gudelis View Post

        Love it! Truly A$$ Kicking Isn't it!

        And facing one's FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real the acronym for FEAR!! Just replied to your PM!
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        • Profile picture of the author Graddis
          great story Melissa! Vey inspiring!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Kopec
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    • Profile picture of the author elitementor
      Originally Posted by Michael Kopec View Post

      Absolutely, Positively Great Job.
      Usually what it takes to achieve success is to learn to stay out of your comfort zone.
      That's it.

      Absolutely correct Michael ... one MUST get out of your comfort zone!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Sell
    Looks like things are going in the right direction, Very Positive.
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  • Profile picture of the author amotivatedmom
    Thanks for sharing Melissa, I too have bought all of Maria's WSO's and Robert's and Chris's and I just got my first inquiry from CL as per Chris's instructions. Now I need to land that client! Brittain

    BJ Cephas

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    • Profile picture of the author elitementor
      Originally Posted by amotivatedmom View Post

      Thanks for sharing Melissa, I too have bought all of Maria's WSO's and Robert's and Chris's and I just got my first inquiry from CL as per Chris's instructions. Now I need to land that client! Brittain


      That is fantastic news ... WOW 1st inquiry from CL. Now are you a believer? It's really simple to take action and be consistent! I know you will land that client. Keep me posted!

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      • Profile picture of the author Bennette
        Appreciate it Melissa. Where in the world is the thanks button?
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  • Profile picture of the author CPAmum
    Good for you Melissa!

    I agree with others that this is a very inspirational thread. Thanks to all.

    Melissa I am curious about one thing, when you first started handing out flyers, to whom did you give them. Small businesses, I assume. Did you just pick a business neighborhood and blanket it? Thanks again!

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    • Profile picture of the author elitementor
      Originally Posted by CPAmum View Post

      Good for you Melissa!

      I agree with others that this is a very inspirational thread. Thanks to all.

      Melissa I am curious about one thing, when you first started handing out flyers, to whom did you give them. Small businesses, I assume. Did you just pick a business neighborhood and blanket it? Thanks again!
      I just picked a local shopping center that had several restaurants and other small businesses and visited every single one of them. Make sure that you get their business card for follow up ... following up with them is critical.
      Just like the money is in the list ... The money is also in the follow up.

      A "no" today, is not a "no" forever!

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  • Profile picture of the author CPAmum
    I've also heard it said that "The FORTUNE is in the followup!"

    Thanks, Melissa for sharing all you've shared. If you don't mind me picking your brain just a wee bit more,

    1. In general, what was the core info on your flyer, and did it have your picture on it?
    2. What did you say in the followup phone call?
    3. Have you been able to finalize a deal over the phone or did you need to meet in person?

    Thanks so much for mentoring us. I have David Preston's material but I need a better way to implement it than sending letters.

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    • Profile picture of the author CPAmum
      Inspired by Melissa, I just did a "pre-sales meeting" pitch as I was picking up plants for my garden. The store owner's definitely interested and wants me to call him to set up a meeting. Now, I need to figure out what to charge for a Website and all of the other stuff (opt-in, SEO, blog, etc.).

      Input appreciated!

      Thanks again, Melissa! Looking forward to learning more about how you did it.

      Gosh, I love this site!

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      • Profile picture of the author Bennette

        I just completed all the material and wanted to say thanks again for taking the time and sharing your success. I look forward to sharing my 1st sale as well. I'm working on getting everything together so I can start asap.

        Happy selling.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
    Thanks for sharing your success Melissa, great going! I'm a Realtor too, and just as I was getting ready, my "puter" got infected . Got it back yesterday and I will do my own version of offline gold making video slideshows for businesses.

    Got a couple of questions if you don't mind:

    The $650, is that a one-time set-up fee? Do you charge anything monthly and if so, how much? Again, congrats on your success, truly inspirational , Eva
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