OFFLINE Cash BAM . . . $650 in less than 24 hrs! MY STORY!
Greetings to ALL . . .
I have read every darned post and probably bought "almost" every WSO under $30 in the Offline Cash Cow arena within the past week!
Did I have doubts? hmmm, to be honest yes and no.
I most recently purchased Maria Gudelis & Chris Endres WSO and also purchased Robert Nelson's WSO AND immediately got to work, in less than 24 hrs I have generated my first sale of $650 . . . BAM!!
$650 NEVER felt so good, let me tell ya!!
I've been in Real Estate for 12 yrs, just recently went through tough times, and have completely started over. I know what it's like to have, lose and start over.
I AM talking to YOU... "you" know who you are...
You need to generate cash
You don't know how you will make your next mortgage payment or Rent payment
You are trying to figure out which utility bill is priority
Don't know if you'll have enough at the end of the week for a full tank of gas much less
any extras like, kids acitivities etc!
I KNOW, because I have recently been there after starting over again.
I'm a private person, but I write to you today, because I want YOU to know that YOU too can do this. It doesn't take a Guru or much cash to get started with offline consulting!
I simply purchased a couple of good WSO's
Grabbed a cup of coffee
Rolled my sleeves up
and started reading Everything!
Next day went out made some flyers, passed them out and ... BAM!! In less than 24 hrs: $650 and guess what? I already got a referral from my Very first client and I have an appt on Friday!!
Wanna Know My Secret?
Get off Your A$$ and Just "Do It" (took a page outta Nike's book ;-)
Some of you may say, "yeah but you've been in Real Estate for a long time, you can sell"
My Answer to YOU: That is true, BUT... Business Owner's Don't know what you know and they are willing to listen . . . Provide a Solution and YOU become the Expert...local business owner's NEED YOU to provide services. By the simple fact that YOU are on this Warrior Forum alone, YOU are an Expert. You already have EVERYTHING you need right here 24 hrs a day!!
Much Success To All My Fellow Warriors!!
Do NOT operate out of FEAR . . . Take a Deep Breathe and Just Go . . . Don't Look Back!!
JUST "Do It"
have any questions feel free to drop me a note!
My Favorite Charity .:: ::. Helping Third World Entrepreneurial Families Help Themselves.
My Favorite Charity .:: ::. Helping Third World Entrepreneurial Families Help Themselves.
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BJ Cephas