Solo Ads Marketplace?

36 replies
Is there anything out there like this? A solo ads marketplace where people who have lists can post and sell their lists to people who then can leave reviews/ feedback?

I'm considering setting something like this up

Any thoughts?
#ads #marketplace #solo
  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    Several facebook sites, Ad swaps is like that. I could not though find anything specific that you are talking about.
    You mean like a classified of solo ad sellers with a way for customers to review correct.
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    • Profile picture of the author Quiksilver8
      Originally Posted by hustlinsmoke View Post

      Several facebook sites, Ad swaps is like that. I could not though find anything specific that you are talking about.
      You mean like a classified of solo ad sellers with a way for customers to review correct.
      Correct, somewhere (with a nice platform) where people can buy and sell ad solos. Then people can leave feedback.

      Not just a website where someone installed a forum software and has people communicate that way.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    Yes I know what you mean. I had a script made one time for review sites, I would give it to you but it has been four years and the php is outdated.
    Plus you would want a wordpress review site script for that as it is neater and you have your built in rating system
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesbrands
    There's safe swaps that does something similar.
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    • Profile picture of the author archie79
      Originally Posted by jamesbrands View Post

      There's safe swaps that does something similar. is one of the best and safest places to get lists for solo ads.
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      • Profile picture of the author adgaro
        Originally Posted by archie79 View Post is one of the best and safest places to get lists for solo ads.
        Yes. What I like about Safe Swaps is their rating system. Helps a lot to avoid scammers. I also like, when it is automated. Yeah, I am lazy.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    Keep me informed if you do it, I would be interested in using it. I am about to try solo ads and swaps again just to see if the results are any better than last time.
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    A solo ads marketplace where people who have lists can post and sell their lists to people who then can leave reviews/ feedback?
    Warrior forum classifieds has a lot of solo ad sellers, with reviews.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    If I was to do it, I would use a thesis theme with Myreviewplugin.
    That would keep it clean like you want.
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  • Profile picture of the author Quiksilver8
    Yeah, I've been to safe swaps. I would aim to make an actual platform out of it to help streamline the process a little instead of just having some sort of forum software installed (like safeswaps/WF classified ads).
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    Ad swaps, sell solo and buy solo mailings - Safe-Swaps is a great marketplace for buying solo ads and doing ad swaps.

    Another place where you can view sellers and reviews is Reed Floren's Solo Ad Directory

    Hope this helps. Good luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author basse
    Safe-swaps is really the way to go in the start.. After that you will find your way to fb/skype groups. Good luck!

    ==> I am back!:

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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
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    • Profile picture of the author Darrin Bentley
      Originally Posted by briankoz View Post

      and there's guarantees that there's no vendors selling fraudulent clicks or you get your money 100% refunded.

      - Brian
      How would you be able to verify that?

      A sucker MAY be born every minute, but that don't mean you have to take advantage of them.

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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
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    • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
      I would not even consider this protection. All they have to do is send you legit clicks to get that badge.

      Heck they could even buy someone else's traffic to send you.

      You might as well give them a badge that says we got free clicks no better than that, they paid us to send us clicks, and now we trust these guys, there going to send you the same type of traffic.


      2. For a small fee, vendors can send us a smaller amount of clicks to offers of ours and we track the results, look at the IP's, etc. and put a verified flag on their listing so you know that we tested it out ourselves and got valid results with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    There is a new one coming out soon that is based around protecting both the buyer and seller of solo ads. Nothing else like it that I have seen.

    I'm not going to mention the name of it since it's not officially open yet. Just keep your eyes open as I am sure a lot of people will be talking about it the day it goes live.

    Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author DeanJames
    Yes I've seen that Rob! Interesting. Safe Swaps is the best known one (to my knowledge) at time of writing but as a consumer and a vendor I like the option of using different platforms, so from that perspective competition is a healthy thing. In fact, it's a healthy thing - full stop.
    Complete Blogging Course and List Building Kit:
    100% FREE Download - Click HERE

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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
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    • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
      Originally Posted by briankoz View Post

      Rob, technically was in pre-launch but everything works and is officially live with some big pushes happening, and it is indeed set to be both buyer and seller friendly with protection on both sides.

      First time I have seen the one you have. It's actually not the one I was talking about though. I'll be checking yours out to of course.

      Rob Whisonant
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicole Sakoman
    Originally Posted by Quiksilver8 View Post

    Is there anything out there like this? A solo ads marketplace where people who have lists can post and sell their lists to people who then can leave reviews/ feedback?

    I'm considering setting something like this up

    Any thoughts?
    Tested solo ad vendors (write it in google) - first link
    You have a results from some vendors. Very neat showing clicks, opt ins, price...
    Maybe that will shorten your time testing vendors

    site will be soon live...

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  • Profile picture of the author chris3397
    Hi guys,

    I received this from a solo ad provider i had used before

    it's suppose to be some sort of a portal to match up buyers and sellers.

    anybody's got more insight to this?
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    • Profile picture of the author TimShrieves
      Originally Posted by chris3397 View Post

      Hi guys,

      I received this from a solo ad provider i had used before

      it's suppose to be some sort of a portal to match up buyers and sellers.

      anybody's got more insight to this?
      Hi Chris,

      I'm the joint owner of

      We've built our website around the ethos that in a market which is constantly changing and dynamic, many need a solution which shows up to the second, real-time availability of Solo Ads.

      We've just launched to the public, and have many more exciting features to come.

      Please let me know if you have any questions

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      • Profile picture of the author chris3397
        Hi Tim,

        Wow! Nice to have a respond from one of the owners.
        I registered for the buyer's account yesterday and have to say the interface is easy to navigate. gives a really quick overview of what's available.

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        • Profile picture of the author TimShrieves
          Originally Posted by chris3397 View Post

          Hi Tim,

          Wow! Nice to have a respond from one of the owners.
          I registered for the buyer's account yesterday and have to say the interface is easy to navigate. gives a really quick overview of what's available.

          Thanks for your kind words Chris, we've designed it to be the easiest solution on the market, and believe over time this will become the market leader.

          As with most things tech, there were a few bugs/issues to be resolved.. these are currently being worked on and everything is looking stable.

          Please feel free to contact us on our support desk if you have any questions, comments or feedback.. we always listen to our members

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  • Profile picture of the author KevinChapman
    There's safe swaps but that costs quite a bit per month, I've only ever used ones from the Warrior Classified Ads section and they've always worked really well!
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  • Profile picture of the author Keenan Handy
    Hey, I know this site just went live, seems like they want to compete with safe-swaps
    Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. –Arthur Ashe
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    it goes in warrior forum classified ads, there are too many people offering there,
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  • Profile picture of the author Alastair Hayward
    I would highly recommend Safe Swaps it is one of the best for list building otherwise if you wanted to rent a list you could always rent one at Rent a List they have some very good targeted email lists.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paycheck Rebel
    I would go with solochecker. Safe-swaps made changes recently and alot of sellers left. Reed's directory hasn't been maintained in a long time. I ordered from there a few months ago and the seller never responded. Apparently he quit the business 6 months prior.
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  • Profile picture of the author infite
    SafeSwap is the only way to go.

    It's ideal for buyers, because they have escrow, where they hold seller's money, until all clicks have been delivered and proven high quality. I've seen a thread there with a scam catched and all money refunded to all buyers!! This is what I call SAFE. Kudos Safe Swaps!
    Signature - your own membership site is ready to make money
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Greene
    You can buy solo ads from Buy Solo Ads Here! - The Best Solo Ads For Sale At Affordable Price!. Came across this a few days back. Hopefully it will help you.
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  • Profile picture of the author KarinaK101
    I read your posts here with great interest.There appears to be some really good guidelines here- thanks guys!
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  • Profile picture of the author SoloAdSpecialist
    Originally Posted by Quiksilver8 View Post

    Is there anything out there like this? A solo ads marketplace where people who have lists can post and sell their lists to people who then can leave reviews/ feedback?

    I'm considering setting something like this up

    Any thoughts?
    Hi #Quiksilver8

    Try this site its fresh and exclusively created for solo ad seller:

    Buy and Sell Solo Ads - Solo Ad Marketplace

    I enjoyed being a Solo Ads Manager

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  • Profile picture of the author garyt
    I am looking for good and trusted solo ads vendors. Had some bad experience before and am now very wary of them. Tks all
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyG11k
    Originally Posted by Quiksilver8 View Post

    Is there anything out there like this? A solo ads marketplace where people who have lists can post and sell their lists to people who then can leave reviews/ feedback?

    I'm considering setting something like this up

    Any thoughts?
    You mean you want to compete with and other established services and FB 'solo ad' groups?

    You should join all the services and create something even more spectacular than what's already there.

    Announce us when you're ready to launch. I look forward to such an all-in-one 'solo ad' service.
    You won't believe it!
    This NICHE made me $300,000...
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