GetResponse Pricing Levels - What Do You Get?
I was just looking over the GetResponse website. The only prices I saw posted are on the order page:
Payment Plan:
GetResponse BRONZE US $17.95 a month (regular rate)
GetResponse SILVER US $47.85 quarterly ($6 off!)
GetResponse GOLD US $87.70 for 6 months ($20 off!)
GetResponse PLATINUM US $145.40 for 1 year ($70 off!)
I get that there's a difference in pricing, and I know that they're very well regarded here on WF. But I looked all over the site and never did find what they provide for each of those price points.
Anybody have an account with them and can shed some light? I'd kind of like to know what I'm buying before I sign up to pay out the money.
Cheers from warm and smiling Thailand,
Bill Skywalker Edwards
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