Creating an Infographic

by GGpaul
23 replies
Hi, I was wondering where do you guys go to create your infographics? Do you guys just use ? And I'm assuming paid version so you can save the files?

One thing that I've always been confused about and I guess I'll ask customer support, but are we allowed to put royalty photos into the infographic? I'll double check, I'm sure each royalty stock photo site is different.

Thanks folks.

Edit: I guess I can always go through Fiverr and pay $5 and tell them exactly what I want
#creating #infographic
  • Profile picture of the author MrGardner
    Hi, I always use materials with a Creative Commons Licence. Here is a search engine which can help you find Creative Commons material including images, music, videos and more. CC Search I hope this helps!
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    • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
      Originally Posted by MrGardner View Post

      Hi, I always use materials with a Creative Commons Licence. Here is a search engine which can help you find Creative Commons material including images, music, videos and more. CC Search I hope this helps!
      Thanks boss ! How about infographics alone? Or do you make them from scratch?

      RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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  • Profile picture of the author operationoffers
    I would just use something like Photoshop. create them from scratch, do your research and make them interesting and thought provoking. It is not about throwing a lot of scrambled up remade info-graphics. it is about making something that will get people thinking and increasing share value. remember in this new age of affiliate marketing it is about quality, not quantity

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremiah2911
    As first mentioned by OperationOffers, I'm another advocate for creating your images from scratch, more chance of having them shared socially.

    To break from the herd you want originality. Not only that but if you pick up cheap graphic bundles online you could run into copyright issues further along the line.

    For cartoon style infographics I prefer to use an illustrator, we designed our infotoon inhouse.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    Originally Posted by GGpaul View Post

    Hi, I was wondering where do you guys go to create your infographics?
    I have never created one but there are a lot of people on fiverr who will create an infographic for $5. You might want to check them out.
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    • Profile picture of the author d3sign3r
      Originally Posted by John Atkins View Post

      I have never created one but there are a lot of people on fiverr who will create an infographic for $5. You might want to check them out.
      If you want the infographic for a school project, sure. But for a professional project.. well you get what you pay for. That's all I would like to say

      My suggestion would be to look for a designer in the Warriors-For-Hire section.

      Hope this helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author rich8169
    I usually create my infographic from MS Powerpoint software (and convert it into jpg or png file format) and share it in

    This is the example of Infographic that I've created (movie theme):

    The Wolverine - Movie In A Pic |

    Hope it helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author HumbleGuy
    Research, research and research. Once you've covered all the interesting facts, decide on how deep down and details infographic would you want to create. Once you're done with the infographic details. Get a professional designer to design it or otherwise learn Photoshop. That's one tool to handle it all.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Originally Posted by GGpaul View Post

    One thing that I've always been confused about and I guess I'll ask customer support, but are we allowed to put royalty photos into the infographic? I'll double check, I'm sure each royalty stock photo site is different.
    Be VERY careful when it comes to images. Only ever use images you have purchased the appropriate rights and license to. I'm not a fan of free image sites. It's just not worth the risk and you have virtually no backup should something go wrong.

    If you are going to be selling or redistributing the infographic then make sure the images you use have the appropriate rights for that.
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  • Profile picture of the author garmahis
    Besides Infogram you can also use Piktochart: Infographic and Graphic Design for Non-Designers and | create and share visual ideas online to create infographics.

    As for Fiverr, for $5 you will only get 4-5 bulleted points illustrated or one block of data. If you're after real quality, then consider Odesk or Elance.

    If you'd like to learn more about infographics including the resources, tools, tips and techniques to create a successful viral infographic, check out this forum thread or Infographic Cheat Sheet webpage. Disclosure: this is my product.
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  • man you just need help...!! infographics isn't hard things... especially when you want to use powerpoint templates... they are just easy...!
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  • Profile picture of the author GregBrooks
    Infographics needs lots of time and attention devoted to them. As a whole, infographics get shared "a lot", but those views are very highly skewed towards the most popular infographics.

    People are looking for pretty and stimulating. Pick a topic that provides knowledge and perspective that a reader hasn't encountered before, and make sure the infographic itself is gorgeous. As with anything, infographics are becoming saturated which means that the individual quality of the graphic itself matters more.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    I create my very own icons. These I use to make my images. OK so icon finder gives me ideas, but I do not copy. Well, once you have a set of your own icons, it is a lot faster to create images. Those are use in an information graphic as sets and we can then rapidly produce what ever pics are necessary.
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  • Profile picture of the author EliteInfographic
    You can attempt to do your own infographics or you can use professional graphic designers. What is the difference?

    Similar to the difference between Rand Fishkin's SEO knowledge and the knowledge of a relative newbie who has just read a Wikipedia page on backlinks.

    Perhaps an exaggeration however any infographic is often going to be the first (and sometimes the only) representation of your brand that potential customers see. Couple that with the fact that the best infographics are still distributed years after their inception date and you want to make sure your infographic has the quality of research, design and message simplicity that markets your brand in the best possible way.
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  • Profile picture of the author dennisrosenberg
    Moderator's Notes: Promoting Affiliate links in signatures are not allowed in this forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author jessiem
    This can be done through photoshop programs. Just create from scratch or better look for examples as your guide on different infographic sites.

    You can try or simply search it on Google with a keyword "infographic".

    If you are not so savvy on how to create a picture out from a picture, I would suggest hiring a graphic artist either through Odesk or Freelancer. I bet they can provide you good infographics at your own price.
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  • Profile picture of the author astral walker
    Originally Posted by GGpaul View Post

    Hi, I was wondering where do you guys go to create your infographics? Do you guys just use beta | ? And I'm assuming paid version so you can save the files?

    One thing that I've always been confused about and I guess I'll ask customer support, but are we allowed to put royalty photos into the infographic? I'll double check, I'm sure each royalty stock photo site is different.

    Thanks folks.

    Edit: I guess I can always go through Fiverr and pay $5 and tell them exactly what I want
    Hiring a professional graphic designer is the best option. You would get a high quality infographic which will be unique. You will have shell out $100 - $200 initially but it would be worth it.

    Fiverr is not so great. You won't get high quality unique designs. Its starts with $5 and you will end up paying $100. That's how it works.
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  • Profile picture of the author slammer81
    There were some great tools going around for cheap - or the couple of free ones in this thread i'll have to try.

    Lynn Terry was hocking one a couple of weeks back... meant to but it for a look and this thread reminded me.
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  • Profile picture of the author JackLK
    Piktochart is a great resource if your budget is small.

    However if you want something unique and high quality, it's best to find a freelancer or agency to cater to your needs.

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  • Why don't you just use PhotoShop?

    That's what I use

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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Swift
    Hi GGpaul,

    We use Piktochart for all of our infographics, and I have to say that they are fantastic!

    You can use it for free, but they insert a marketing strip at the bottom of every infographic. Obviously that is removed in the paid version, and you get to store more images on the software for use in infographics too.

    I would highly recommend them!

    Kind Regards,

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