Best way to spend $150 per month on web business

27 replies
Myself and a group of friends were discussing "making money online" and we got round to talking about best way to spend $150 per month on a new web business, i.e.
1. would you spend it on paid traffic (Adword or other) which is immediate or
2. would you spend it on SEO to get free traffic which may not be immediate

Of course some agreed with paid traffic whilst others preferred SEO and there are pluses and minuses with either choice, but which would you choose and why?

#$150 #business #month #paid traffic #seo #spend #web
  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Lacer
    Originally Posted by scorpio9 View Post

    Myself and a group of friends were discussing "making money online" and we got round to talking about best way to spend $150 per month on a new web business, i.e.
    1. would you spend it on paid traffic (Adword or other) which is immediate or
    2. would you spend it on SEO to get free traffic which may not be immediate

    Of course some agreed with paid traffic whilst others preferred SEO and there are pluses and minuses with either choice, but which would you choose and why?

    I've found this interesting article:

    Choosing Between SEO & Pay Per Click: How to Estimate Traffic and More |

    You should check it out .
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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    For me it would depend on the site and the marketing possibilities and probabilities.

    I do spend money on both, SEO for long term traffic and paid advertising for instant traffic.

    In my opinion, either SEO or Paid advertising, if they are done correctly, both can be very beneficial.
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    • Profile picture of the author scorpio9
      Originally Posted by datingworld View Post

      For me it would depend on the site and the marketing possibilities and probabilities.

      I do spend money on both, SEO for long term traffic and paid advertising for instant traffic.

      In my opinion, either SEO or Paid advertising, if they are done correctly, both can be very beneficial.
      for argument sake let say it was in the dating niche since it looks like your in that niche :-) would you split the $150 between paid traffic and SEO, or would spend it all on one or the other

      BeaconSites - Websites Designed For Lead Generation & Conversions
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      • Originally Posted by scorpio9 View Post

        for argument sake let say it was in the dating niche since it looks like your in that niche :-) would you split the $150 between paid traffic and SEO, or would spend it all on one or the other

        $150 is not a lot. But I would do testing, to find out which method yielded the best results. And of course, making more than what you spend.

        Pick a product. Pick ANY product! -> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
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  • Profile picture of the author wordpressmania
    Actually it depends on your niche. If you can find a low competition keywords I would suggest to do seo. If you can not find low competition keyword then you can go with paid traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author TeamBringIt
    Originally Posted by scorpio9 View Post

    Myself and a group of friends were discussing "making money online" and we got round to talking about best way to spend $150 per month on a new web business, i.e.
    1. would you spend it on paid traffic (Adword or other) which is immediate or
    2. would you spend it on SEO to get free traffic which may not be immediate

    Of course some agreed with paid traffic whilst others preferred SEO and there are pluses and minuses with either choice, but which would you choose and why?

    Use paid traffic, build that list. Seo takes a while to get going, and it can all be taken away... with a single google update. Paid traffic + building that list = lifetime asset, if list is treated well and you build trust + value...
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    • Profile picture of the author scorpio9
      Originally Posted by TeamBringIt View Post

      Use paid traffic, build that list. Seo takes a while to get going, and it can all be taken away... with a single google update. Paid traffic + building that list = lifetime asset, if list is treated well and you build trust + value...
      very good point - list building should be started as soon as possible

      BeaconSites - Websites Designed For Lead Generation & Conversions
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      • Profile picture of the author King Vis
        I think i'm gonna start some PPC. SEO takes very long.
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  • Profile picture of the author sirtiman
    Use paid traffic for fast results, tracking, conversion. Then SEO is just additional traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author bmathewsCCM
      Paid Traffic For Sure!

      I would search the best solo ad offers and find the ones that have the best ROI, and use the ad to build my list that much bigger every month.

      Remember, every person on your list is worth a dollar every month.

      To Your Success

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      Become a Legacy Master Franchisee TODAY!
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  • Profile picture of the author koushikseo
    I'd like to choose SEO, because of when I'm going to start a business I've to follows some basic tactics or rules f search engine, as my website will be there, and anyone will get my website searching through that search engine; and for your kind information as more strong back links more popular.
    It's true and am agree with sirtiman, paid traffic is good for fast results, suppose you've a online store on Christmas gifts, and you want some immediate sales then paid traffic (Adword or other) is suitable.
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    • Profile picture of the author amcg
      Originally Posted by koushikseo View Post

      I'd like to choose SEO, because of when I'm going to start a business I've to follows some basic tactics or rules f search engine, as my website will be there, and anyone will get my website searching through that search engine; and for your kind information as more strong back links more popular.
      It's true and am agree with sirtiman, paid traffic is good for fast results, suppose you've a online store on Christmas gifts, and you want some immediate sales then paid traffic (Adword or other) is suitable.
      Absolutely. Get the foundations of your website in place otherwise money on advertising is probably a mistake.
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  • Profile picture of the author cheddarben
    My experience is limited in this realm, but my preference... knowing what I know now... would be to spend it on paid FB advertising to your FB page. I have found that conversions from FB to FB is higher than from FB to outside, but you still are able to capture the long term attention of these folks and the friends that may be interested.

    Thanks for the discussion!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author scorpio9
      Originally Posted by cheddarben View Post

      My experience is limited in this realm, but my preference... knowing what I know now... would be to spend it on paid FB advertising to your FB page. I have found that conversions from FB to FB is higher than from FB to outside, but you still are able to capture the long term attention of these folks and the friends that may be interested.

      Thanks for the discussion!!!
      That's an interesting one, never tried FB ads, do you know cost of ads on FB?

      BeaconSites - Websites Designed For Lead Generation & Conversions
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  • Profile picture of the author scorpio9
    Originally Posted by owais211 View Post

    I would say either can work out a great deal.
    It all depends on your objective whether short or long term.
    Good luck!
    initially it would be short term to get traction, maybe later on I'd look at long term option

    BeaconSites - Websites Designed For Lead Generation & Conversions
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  • Profile picture of the author arjunwants
    Spend on which way you would like,But stick to it. Don't change your plan after choosing one.
    SEO will be helpful,but it depends on competition of niche.
    PPC will be more helpful if u have your own ecommerce store running online,PPC will be very useful to earn money quickly if you use right methods and correct target audience.
    All the best mate

    Please do not use affiliate links/redirects in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author dml8131
    The idea of using PPC to build a list would be something to consider. Matt Wolfe on his blog ( walks you through his own case study on this topic. Worth a quick read!
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  • Profile picture of the author seonutshell
    Go for Paid traffic first of all. Once you get people landing on your site they may start building natural decent backlinks if they enjoy the site, henc you get som SEO for free Eventually you could stop adwords and put the cash into building a new product.
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  • Profile picture of the author Teravel
    spend it on SEO to get free traffic
    If you spend money on SEO, it's no longer "Free Traffic"...

    Honestly, I wouldn't spend the $150 on traffic at all.

    First, SEO is garbage. It doesn't matter how hard you work or how much you pay someone... When you advertise towards Search Engines, you're throwing your money in the trash. Search Engines won't join your list, click your ads, or buy your products.

    Second, Paid Traffic isn't good for conversions when your business is still new. It's best for determining if your copy converts on a targeted demographic, or if you need to change things up.

    Third, getting FREE Traffic is about going to where the PEOPLE are. In order to get real people to your website, you need to tell real people About your website.

    "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

    PLR Packages - WSO

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  • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
    Use it to start building your SEO network, buy some high PR domains on your niche and start from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author pingsters
    I'll use $150 to create new product. Test Test Test, and pick up the method that work's better. Marketing is always about testing and testing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Curtis2011
    It all depends on what business model you are following.

    You should not just 'dabble' here and there like "oh maybe some Adwords... maybe some SEO... maybe some other stuff..." instead you need to pick one model and commit to it and work on it until it is profitable.

    For my SEO methods, I would use the $150 for either content creation or link building. By link building I mean that I would pick a single link building method (like simple blog commenting) and then go on or other sites and find a cheap freelancer who I can train myself on how to do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    You can earn good money by buying old aged domains and then selling them for higher profits. There is lot of potential in this business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom B
    Originally Posted by scorpio9 View Post

    Myself and a group of friends were discussing "making money online" and we got round to talking about best way to spend $150 per month on a new web business, i.e.
    1. would you spend it on paid traffic (Adword or other) which is immediate or
    2. would you spend it on SEO to get free traffic which may not be immediate

    Of course some agreed with paid traffic whilst others preferred SEO and there are pluses and minuses with either choice, but which would you choose and why?

    I wouldn't do either of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author fpdeziner
    Spending on paid traffic is quicker where SEO results are not quick enough. but what I believe is that both the steps are important for better result so I spend on both.
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