Anyone going to JVZoo's Marketing Mayhem Live in Orlando Florida?

13 replies
I'm looking for some thoughts and feedback on this event that JVZoo is hosting in Orlando in September dubbed Marketing Mayhem Live.

Is it worthy?

The speaker line up looks good, anyone have some thoughts or feedback please?

I have absolutely no interest in visiting Orlando for any reason, so going for the conference would be the only reason.

Please chime in, looking to hear what you all have to say about this event, similar events, events like it that you have attended, etc, etc.
#florida #jvzoo #live #marketing #mayhem #orlando
  • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
    I would go even if I wasn't speaking. The event is what you make it. I see it as an opportunity to network with successful marketers and pick up some tips that can make you a lot of money.

    What makes for a "worthy" event in your opinion?
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    • Profile picture of the author mrSkills
      I was just looking into see who was going to Mayhem, to help me decide if I was going to go and I saw your post Adam. Don't know if you have decided one way or another yet but here is my 2 cents.

      I have been to a few seminar style events, but never any for "INTERNETMARKETING" Type products etc. I have always marketed in other niches like weight-loss, forex, dating etc... So I have been to more, Blogger, SEO and Social Media focused events, so I can not give you an exact 1 for 1 opinion, but what I have observed at the conferences I have gone to, is that you can make true lasting friendships, and really connect with like minded individuals that can help you get ahead way faster then you can sitting at your desk, only able to reach out via social media or email.... That is one of the bad things about working online... It tends to be a bit solemn at times.

      The other thing is that for me I have used alot of the strategies that some of the main speakers have put forward over the years to help me in my non-internet marketing products business and the truth is that marketing is marketing! Even if you are not primarily an IM guy, you can apply these strategies to any type of products or services often with just a slight modification.

      The guys that are presenting are the real deal. Do a search for Ron Douglas (the guy who responded to this post). The guy is a best selling author and you will have the opportunity to sit in a room with him and get advise directly from him for a few bucks. It's a lot of value if you can make it in my opinion.

      Another guy on that list that I would want to meet in person is Mike Filsaime. He is like the original Internet Marketer... He has been at this for years and does really, really well. I got into his stuff just after Corey Rudl (The original Marking Online Master) passed away, and he of any Internet Marketing "Guru" is probably the most responsible for me taking the plunge and deciding to go with working online as my primary income source. His stuff is very good, and practical, so meeting him in person would be real cool.

      Not to mention Brad Gosse, and Shomoney himself will be there and making presentations... Not to sound like a fanboy, but these guys are huge in internet marketing and everything that I have ever seen from them is grade A top flight stuff! Google these guys and it is hard to argue that them alone being there, is probably worth the trip and the cost of admission.

      For me though, I was thinking of going because of the opportunity to meet others like me, at my relative level of success and see how we can work together to improve our businesses, and maybe even have a bit of fun while doing it... I think writing this post just convinced me to buy a ticket!

      Hope my perspective helps, and if you and I both make it down, I will buy you a drink . Hold me to it!
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      • Profile picture of the author Raydal
        Originally Posted by mrSkills View Post

        The guys that are presenting are the real deal. Do a search for Ron Douglas (the guy who responded to this post). The guy is a best selling author and you will have the opportunity to sit in a room with him and get advise directly from him for a few bucks. It's a lot of value if you can make it in my opinion.
        Funny that you should mention this because the last event I attended
        in Washington I sat next to a bestselling author who looked a lot like
        Ron Douglas!

        -Ray Edwards
        The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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        • Profile picture of the author AndreaSmith
          If you have never been to a JV Zoo Event or hosted event you are really missing out .. not only are you rubbing elbows with the top marketers .. the content you get in those days is amazing! it is a blast! They also hold the best parties! lol

          This next event is in just a few days .. Be there or be square
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Mensah
      Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

      I would go even if I wasn't speaking. The event is what you make it. I see it as an opportunity to network with successful marketers and pick up some tips that can make you a lot of money.

      What makes for a "worthy" event in your opinion?
      I would go also if I lived closer because that opportunity to network in an environment of other IMers is a goldmine of infinite possibilities.
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  • Profile picture of the author mbacak
    I'm going and was planning on it before I was even
    asked to speak at it. The networking is going to be great
    and friends (great marketers) are flying in from all over
    the world. Ireland, Australia, UK, and other places..

    I'm really excited.. It's going to be fun for sure.
    The Listbuilding Club (join by clicking below)
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  • Profile picture of the author NelsonSanabria
    What is the exact date for this event?....and where exactly is it in orlando?...also how much is it?
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Originally Posted by Adam Adair View Post

    I'm looking for some thoughts and feedback on this event that JVZoo is hosting in Orlando in September dubbed Marketing Mayhem Live.

    Is it worthy?

    The speaker line up looks good, anyone have some thoughts or feedback please?

    I have absolutely no interest in visiting Orlando for any reason, so going for the conference would be the only reason.

    Please chime in, looking to hear what you all have to say about this event, similar events, events like it that you have attended, etc, etc.
    Something against Orlando, FL?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      I would totally go if I didn't have company coming to my house at the same time.

      The guys know how to throw a great event together!

      I went to 2 of the Warrior Events last year (both with JVZoo involved) and met some of the line up - along with a lot of other people.

      It is nice to meet up with others who have similar interests and whose brains you can pick.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Crawford
    I'm going primarily for the networking.

    It's one of two live events I'll attend next month.

    They are totally worth it!

    If you do anything where landing more JV partners matters,
    it's not who you know, but who knows you.

    When you sit down and chat with people face to face, and
    then reach out to them later, they are often more responsive
    because it's human nature to want to work with people that
    we "know" provided they didn't make a totally unfavorable
    impression o us


    Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
    Click To Go BIG!

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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Well, what did you think?

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    I can't remember.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    All kidding aside, EBR and the whole JVZoo crew did a PHENOMENAL job with this event.

    It was a first-class affair from top to bottom - and it was only their first time hosting their own event.

    Just wait...
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