Anyone Mess with "Freebie Sites" Anymore?

7 replies
Does anyone here own or even mess with "Freebie sites"?(like "complete 3 offers, the have 3 friends complete 3 offers and I'll send you a FREE ipad2 ")... Or Are they pretty Much Dead now days?

Few years back I was "Working them" and then decided to build my own, although for whatever reason it never took off....

I Just Looked at a few of my past bookmarks like ZNZ and ProjectPD and a few more.. (No links or full names, If you know, then you know)

They are still up and active, but i Just don't know if its still worth getting into... What do you guys think?
#anymore #freebie sites #mess
  • Profile picture of the author twister85
    No it doesn't worth. I stay 53 miles away from this type of offers and don't think most of the marketers (at least) will fall for that type of offers as they have common sense in some manner.

    Worth trying if you're targeting newbie traffic but what I see in those offers is scam all way long.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    I think there are probably better ways to make money nowadays.

    They were popular a few years ago but don't seem to have the same popularity nowadays.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnapuna
    they were popular back in 2006 & 2007 but have since died off, although now that they have been in the dark for a few years, I think now is the perfect time to get back in it. There are a lot of people trying to make money online and get free stuff now that weren't around 5-6 years ago. And with a lot of the competition gone, it would make sense to get back in it. These sites aren't a scam, but there were so many of them that it seemed like it.

    Dean, I ran a GPT site back in 2006 and grossed over $186K. I got rid of the site in 2008 due to too much fraud and competition. I'm currently starting one now as I think its the best time. If you have any interest in partnering up, let me know

    I was making $0/Month, now i'm making $1K/month, my goal is to make $20K/Month. I want to partner with you on creating the best GPT site ever. Contact me if you are interested

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  • Profile picture of the author Leonscion
    I don't think they work anymore because it requires you to stay after the trial for most offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    I think that they are a waste of time.

    Plus, there are other ways to make more money.
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  • Profile picture of the author onpointinfo
    If you want a stable business, then you need to build a list, any other business model that does work towards building a list, it is ok if you are making great money, but you are not building a business that is passive.

    With a list, these are either buyers or freebie seekers on your list and people you could remarket to again and again, which you probably already know, my 2 cents focus on list building as your return even if it takes a while could result in nice residual income.

    and not the affiliate program you
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    • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
      As Leonscion said, yes, they require you (and the people you refer) to stay
      after the freebie. If they all cancel, you won't get your commission.

      And in fact, there might be some shady operators out there that will make
      it difficult to cancel too.

      I'd stay FAR away from those things!

      (Unless they're GENUINE freebies and don't require a credit card or a

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      Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
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