by emelef
24 replies
What is your favourite source of traffic and why?

What would your one tip be on getting this type of traffic?

Many people struggle trying to choose which marketing strategy to begin with, so I thought it would be nice to get this thread going with varying opinions.

My favourite at the moment is PPC, and my tip would be to make your advert as specific to your avatar (customer profile) as possible. Rather run 10 separate ads for 10 different avatars, than one broad ad.
#marketing strategy #sources #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    My favorite traffic source is Google + Bing through organic search and PPC. Because these generates targeted visitors to monetize. So the convertion rate is high.
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  • Profile picture of the author Samuel Gilbert
    You guys are really missing a lot, no body mentioned twitter or facebook.
    My new blog just clocked one month and I've gotten quite a few subscribers, and very high traffic.
    What do you also think about stumble upon?
    Well I shared all of my promotional strategies on my blog.
    A guest post on comluv with 100+ comments
    And my blog post with highest views got 38 comments,
    It might not be much but its manageable for a one month old blog.
    The methods I used to make my blog go viral and to generate traffic to my blog are;
    1.Just retweet: you can register for an account and hundreds of people will retweet your blog post to thousands of their followers.
    2. Stumbleupon: I don't use this mush because of its bounce rate and its conversion is low, I still prefer the first option.
    3. Blog comment: commenting on at least 10 blogs in a day, it won't take much of your time and its also fun if you have the passion for blogging.

    PPC is great but I didn't use it on my blog, to me its a lazy way of generating traffic. PPC gives you traffic only but not backlinks but my methods gives a combination of traffic and backlinks which I call trafflink.
    There are still more ways to generate traffic and make your blog go viral, you can check it out at viralwriter, I listed it all there.
    Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Bobby Asburn
    PPC and Pinterest right now. Because you get all the targeted customer using PPC and you know Pinterest is a great source of free targeted traffic if you can do the promotion accurately.

    Right now I am using Facebook and Bing PPC.
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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Coe
    I prefer social traffic with a combination of search traffic. Both can be consistent and profitable. But when it comes to search, you won't be in control of it most of the times. Goolge may say "Hey I don't like that your getting so many links from this site and not enough from this" and pushes you back for looking suspicious. Even though you were getting organic links.
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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    SEO coz its free - it brings targeted and organic traffic.
    PPC coz it brings instant and targeted traffic.
    FaceBook coz it's a big platform and it is easy to pull traffic from there with little effort or little money [obliviously if you know how to do it]
    YouTube coz of its global usage - You can get tons of free traffic with even short videos
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    • Profile picture of the author Shenpen
      Im really new to trafic generation, but so far I have encouraging results from posting articles to relevant groups in LinkedIn. Its my target audience, so I think it is a real good platform for me.
      Have been trying my hand at some SEO in order to improve my organic search trafic, but it is too early to tell if it makes a big difference. But my serp-position is much improved and that counts for something in itself.
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  • Profile picture of the author ezinepoint
    Social Network - Facebook - traffic by Fan page & Twitter - with the hep of twit.

    Social Bookmarking
    - , & - bookmark your favorite page.

    Video Marketing
    - Upload Latest videos & use your promotional Url .
    Free Articles Directory | Submit Article | Free Article Submission

    ezinepoint is a free articles submission Directory to submit article free online. Find Quality articles on wide rang of topic.
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  • Profile picture of the author flovin
    Solo ads for me. Fast but not always the best results.
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinChapman
    Probably social media.

    Twitter and google plus have been very successful for me recently, I'm getting good quality, targeted traffic from them both.
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  • Profile picture of the author jurojin
    Linkedin is a very good source of traffic if your content has good quality. Basically you need to join groups related to your niche and post your article/content to those groups. The quality of this type of traffic is well above average. Other sources of traffic would be social media (twitter+fb), and organic traffic. Uploading a video on Youtube, optimized for a keyword for which there's no video on the first page of Google is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get laser-targeted organic traffic. Creating a video is as easy as adding a few images with a song on the background, and ranking it on the first page if there's no other video there doesn't require much effort. A digg submission of that video is enough.
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  • Profile picture of the author zeroaffiliate
    i don't really have a favourite traffic source as i believe every traffic which works is a treasure to me. below are my top 3 sources :
    1. trafficvance
    2. leadimpact
    3. mediatraffic
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  • Profile picture of the author emelef
    Really great posts so far. Seems social media and blogging gets lots of thumbs up. I agree you need a combination but it's important to master one traffic source and then add another and master that one too etc. I really like the quality of traffic you get from LinkedIn, but it's certainly got a different etiquette compared to other social media sites.
    Agree solo ads can be hit and miss, when you find a good list that has positive ROI, leverage!

    Thanks for all the posts so far, keep them coming - I think it's incredibly valuable information going on here.
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    • Profile picture of the author PazG
      Solo ads and endorsed mailings (corporate level solo's) hands down. I also like banner advertizing, if you can get it right then it's a great source of cheap and targeted traffic.

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    • Profile picture of the author datingworld
      Originally Posted by emelef View Post

      Seems social media and blogging gets lots of thumbs up.
      Without any doubt, Social Media is one of the inevitable source of traffic. As many and many people are getting use to Social Media, it does generate lots of traffic for most of the marketers.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    I would have to say "solo ads" It's fast and the people are super targeted. I mean they already shown that they are serios by taking action. Notice on solo email how much your opt-in rate climbs. I've personaly have gotten over a 50% opt in rate with solo advertising.

    My tip is to start off small such as a 50 or 100 click solo ad and test and make sure that 1.) the vendor is honest and 2) your converting. Once you have those two parts simply scale up.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author Derek Kosh
    Another vote to solo ads here...
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny12345
    AdWords Pay-Per-Click traffic is hard to beat. It provides almost instant, targeted traffic.

    But, to make money with it, you've got to do your break-even math and split test your ads.

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  • Profile picture of the author zahanega
    Would you say that social media is more effective than article writing?
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonBennet
    I personally like Email traffic as the quality is not bad and I will be able to test quickly whether my offer or website is converting. Solo ads and Ezine advertising is simply a part of email traffic too. But as other warriors have mention, I will always try it small first before I scale it up.
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  • Profile picture of the author MobiDev
    Hi warriors!
    I'm sure that in order to be successful in getting traffic you should work with as many sources as possible. It is SEO, SMM, e-mail marketing, press-releases, blog marketing, social bookmarking. But we need to be wise and not to overuse all this sources. We must gain trust and direct traffic. So the aim is quality but not quantity.
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  • I think that social media is always helpful to get traffic like Facebook, Twitter, G plus, stumble upon, Tumbler, but I am also agree that Pay per click is a good source to get relevant traffic and we can get some conversation from here.
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  • Profile picture of the author tiroberts
    Great thread topic.

    Well, my favorite traffic source is referral traffic from other blogs/bloggers in my niche. This kind of traffic is HIGHLY engaged and is of fantastic quality. Plus, it converts so much better for me than paid traffic, in the sense of visitor to subscriber.

    The best way to get this kind of traffic to begin getting involved with other blogs/bloggers communities. Especially top bloggers in your niche. You can do this by simply leaving blog comments on their content. But your comment has to be of high quality - meaning substantive and have substance to add to the conversation.

    Blog commenting itself not only brings traffic but it builds relationships directly with the webmaster which could lead to them mentioning you in their subsequent blog posts, sending you even more referral traffic. The ultimate referral traffic as it pertains to blogs is guest posting opportunities. Which can also be a result of simply blog commenting.

    While this does require some time, it is definitely worth the effort as it will pay substantial and sustainable dividends in the long-term.

    Need More Traffic To Your Blog Or Website? HIRE ME TO SEND IT!!

    My Latest Blog Post: How to Invest $0 Into Your Blog & Still Generate $2k+ Per Month
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    • Profile picture of the author Butters123
      I give a vote for social media as well, haven't tried solo ads yet but seems promising.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lena Williams
    Solo ads, adwords, social media are the great traffic resources. Creating facebook pages for your website can be a great way. Get likes from the same niche pages.
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