Need tool to help me automate this dull task

10 replies

Apologies for the slightly OT thread, but it follows up a similar one right here some time ago.

A while back, someone posted here about a tool they had found that would automate some repetitive computer-based tasks. At the time it looked interesting, but not enough to go into more.

Well, now I could really do with it, and can't find the thread. I'm hoping someone can help me.

I've been trawling through Google, pulling out info about various companies and web sites. A lot of the info comes from Google's local business centre/center (take your pick!), where the format of the info is predictable.

What I would like is a tool that will pull the info out for me. Anyone any ideas?

#automate #dull #task #tool
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Hilton
    Hi there MrYossu.

    What kind of tasks do you mean?

    Are you talking about autoresponder tasks to manage customer
    email lists? If so a good service to check out is Aweber.

    If not I found some other kind of software that automates computer
    tasks, which is called Macro Mania.

    Do a Google search for these 2. Sorry it wouldnt let me include
    links as I have only recently joined the forum and I think I need
    to have 15 posts or more to put links in my posts.

    Hope this helps a little.

    Kind regards,

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  • If you know how to use scripting and macros... you should take a close look at iMacros. Amazing tool that you can customize to do just about anything. But there is a bit of a learning curve to set things up. The free tool is good for basic tasks and you can get the plugin for IE or Firefox. The more advanced tools are not free.
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    • Profile picture of the author cashtech29
      I am looking into this...
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      • Profile picture of the author melanied
        I use a macro firefox plugin to automate some repetitive tasks - it's very easy!
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  • Profile picture of the author CBSnooper
    Originally Posted by MrYossu View Post

    I've been trawling through Google, pulling out info about various companies and web sites. A lot of the info comes from Google's local business centre/center (take your pick!), where the format of the info is predictable.
    Or do you mean 'scraping' the page to pick up the name/address/phone number what have you and saving it to a database? I'm thinking this because you say the format of the info is predictable.

    Drop me a PM if you mean that. I might be able to help you.

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  • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
    Thanks for all the replies.

    I'm pulling business names and addresses from Google Local Business Centre, and entering them into an Access database. The names and addresses are always in the same format, in the same place on the page. I'm looking for something that will pull them off the Google page and add them to Access.

    I looked at both iMacros and Macro Mania, but it's hard to tell which would be best, or even if either of them would do the job right. Any further comments would be welcome.

    Thanks again

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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[773874].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yaji

    Thanks for your PM. I thought you have some data similar to a data feed but the link you mentioned is really hard to do in an all automated way as the tag names/line numbers etc are not fixed and could change at any time.

    For example here is one store you mentioned, there are no obvious pattens to determine the following info is what you wnated to parse:

    href=/maps/mm?sourceid=navclient-ff&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;q=pet+shop+prestwich&amp;fb=1&a mp;split=1&amp;gl=uk&amp;view=map&amp;ei=lxMHSp35H eKTjAfX1eznBg&amp;cd=178&amp;hl=en&amp;attrid=&amp ;sll=53.477518,-2.320700&amp;sspn=0.362269,0.616357&amp;ll=53.3936 94,-2.063885&amp;z=14><span>My Maps</span></a><a id=m_launchsel class=launchsel href=javascript:void(0) jsaction=llm.scrollTop style=display:none>My Maps</a></li><li><img src=/intl/en_uk/mapfiles/transparent.png style=width:1px;height:18px /></li></ul></span><span class=ll_container style=float:right></span></div><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr valign=top><td class="firstcol vcard"><span style=display:none class="fn org">Marple Pet Supplies</span><span id=business_name class="fn org" dir=ltr><font size=+1><b>Marple Pet Supplies</b></font><br/></span><div class=unver><font size=-1>Unverified listing</font></div><div id=zrvnr jsdisplay=!hasUR class=noprint><font size=-1><a href=;hl=en&amp;nui=1&amp ;continue= D1%26split%3D1%26gl%3Duk%26view%3Dtext%26ei%3DeEkI SuTaEqigjQOU7OBw%26cd%3D178%26hl%3Den%26attrid%3D% 26sll%3D53.477518,-2.320700%26sspn%3D0.362269,0.616357%26latlng%3D147 68234788243735228%26dtab%3D2%26action%3Dopen class=fl>Write a review</a></font></div><div class=adr><font size=-1 dir=ltr><span class=street-address>8 Market St</span></font><br/><font size=-1 dir=ltr>Marple, <span class=locality>Stockport</span>, <span class=postal-code>SK6 7AD</span></font><br/></div><font size=-1><div><span><nobr class=tel>0161 336 6994</nobr></span>‎</div></font><font size=-1><br/></font> <font size=-1>Get directions: <nobr><a class=iwrestore id=dct href=/maps?li=d&amp;hl=en&amp;f=d&amp;iwstate1=dir:to&am p;daddr=8+Market+St,+Marple,+Stockport,+SK6+7AD+(M arple+Pet+Supplies)&amp;geocode=CaIgYDivPsdIFR65Lg Md84Hg_w&amp;iwloc=1&amp;dq=pet+shop+prestwich&amp ;cid=53393694,-2063885,14768234788243735228&amp;ei=eEkISuTaEqigjQ OU7OBw>To here</a></nobr> - <nobr><a class=iwrestore id=dcf href=/maps?li=d&amp;hl=en&amp;f=d&amp;saddr=8+Market+St, +Marple,+Stockport,+SK6+7AD+(Marple+Pet+Supplies)& amp;iwstate1=dir:from&amp;geocode=CaIgYDivPsdIFR65 LgMd84Hg_w&amp;iwloc=1&amp;dq=pet+shop+prestwich&a mp;cid=53393694,-2063885,14768234788243735228&amp;ei=eEkISuTaEqigjQ OU7OBw>From here</a></nobr></font><br/><font size=-1><a href=>Add or edit your business</a></font><br></td><td class=spacer><img src=/intl/en_uk/mapfiles/transparent.png alt="" width=25 height=1></td><td valign=top align=right><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 class=staticmap><tr><td>

    Thanks, Yaji

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  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    Originally Posted by MrYossu View Post

    Well, now I could really do with it, and can't find the thread. I'm hoping someone can help me.
    Maybe you're thinking of one the threads in the War Room by Jack Duncan? I forget what it was called, but it was a mighty beast about WinAutomation. If not, I think you'd still find it relevant and interesting.

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    • Profile picture of the author MrYossu
      Originally Posted by Diana Lane View Post

      Maybe you're thinking of one the threads in the War Room by Jack Duncan? I forget what it was called, but it was a mighty beast about WinAutomation. If not, I think you'd still find it relevant and interesting.
      Well, I'm not sure that was the thread, but WA looks like it does everything I need and a whole lot more.

      Thanks very much for pointing out that thread!

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