Trying to beat competitors High Gravity Score...any idea's?

7 replies
Hey Everyone!

You will have to excuse my Neebie approach to this as it's my first post on this

i'm trying to beat my main competitor in my niche on clickbank

His Gravity is usually about 80
and mine is usually about 10

i feel that he gets alot of attention from affiliates with this high gravity score...and so they will always go to his product first before trying mine...

any ideas on how i can proactively get mine up?


#affiliate #beat #clickbank #competitors #gravity #high #idea #scoreany
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by lancelotw View Post

    i feel that he gets alot of attention from affiliates with this high gravity score...
    Yes, he will ... but they're almost all among the 95% of ClickBank affiliates who collectively make fewer than 5% of the affiliate-referred sales. If they're selecting products by gravity, in the belief that higher gravity products "must be selling well" and that that makes them good products to promote, they're probably not affiliates you really want, yourself, because they have little idea what they're doing and typically they make very few sales.

    The 5% of serious, pro-affiliates who bring in 95% of the sales understand that gravity doesn't correlate with sales figures, and are more attracted to lower gravity products.

    Originally Posted by lancelotw View Post

    any ideas on how i can proactively get mine up?
    There are many ways of artificially inflating gravity, but that doesn't make it a sensible (or indeed a profitable) thing to do.

    See if these threads help/interest you at all, Lancelot?

    Gravity High or Lower - Which Sells Best & Why?
    Clickbank gravity - is there a sweet-spot here?
    Understanding Clickbank Gravity
    Clickbank Gravity

    Originally Posted by lancelotw View Post

    i'm trying to beat my main competitor
    I understand. There are many possible ways of doing that, but raising your product's gravity figure isn't one of them. Don't imagine that "having more affiliates" equates with "making more sales". Not only is that typically not so, but sometimes even the opposite can be true. It's about which affiliates they are, not how many of them there are. It's common, not exceptional, for products with single-figure gravities consistently to be selling far more copies than products with three-figure gravities, and there are reasons for that (some of them explained in the threads linked to above).
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    Maybe you could try adding in an upsell to increase the "per sale earnings"...

    A good affiliate will be tempted by higher "per sale earnings" than they will be with high gravity...

    You can also try to work in a recurring billing product if it makes sense to your niche, as affiliates really love to get rebills and that could be the difference between deciding to promote product A over product B.

    As a vendor myself at Clickbank. I've noticed that sometimes all you really can do is just stick it out and keep promoting the product yourself. Eventually the numbers will start to grow and you'll pick up more of the "right" kind of affiliates.

    Good luck.

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    • Profile picture of the author keyon
      With so many posts here about "gravity scores" having little or no value in choosing a vendor (and in many cases the score actually misleads vendors), I have to wonder why CB even invented such a goofy thing. Is there some other purpose I'm overlooking?
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    The type of affiliates who use gravity score to determine what products to promote are not the type of affiliates you want promoting for you. Go and look for big affiliates in your niche. You'll make a lot more sales with a few big affiliates than you will with hundreds of beginner affiliates (which is what the average Clickbank affiliate is).
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    • Profile picture of the author keyon
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Go and look for big affiliates in your niche.
      What's a good way to do this? (while ignoring the gravity score).
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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by keyon View Post

        What's a good way to do this? (while ignoring the gravity score).
        Look for the most popular complimentary products in your niche. These people will likely have large lists of customers who have purchased their product(s). Offer them the opportunity to promote your product to their list. If you do this though make sure you have some solid stats you can show them.
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  • Profile picture of the author lancelotw
    Hey Thanks for Your replies everyone!!! I really Appreciate it....

    I Guess i just want to see it for myself to put my mind at rest....

    I have had contact with my competitor before and they said they were making $15,000 pm with their site. with a gravity of 80....( i know they could be lying)

    My sales are far less than that and the only thing i feel they have over my product is the Gravity score...

    has anyone else had this itch? where you just want to see it for yourself?

    I do understand what you are all saying though...
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