If You Could Build 70 Sites Right Now

14 replies
If you could build 70 sites right now, what kind of sites would they be and why?

I have a friend that has bought a bunch of 4 letter domain names and he wants to know what he should do with them.
He has about 70 of them.

I thought putting some squeeze pages up would be smart.

he wants more ideas... Anyone got any?
#build #sites
  • Profile picture of the author Cyrus
    it depends upon what do you want to do and what can you do.. You may

    * Park The Domains
    * Sell Them
    * Use Them for Blackhat CPA Purpose

    OR Create few sites, but it might be time consuming, How old these domains are?
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  • Profile picture of the author melanied
    If any of the four letter domains lend themselves to niches, then wordpress blogs are quick and easy!
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkR

    I think it gets down to what his skills are. What is the squeeze page doing for him - selling a product, building a list, etc.? He should monetize at least most of them in a business model that he knows he can be successful with.
    • Affiliate marketing
    • Sell his own product
    • Adsense sites
    • CPA
    • Build to flip
    The list is endless.

    Since the domain names aren't easily remembered, and are harder to build as brand names, I think they are better suited to driving AdWords traffic to. The value of a short domain name is different than a domain that can become your brand name. Amazon.com vs. eohq.com. Driving traffic with AdWords gives you more letters to work with in the visible domain name part.

    Just my thoughts.

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  • Profile picture of the author Candace Gill
    Ok some good ideas.
    He has said he does not want to sell the domains, nor flip them.
    He wants to set them up in some sort of automatic situation... I guess blogs would be helpful, but I know adsense is not so dependable anymore.

    CPA is an interesting concept.

    Keep the ideas coming!

    Also if he puts up blogs, won't they be considered splogs?
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  • Profile picture of the author charlesburke
    Hi Candace,

    You don't say what his overall financial situation is...

    Assuming he has the skills or the finances to do it, he could use one of more of the short urls to build a link redirecting service ala tinyurl.

    If any of the urls could be turned into the initials of an association, it's not all that hard to dream up an association serving a large group of business people and make it a membership site. Start by contacting pros in the field to be directors, content contributors, etc.

    If any of the letter combinations sound like a funny word, make that a brand name and set up a service site for hosting, or dating, or copywriting or free email or -- well, you get the idea.

    Again, with a funny or quirky name, he could set up a download site for scripts, plr content, ebooks, independent musician's MP3s, etc. Free to register, pay a fee for a featured listing.

    Review sites for high ticket products.

    Hire a programmer to create an in-demand product and name it after one of the domain names.

    These suggestions are based on the possiblity that he has the money to back up his purchase of 70 domain names. If he's not low-rent, one of these might fit his situation and tastes. If he's a bit squeezed right now, then these would be too much.

    Cheers from warm and smiling Thailand,
    Special offer for all Warrior authors... MisterEbook.com/warriorsonly.html
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    • Profile picture of the author greenprop
      I would build blogs with most of them and then use the blogs for links to money sites

      Cancer Decoded

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  • Profile picture of the author Solidsnake
    There's a lot you can do but the question is, can you manage all of these sites?
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  • Profile picture of the author Candace Gill
    Great point, such a simple one as well! I will recommend to begin building slowly and only after a site is finished move onto the next one. The url redirection service targeted towards specific niches is a great idea btw!
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  • Profile picture of the author plepco
    A couple of things:
    - separate them into categories based on what the url suggests
    - make the "good" ones into legitimate sites that you put care and time into
    - make the "leftover sites into other things. like what? how about a bunch of sites built with SSEC or even YACGMI. (look these up)

    70 sites is a LOT. So no matter what, to build all of these domains into anything you need to use some manner of automation. Maintenance is even worse. So these need to be hands-off sites, for the most part.

    Heck, I have trouble building a site a month. But then again, I've gotten to the point where I put a lot of time and care into the process.

    Here's another (maybe unrelated) tip: when it's a "7", it's done. What I mean is, on a scale of 1 to 10 a 7 is pretty much perfect for mass consumption, even if you (as the author) don't think so.
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  • Profile picture of the author The Villa
    In my case, nothing has worked better than niche sites with 5-10 pages each. Setting them up in wordpress is easy and they can be left on their own to earn income after promotion.

    But I think it matters what the domain names are. It's always best for niche sites to have matching domain names.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Originally Posted by Candace Gill View Post

    If you could build 70 sites right now, what kind of sites would they be and why?

    I have a friend that has bought a bunch of 4 letter domain names and he wants to know what he should do with them.
    He has about 70 of them.

    I thought putting some squeeze pages up would be smart.

    he wants more ideas... Anyone got any?
    Uhm..i dont like 4 letter word sites. Although..i know ONE i would greatly purchase for a dollar or two

    Anyway...the "real life value" of something like http://www.ynwe.com is questionable, i would resell the domains.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Liberty
    Originally Posted by Candace Gill View Post

    I have a friend that has bought a bunch of 4 letter domain names and he wants to know what he should do with them.
    He has about 70 of them.
    Wow -- that is a lot of swear words.

    For me personally, if I owned 70 domain names I would probably... punch myself in the face for buying 70 domain names.

    I once heard one of the top "gurus" say that the future of internet marketing will not be won by owning several small sites, but rather by building ONE authority site.

    So... in my opinion, it is better for a person to max-out one site before moving on to the next one.

    Of course, your friend will probably not want to hear my advice... so you may want to build some small, 5-page sites as someone had mentioned earlier... or maybe try "domain parking"... or try to get a refund.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marx Melencio
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    • Profile picture of the author The Villa
      Wow. These are truly fantastic ideas that clearly come from an expert! I've been reading some of your other posts and have been in awe of your obvious marketing skill.

      Originally Posted by Marx Melencio View Post

      1. Develop a main network of 6 sites.

      2. First one - a search portal where people can type in how or what they feel and get highly relevant results with direct in-depth information about the most likely illnesses they have.

      3. 2nd one - a Web directory offering updated accurate contact information and direct descriptions of hospitals and medical institutions or clinics categorized by location/country and specialization.

      4. Third one - a Web directory providing updated accurate contact details and descriptions of doctors and/or medical specialists categorized by location/country and specialization.

      5. Fourth one - a site providing safe and proven homemade remedies, tips, advice for particular illnesses or anything helpful and free for particular illnesses, its symptoms and complications, etc.

      6. Fifth one - an ecommerce portal with actual detailed reviews of safe and effective medical products, devices, digital info products, etc. that can be purchased from the site.

      7. Sixth one - a paid membership forum where people can talk to others they can relate to, receive free digital info products such as ebooks and weekly newsletters or monthly digital health magazines, etc. --- actual reviews of products and services offered on the ecommerce portal can be taken here and quoted on the ecommerce portal.

      8. The remaining 67 domains can be used as squeeze pages for each product/service category and/or a blog network for each product/service category which can help advertise and market the main entwork of 6 sites plus the products/services on the ecommerce portal.

      Why focus on the health niche?

      1. Health niches have target markets with immediate needs and the right mind to work on getting the buying power to purchase what they need anytime.

      2. Relieve someone of their health concerns/worries and unbearable symptoms/illnesses/complications as quickly as you can, and you'll love yourself for it (yes --- they'll love you too).

      3. Because of 1 and 2 above = free viral marketing for you --- just focus on providing your target markets with real value which can be very helpful for their purposes.

      Hope you can use this.


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  • Profile picture of the author iForumulaSuccess
    Take 70 and break it down by 10, create 7 "niches", use each one of the ten sites to feed off each other, build authority over time, squeeze page, etc... Four letters domain names are hard but if you can build a good "history" for each domain, there is no reason why your friend can't sell them for a higher price.

    If the 4 letter domain name can be used as an acroynm such as boom.com for Boomers Online Operating Money or whatever, pitch it. You got plenty of ideas here already. Start with a home page for each site, paste a face to the domain and come back to it once you have a visual idea of how to build each one on a deeper level.

    Just be sure to SEO each site out of the gate. In time, the rewards will come.
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