Tips for understanding Google Analytics

by imv
2 replies
I know that Google Analytics gives a lot of data and information, but I have no clue to how to understand the numbers and translate into how I can improve the website.

Please share some tips and strategies to use GA to improve my website.

#analytics #google #google analytics #tips #understanding #web statistics #website improvement
  • Profile picture of the author StingGB
    Google analytics is a powerful free tool. I won't baffle you with endless possibilities. Here are 2 key elements:

    In the left hand menu click Traffic Sources, then Sources, then All Traffic. This will tell you where your site visitors are coming from.

    Also in Traffic Sources click Overview. This will tell you what keywords people tapped into Goolge to find your site.

    Both of these two pieces of information will help you begin to decide where to concentrate your efforts and improve your site visitor strategy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jared Hale
    Originally Posted by imv View Post

    I know that Google Analytics gives a lot of data and information, but I have no clue to how to understand the numbers and translate into how I can improve the website.

    Please share some tips and strategies to use GA to improve my website.

    You seem to be looking for a 1-2-3 response which no one can give you. GA provides the data but it's up to you to know your market and make decisions for your website based on that data.

    If you sell cat food and visitors are finding your site after searching dog food then obviously you need to make some changes. This would be something that GA would tell you.

    Same if you sell Turkish Ebooks but most your visitors are coming from Mexico.
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