Getting Sick of the Idiotic Beginners and Their Mistakes!

21 replies
Yesterday I was setting up a new domain name which I've done a bunch over the years.

Part of the process is testing the email setup which I've done a bunch over the years.

This time there was apparently some snafu between Namecheap and the webhost because while I could login to the email account through Outlook I could not send. I was thinking that maybe the domain hadn't fully resolved yet or the webhost only partly set up the domain right or something like that.

I checked and double checked and triple checked my settings and they were all right so I opened a ticket with the webhost.

Went back and forth with them and I couldn't understand why on this one domain I'm having this problem. Over the years I've never had this sort of problem.

They reset the email settings and sent a test email through their system and it went through fine. So they asked me to try it again but it failed again.

At this point I'm thinking Outlook has lost it so before shutting it down and restarting my computer I check the email settings one more time - the fourth or fifth time.

Then I saw the stupid idiotic beginner's mistake - in one of the account fields I had instead of

That kind of thing ever happened to you even though you know how to do something and have done it successfully many times in the past?

A lot of time wasted on this rookie mistake. I'm pretty upset with that beginner right now.

#beginner #idiotic #mistakes #sick
  • Profile picture of the author Mr Anderson
    As a true beginner I often feel that simple tasks take a lot longer than they should. As I keep growing my business I hope to get better at avoiding those time sucks and rookie mistakes!

    It does feel nice to know that even pros make mistakes sometimes!

    The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus. ~ Bruce Lee

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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by Mr Anderson View Post

      As a true beginner I often feel that simple tasks take a lot longer than they should. As I keep growing my business I hope to get better at avoiding those time sucks and rookie mistakes!

      It does feel nice to know that even pros make mistakes sometimes!
      Yes, we all make mistakes in business and in life.

      Could you imagine life without mistakes, how boring right!

      But businesses come and go, but the way to grow your business is to do something each day, and go from there. Do MORE of the things that work, and LESS Of things that dont work! Its a pretty simple sounding formula, but it works wonders if you are an action taker on that.
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  • Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

    Then I saw the stupid idiotic beginner's mistake - in one of the account fields I had instead of That kind of thing ever happened to you even though you know how to do something and have done it successfully many times in the past?
    It's the same reason why patients realize that a surgeon left an item inside of them after surgery.

    Retained surgical instruments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A job becomes so second nature to the point of a no brainer, that we stop paying attention, and we don't focus on what we are doing.
    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
    "I LOVE The Song! The Vibe Is Positive And Firm!" - Kymani Marley. (Son of Bob Marley).

    "Very High Quality!" Jeremy Harding - Manager / Producer. Sean Paul.
    "They Are FANTASTIC!" - Willie Crawford.

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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Sure, it happens to all of us . . . even the most seasoned veterans.

      You've got to just learn from it, then forget how dumb the mistake was and move on.

      Don't let little things like this fester into wasting more of your time.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author ajbarnes777
      Trust me, I know EXACTLY where you're coming from. I've had plenty of "hand to the forehead" moments running this business... even after 5 years!

      As a matter of fact, I had a moment just recently...

      I was trying to upload a file, but the file wasn't showing in the folder box. I knew it was on my computer, but for some reason it wasn't showing in the upload screen.

      After spending about an hour trying to figure out what was wrong, I wanted to punch a freaking hole in the wall! I didn't click on the right file extension! DUH! :rolleyes:

      Maybe my mishap was due to not having any coffee for the past 3 weeks?
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        That may have been frustrating, but was it as painful as setting the destination for an Adwords campaign to the download page instead of the sales page?

        Thankfully, one of the people who clicked the ad clued me in on my blunder before I paid too many people to download my stuff...
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        • Profile picture of the author Joe Stewart
          Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

          That may have been frustrating, but was it as painful as setting the destination for an Adwords campaign to the download page instead of the sales page?

          Thankfully, one of the people who clicked the ad clued me in on my blunder before I paid too many people to download my stuff...
          That sucks, John. lol

          Actually, I recall an email from a very well known IM'er a few years ago where he'd accidentally allowed Google to index his download page along with the rest of his site.

          Stuff like that happens. I've screwed up more times than I can count myself. What I wouldn't give for a second set of eyes to check my work for screw ups every once in awhile.

          My New "Share All" Blog Is Coming Soon! Online & Offline Marketing, More!

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  • Profile picture of the author ijohnson
    As my typing teacher used to say, "Spelling is everything!" ;-)
    Make every day count!
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  • Profile picture of the author MonMarGroup

    Done it many a time.

    Sometimes you put in so many hrs. that you can not focus anymore.

    Step away from the computer and make yourself a cup of coffee.

    Helped for me.


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  • If you're not making mistakes, then you're not learning or growing. It can definitely be frustrating but that's part of the process. I can't tell you how many times I've spent hours trying to figure something out and then it was something really stupid.

    Now I've learned to just google or youtube my questions. Or I'll visit a helpful forum or community to ask my question as well.

    But trust me we've all felt your pain and will continue to do so! LOL
    Struggling To Make Money With Internet Marketing?

    No SEO, No List Building, No Social Media, No PPC, No Email Marketing Required!
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  • Profile picture of the author mrgoe
    Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

    Yesterday I was setting up a new domain name which I've done a bunch over the years.

    Part of the process is testing the email setup which I've done a bunch over the years.

    This time there was apparently some snafu between Namecheap and the webhost because while I could login to the email account through Outlook I could not send. I was thinking that maybe the domain hadn't fully resolved yet or the webhost only partly set up the domain right or something like that.

    I checked and double checked and triple checked my settings and they were all right so I opened a ticket with the webhost.

    Went back and forth with them and I couldn't understand why on this one domain I'm having this problem. Over the years I've never had this sort of problem.

    They reset the email settings and sent a test email through their system and it went through fine. So they asked me to try it again but it failed again.

    At this point I'm thinking Outlook has lost it so before shutting it down and restarting my computer I check the email settings one more time - the fourth or fifth time.

    Then I saw the stupid idiotic beginner's mistake - in one of the account fields I had instead of

    That kind of thing ever happened to you even though you know how to do something and have done it successfully many times in the past?

    A lot of time wasted on this rookie mistake. I'm pretty upset with that beginner right now.

    We all do mistakes, you`ll have a big laugh about it as soon as everything is setup and works. I`ve once sent a solo ad with a mistake in the link and the solo wasn`t even to my own list lol
    Worked as a senior editor on, experienced in financial topics
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  • Profile picture of the author carol951
    I have learned to learn from my mistakes, laugh, learn the lesson and move on. Beating yourself up is no fun...
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  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    Making mistakes is part of the process and that's how you will become successful. Do you know how much mistakes I made before doing the right things? Think about thousands not hundreds.

    Blogger at (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author onqdirector
    A piece of advice I learned from a former employer, "if there's a problem, always check the simplest things to fix first"
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
    I make mistakes all of the time, but not as many now that I only do IM part time. That is one of the keys to not making as many mistakes. Quit trying so hard and working so much.

    BTW this domain name is available: StupidInternetMarketingMistakes dot com
    Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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  • Profile picture of the author Max Greenflame
    Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

    Yesterday I was setting up a new domain name which I've done a bunch over the years.

    Part of the process is testing the email setup which I've done a bunch over the years.

    This time there was apparently some snafu between Namecheap and the webhost because while I could login to the email account through Outlook I could not send. I was thinking that maybe the domain hadn't fully resolved yet or the webhost only partly set up the domain right or something like that.

    I checked and double checked and triple checked my settings and they were all right so I opened a ticket with the webhost.

    Went back and forth with them and I couldn't understand why on this one domain I'm having this problem. Over the years I've never had this sort of problem.

    They reset the email settings and sent a test email through their system and it went through fine. So they asked me to try it again but it failed again.

    At this point I'm thinking Outlook has lost it so before shutting it down and restarting my computer I check the email settings one more time - the fourth or fifth time.

    Then I saw the stupid idiotic beginner's mistake - in one of the account fields I had instead of

    That kind of thing ever happened to you even though you know how to do something and have done it successfully many times in the past?

    A lot of time wasted on this rookie mistake. I'm pretty upset with that beginner right now.

    It happens sometimes, there's nothing wrong with that, we're just people
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  • Profile picture of the author tbright
    Someone once said: "To err is human to forgive is divine". Put another way, it's human nature to be fallible. I'm living proof of that.

    Just chalk it up to oversight due to haste.

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  • Profile picture of the author cherry enders
    Nothing more frustrating than spending time and effort on a project, only to have a missed keystroke stop everything. Because I can type with 2 fingers now, my errors are becoming less and less frequent.
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  • Profile picture of the author DeborahDera
    Live and learn. I'm glad you figured it out and that it was something relatively simple.

    We often have a hard time finding the simple answers when we're so used to seeing the same information over and over again. I'm not at all surprised that you were able to read right over a typo like .cm instead of .com.

    Now you know

    Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

    Yesterday I was setting up a new domain name which I've done a bunch over the years.

    Part of the process is testing the email setup which I've done a bunch over the years.

    This time there was apparently some snafu between Namecheap and the webhost because while I could login to the email account through Outlook I could not send. I was thinking that maybe the domain hadn't fully resolved yet or the webhost only partly set up the domain right or something like that.

    I checked and double checked and triple checked my settings and they were all right so I opened a ticket with the webhost.

    Went back and forth with them and I couldn't understand why on this one domain I'm having this problem. Over the years I've never had this sort of problem.

    They reset the email settings and sent a test email through their system and it went through fine. So they asked me to try it again but it failed again.

    At this point I'm thinking Outlook has lost it so before shutting it down and restarting my computer I check the email settings one more time - the fourth or fifth time.

    Then I saw the stupid idiotic beginner's mistake - in one of the account fields I had instead of

    That kind of thing ever happened to you even though you know how to do something and have done it successfully many times in the past?

    A lot of time wasted on this rookie mistake. I'm pretty upset with that beginner right now.

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  • Profile picture of the author Vector Graphics
    It happens to everyone! You should be making mistakes anyways. I mean the more work you get done the more mistakes you are going to make along the way. It's not what mistakes you make that determine how successful you are, it is how you handle the mistakes you make.
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  • Profile picture of the author An Al
    This is why I can only laugh when I read posts from people who say they never make a mistake when they send an email because they always double check it before hitting send, lol.
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