Clickbank products are a bit crap... but...

29 replies
Clickbank products are a bit crap... but...Ok so the title is probably a little bit naughty.
Still, if your looking for something on Clickbank worth promoting that ISNT Health related weight loss, SEO or how to play 'smoke on the water' on a banjo in under 24 hours then what is their?

I used clickbank before, I can see the people claiming to make billions are all selling SEO products (probably from the back room / bedroom at Aunty Nora's) , but I have a clickbank account and I need some advice on products.

I was looking at Android / iPhone app guides. Anyone tried anything like this?

I really think Clickbank has 1 good product for every 100
#bit #clickbank #crap #products
  • Profile picture of the author medway
    Make money sells quite a lot but also suffers from high returns. I've found a few that did well but for obvious reasons wouldn't reveal here. That's part of the game, getting the good offers.

    Have ranked highly for some of the top health product keywords. Wasn't worth it, you need lots of volume for those as they don't convert too well.

    There are some hidden gems, just need to keep testing.
    Tasty Copy:
    US/UK Native Writer for Articles/Product Reviews
    Highly Experienced in SEO/Copywriting
    Click For Samples...
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    • Profile picture of the author glennfoster
      Yes I can see some good products, I can probably send them clicks with a bit of work, but the public are much more careful now with money (and rightly so), and the whole clickbank pitch page idea, I feel, is a little dated. I switch off as soon as I see one! Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by glennfoster View Post

    Ok so the title is probably a little bit naughty.
    I don't know whether it's "naughty" but it's certainly highly inaccurate and ill-informed.

    Originally Posted by glennfoster View Post

    Still, if your looking for something on Clickbank worth promoting that ISNT Health related weight loss, SEO or how to play 'smoke on the water' on a banjo in under 24 hours then what is their?
    A couple of hundred other niches. Have a look through the Marketplace, some time.

    Originally Posted by glennfoster View Post

    I can see the people claiming to make billions are all selling SEO products
    Please excuse the observation that your "logic" leaves everything to be desired, here: the income claims you see will almost always be from people promoting IM/MMO niches, won't they, if you think about it? Who else has an incentive to make income claims like those? :rolleyes:

    Originally Posted by glennfoster View Post

    I really think Clickbank has 1 good product for every 100
    How many of the 15,000+ have you actually seen, yourself, to draw such an incisive and insightful conclusion? It seems from your comments above that there are probably a couple of hundred niches represented there of which you're unaware, anyway ...
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    • Profile picture of the author glennfoster
      Well sure, lots of products, lots of great products - err no. I used to sell clickbank products in 2006 and made a reasonable amount of money, I used to look forward to the cheque and then struggle to get my UK bank to convert it from dollars to pounds (wait for 10 days - pay a conversion fee)

      Im looking for something new to market, Clickbank - it seems to me (been marketing online 14 years) has bog all of interest.
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      • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
        Originally Posted by glennfoster View Post

        Im looking for something new to market, Clickbank - it seems to me (been marketing online 14 years) has bog all of interest.
        I'd focus on that rather nice looking E-cigarette site in your signature and with premises on an industrial estate, not to mention the two shops and staff in Swansea you have, may I ask why you are not focusing more on that?

        Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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        • Profile picture of the author glennfoster
          Originally Posted by Richard Van View Post

          I'd focus on that rather nice looking E-cigarette site in your signature and with premises on an industrial estate, not to mention the two shops and staff in Swansea you have, may I ask why you are not focusing more on that?
          Im working on a blog and a website which link to the link above, products brands and suppliers for more than the one ecig website above Unfortunately the many staff and two shops are not mine

          Been on this three weeks now from scratch whereever I have time, seem to be ok in google. Would like to broaden my horizons however.
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          • Profile picture of the author SunilTanna
            Actually aside from Alexa's comments about poor sampling, another mistaken assumption in this thread is that all the good products are listed in the marketplace.

            There are plenty of good products that aren't listed or aren't noticed because:

            1. They asked not to be listed because it sometimes attracts crappy spammy affiliates (you could still join)

            2. they have a whitelist only affiliate program (you need to persuade them to let you join)

            3. It's not the main product in the vendors account (you can join, but you want to find a vendor who uses a script like my own cbmultilink, or one of one the others on the market, that allows multiple landing pages so you can link direct to the particular product you want to promote)

            4. You've ignored them because they are in the wrong niche or they haven't had high gravity (look harder, and don't follow the sheep).

            Okay, I've had reservations about posting this, as I don't need new vendor competitors, but here goes nothing...

            My 2 "stealth" products (in categories 3 and 4) where i am the vendor, and which allow direct linking to product specific pages:

            Bingo Card Maker Software - bingo cards creator, generator and printer
            Word Search Maker - word puzzle creator and generator

            I make most of my sales direct, but I did have 1 affiliate who was doing well for a while (hence he never added more than 1 gravity no matter what he sold), but seems to have mostly retired, so I'll open it up.

            The best markets for the former are human resources depts, k12 teachers, and esl teachers.

            The best markets for the latter are k12 teachers, and newsletter publishers (hardcopy newsletter and small press magazines like in-house corporate magazines). Sometimes parents too, but less targeted.
            ClickBank Vendor?
            - Protect Your Thank You Pages & Downloads
            - Give Your Affiliates Multiple Landing Pages (Video Demo)
            - Killer Graphics for Your Site
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            • Profile picture of the author RitaWrites
              There are so many products available on Clickbank that it takes a lot of time to weed through all of the junk to find the gems. Even then you still won't be sure it will be something that will work for you until you give it a try. Just keep looking, finding what you like, try it out, and if doesn't work, try something else. You will come up with something that will work sooner or later (hopefully!)
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      • Profile picture of the author mrkitty
        Originally Posted by glennfoster View Post

        Well sure, lots of products, lots of great products - err no. I used to sell clickbank products in 2006 and made a reasonable amount of money, I used to look forward to the cheque and then struggle to get my UK bank to convert it from dollars to pounds (wait for 10 days - pay a conversion fee)

        Im looking for something new to market, Clickbank - it seems to me (been marketing online 14 years) has bog all of interest.
        Umm, you aren't marketing Clickbank. And most of the people you would be marketing to(outside of IM) don't even know what a Clickbank is.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrgoe
    There are a lot of different websites like clickbank. Each has its unique products. Experiment a little, see what works for you.

    Originally Posted by glennfoster View Post

    Clickbank products are a bit crap... but...Ok so the title is probably a little bit naughty.
    Still, if your looking for something on Clickbank worth promoting that ISNT Health related weight loss, SEO or how to play 'smoke on the water' on a banjo in under 24 hours then what is their?

    I used clickbank before, I can see the people claiming to make billions are all selling SEO products (probably from the back room / bedroom at Aunty Nora's) , but I have a clickbank account and I need some advice on products.

    I was looking at Android / iPhone app guides. Anyone tried anything like this?

    I really think Clickbank has 1 good product for every 100
    Worked as a senior editor on, experienced in financial topics
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    It's like eating out at a few crap restaurants and then turning around and saying all restaurants are bad.

    You are simply generalizing. Clickbank is way bigger than a few crap IM products.

    A marketplace doesn't dictate how good or bad a product is... only the seller does that. A good seller will sell good products no matter which marketplace they use. A crap seller will always sell crap products no matter what marketplace they use.
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    • Profile picture of the author glennfoster
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      It's like eating out at a few crap restaurants and then turning around and saying all restaurants are bad.

      You are simply generalizing. Clickbank is way bigger than a few crap IM products.

      A marketplace doesn't dictate how good or bad a product is... only the seller does that. A good seller will sell good products no matter which marketplace they use. A crap seller will always sell crap products no matter what marketplace they use.
      exactly! as a good seller Im looking for good products that I understand and feel confident promoting. Far too many times Ive found that the products I am able to sell give me a moral dillema (ie. guilt) so I have no intention of selling 'PC Registry Cleaners' and the like.

      Im just asking if anyone thinks the app builders market is worth going into? Suggestions on other products other than mobile devices (although I have a 13 year old mobile related domain name I could use). I just want to stay away from 'pop ups' and '14 free SEO ebooks'
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      • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
        Originally Posted by glennfoster View Post

        Far too many times Ive found that the products I am able to sell give me a moral dillema (ie. guilt) so I have no intention of selling 'PC Registry Cleaners' and the like.

        You have a problem with Registry Cleaners but E-cigs are Ok!

        Originally Posted by glennfoster View Post

        Im just asking if anyone thinks the app builders market is worth going into?
        Instead of asking here, wouldn't you think that researching to see if it's a viable market would produce more accurate data.
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  • Profile picture of the author MKCookins
    I believe the opposite is quite true now. With Clickbank becoming more strict with what product they will and will not allow to be promoted -- and it weeding out a lot of the bad ones.

    The only way to see if a product is good, is buy doing some research and eventually buying the product to see for yourself. Then you can tell your future prospects the pros and cos -- and if it helped you with what you were wanting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Jierdon
    I'm no CB expert, All I know is for me CB has made my life alot easier.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mormo
      I was considering buying a clickbank product then went to the sellers website and found a free version of what he was selling plus an offer to buy the clickbank product for 37 dollars less then what it was selling for on clickbank.

      I'm not ruling out clickbank but as a new marketer their payout structure doesn't work for me at all. By the time I find enough suckers with the bread to buy a clickbank product all my money will have disappeared.

      I don't even really understand how they pay out but it looks like I need to make four different sales with 4 different types of payment for a total of over ten dollars or something? I'm gonna stick with Ebay partner program that pays you what you earn.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by Mormo View Post

        I don't even really understand how they pay out
        "Very promptly and reliably" is the important part of the answer to that.

        Originally Posted by Mormo View Post

        it looks like I need to make four different sales with 4 different types of payment
        Actually five different sales with two different types of payment, but yes, you have the gist right. That's there to protect affiliates, and make sure that our customers don't just create their own hoplink, buy through that instead, and get paid their own commission. It works very well. Their payment system wouldn't work without that or something very like it. But if you don't see yourself making a total of five sales at some point (which you have to do only once) then you're quite right that it isn't for you.
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      • Profile picture of the author mrkitty
        Originally Posted by Mormo View Post

        I don't even really understand how they pay out but it looks like I need to make four different sales with 4 different types of payment for a total of over ten dollars or something? I'm gonna stick with Ebay partner program that pays you what you earn.
        If the 5 sales requirement is holding you up, you weren't planning on earning very much to begin with, lol.
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  • Anyone who generalizes anything complicated is stupid. (clickbank included)

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it
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  • Profile picture of the author Carlsbadd
    Originally Posted by glennfoster View Post

    Clickbank products are a bit crap... but...Ok so the title is probably a little bit naughty.
    Still, if your looking for something on Clickbank worth promoting that ISNT Health related weight loss, SEO or how to play 'smoke on the water' on a banjo in under 24 hours then what is their?

    I really think Clickbank has 1 good product for every 100
    You need to think this through a bit. I have made great affiliate money on completely obscure stuff like how to raise chickens or how to build a chicken coup , how to make Ihop pancakes at home, knitting , horse training and countless other niches there. Oh and how to "learn to play guitar in a weekend" did very well for a time.. You have to think about what people want and how to sell it to them. I learned that from George Brown who had a little product called google sniper and google sniper 2, which I still use to this day.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    You do have to dig on Clickbank to find the good products, it will probably always be like that.

    I'm back selling CB products, making decent sales with a sales page about 24 hours old & no optimization yet.
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    • Profile picture of the author SocialDemon
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      You do have to dig on Clickbank to find the good products, it will probably always be like that.

      I'm back selling CB products, making decent sales with a sales page about 24 hours old & no optimization yet.
      Yukon does clickbank allow withdrawing money using Philippine paypal account?
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by SocialDemon View Post

        does clickbank allow withdrawing money using Philippine paypal account?
        ClickBank doesn't pay anyone by PayPal, in any country (though it accepts PayPal payments from its customers).

        Its payment options are checks or direct bank deposits (or bank wire transfers, to the countries to which it doesn't offer direct bank deposits). Nobody needs to be paid by check: either direct deposit or wire transfer is available in every country from which vendors/affiliates are accepted.
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    products I am able to sell give me a moral dillema (ie. guilt) so I have no intention of selling 'PC Registry Cleaners' and the like.
    I sold some 'PC Registry Cleaners' a few years back, zero refunds, hmmm... Used one myself, worked great. :confused:

    By the time I find enough suckers with the bread to buy a clickbank product
    This is the attitude that will guarantee your failure. Which is great, as far as I am concerned, less competition for those of us who actually know what's going on.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author maxjpip
    Many people are promoting the product doesn't mean that product is good.

    Take your time and dig in the marketplace, once you find one that you think is good.

    You can think why people need it and how to sell them the product. Do some research or buy the product so you can show the pros and cons to people.

    # Product + System + Traffic = ??

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  • Profile picture of the author wholesale blogger
    To me, and not forgetting that I am new to this and yet to even set up my first site for marketing anything (but close) I have looked at CB and will promote some of their products. There are lots of tips here given by the likes of Alexa to help in the selection of the same.

    I wonder though if the products are not all aimed or written for the American reader. That's my concern (although untested) If I read something that seems to be for the US market, it puts me off a little as a UK fella but maybe that's just me.

    In terms of not finding what you want, why not write your own guide/product? Or have it written for you. You can then be happy with your offering and pocket all of the revenue. This is something I am thinking of, and, like you it is in the Android apps market.

    I Make Peanut Butter :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
    I'm not sure if I wholly agree with you, but yeah, I have seen quite a few garbage products on CB. Some people trying to make a fast buck, I guess...
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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    I actually buy quite a few CB products in my niche as a consumer because I'm into my niche and use them personally. More often than not I'm impressed with the amount of info and quality as a consumer. Many vendors put a lot of work into the products. I save a ton of time and money buying digital products vs. hiring a service to provide the same info.

    Put a consumer hat on when shopping for products. Get into the mindset of specific person in your niche with the very problem or interest your address. Will the product help them? If you're active in your niche, does the product help you?

    Yes, there are duds, but there are also many people with extensive knowledge in both popular and obscure niches selling products.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    There are many excellent products at Clickbank, but you must find them.

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