Is there money to be made in niches outside of Health and Wealth?

33 replies
I am about to create my first blog/website and I know I am supposed to love what I write about. The only things I can see myself writing about for years are football and basketball. Everyone keeps telling me that all of the money is in health and money making. Is there still money in sports? There has to be less competition right? Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could sell as an affiliate if I chose Football or Basketball?
#health #made #money #niches #wealth
  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Originally Posted by nba2kbeast View Post

    I am about to create my first blog/website and I know I am supposed to love what I write about. The only things I can see myself writing about for years are football and basketball. Everyone keeps telling me that all of the money is in health and money making. Is there still money in sports? There has to be less competition right? Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could sell as an affiliate if I chose Football or Basketball?
    Yes and no.

    I gave you some ideas here:

    Think of niches as specific needs and wants. What do people in the Football and Basketball markets want? Fans want to be entertained right? How can you make money off that? Sell apparel? Sports betting wagers? Gambling? There are some legal ramifications there with the last couple of items.

    As a starting off point, go to this affiliate directory and see if you see any affiliate programs for anything related to sports:

    Then go to and check out their sports and apparell, do you think you'd be able to join their affiliate program and make some money selling items like this? Or maybe finding a droppshipper (or two) and set up your own Amazon store?

    Yes, there's plenty of money to be made away from Health and Wealth, you just need to think of niches as people's specific needs and wants and then hone in on one and research it thoroughly.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Don Grace
    There are some sports betting deals you can sell. I did a long time ago and made some good money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tommy Turner
    Well, you could put some Adsense ads on your site to earn a few dollars as you find a product to carve out.

    I would suggest creating some PLR article packages on Football & Basketball since you enjoy the topic. Combine that with even a better product by offering a simple site if you know how to do basic web design. Sell the site and maybe 10 articles as content for the site as a package deal. Then upgrade the package by offering to write 10 unique articles pointing to the various pages on the site.

    I'm not saying you'll get rich, but you can make allot more than you are now...

    Best Wishes,


    Create Expert Level Products In 24 Hours Or Less! Rags To Riches PLR Formula

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  • Profile picture of the author tolaskool
    I heard self improvement is big business, ive never really dabbled in that though
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by nba2kbeast View Post

    Is there money to be made in niches outside of Health and Wealth?
    Yes. And the money to be made in the niches outside of health, wealth and relationships is often far more easily accessed, too. It's not about how big the pie is: it's about how big your slice is. The links inside this post explain why: What kind of niches should I work with?
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    • Profile picture of the author Brian John
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      Yes. And the money to be made in the niches outside of health, wealth and relationships is often far more easily accessed, too. It's not about how big the pie is: it's about how big your slice is.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lance K
    Originally Posted by nba2kbeast View Post

    I am about to create my first blog/website and I know I am supposed to love what I write about. The only things I can see myself writing about for years are football and basketball. Everyone keeps telling me that all of the money is in health and money making. Is there still money in sports? There has to be less competition right? Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could sell as an affiliate if I chose Football or Basketball?
    There are people making good money in the basketball niche (football as well, I'm sure). They sell vertical jump training, ball handling training, shooting training, playbooks for coaches, instructional DVDs, have private membership sites, etc.

    Are these markets as big as health & wealth? No. But if you can make an amount of money that justifies the effort and these are topics you enjoy and are comfortable promoting within, then who cares.

    Most people don't have what it takes to jump into a the health and wealth niche and compete with the big dogs. Sure, maybe you can make the same amount as you could in football or basketball, but why bother if you don't enjoy it as much.

    The big dogs have an amazingly good handle on their customer acquisition cost and lifetime customer value. What does that mean to most people? You're going to get the scraps if you're lucky.

    Sure, if you have the stones, stomach, and drive to work towards a real business that is scalable you'll want to be in a large, evergreen buyer's market.

    But most people who start their own business are looking for a job replacer rather than a scalable business (and all the responsibilities that come with it) that has the potential to impact millions.

    If you can make $X/month with a football or basketball site and that's good enough for you, go for it. Just don't get married to any one idea so you know if/when it's time to cut bait. Maybe you'll hit on a formula that works and you can have a handful of these $X/month sites in different niches that you're comfortable with. That'll provide you some insulation in case any of them stops producing or gets wiped out by competition.

    Are you going to become a millionaire doing it this way? Probably not. But most "internet marketer" types aren't going to become millionaires, regardless of what the sales letter/video of Guru XYZ's latest launch would have you believe.

    You see, most any body would like to BE a millionaire, however most people are not prepared/willing to BECOME a millionaire.

    The way I see it there are 2 types of "entrepreneurs"...

    Type 1 - These people are looking to supplement or replace their job and perhaps build a modest size business that takes care of their current (or a slightly improved) lifestyle. The "follow your passions" advice is mainly geared toward this group.

    Type 2 - These people enjoy the process of building businesses. As long as it's profitable and scalable, the exact niche doesn't matter. Because their passion is building businesses. The "feed a starving market" and "impact millions to make millions" advice is mainly geared toward this group.

    Both types beat the heck out of relying on someone else for your financial well being. But you need to know which type of entrepreneur you are. Because if you do, you'll have a level of built in immunity when the next ad you see tries to exploit your emotions and desires of financial freedom.

    And regardless of which type of entrepreneur your are or the scope of your selected niche(s), you have to figure out what people want and offer it to them if you want to have any chance of being successful.

    "You can have everything in life that you want if you just give enough other people what they want." ~ Zig Ziglar
    Pick your path and stay focused.
    "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
    ~ Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author mrgoe
    Originally Posted by nba2kbeast View Post

    I am about to create my first blog/website and I know I am supposed to love what I write about. The only things I can see myself writing about for years are football and basketball. Everyone keeps telling me that all of the money is in health and money making. Is there still money in sports? There has to be less competition right? Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could sell as an affiliate if I chose Football or Basketball?
    Two words: sports, adult.. Just two more, but are a lot others out there, just experiment..
    Worked as a senior editor on, experienced in financial topics
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  • Profile picture of the author u119840
    Sports can be a difficult category to get into.. Especially football & basketball (as these are two of the most popular).

    Just make sure that you do your niche research. Don't rush this! Spend a great deal of time on this. You may be able to pick out some golden keywords that have a decent number of searches per month & low competition. (Use Google Keyword Planner).

    If you insist on Sports, try looking for a category which can produce a decent number of searches - but is fairly ow competition (soccer perhaps?)

    Other than that, I would suggest looking for niches which are hot right now & targeting those. Use Google Trends to find out whats hot right now & aim for that.


    Pick Up Your FREE Complimentary Video Course on How to Get Real, Meaningful Traffic at:

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    • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
      "Everyone keeps telling me that all of the money is in health and money making."

      Probably not all the money is there but those are 2 of the hottest EVERGREEN markets and will always make you money. But, money is everywhere. There are thousands and thousands of niche markets out there.

      Sports is another HUGE market and since you are passionate about football and basketball id say go for it!

      "Is there still money in sports?"

      You've gotta be kidding me, right? Well, you tell me. You have just named 2 of the most popular sports in America.

      Look at all the potential niches and subniches in this market:

      - Set up a Football Pool
      - Become a Member of the Port Adelaide Football Club
      - Cope when Your Favorite Football Team Loses
      - Get Tickets for Your Favourite Association Football Team
      - SuperBowl Party Ideas
      - Show off Tim Tebow Spirit
      - Best Basketball Tricks & Techniques
      - Best Football Tricks & Techniques
      - How To Become a better Basketball Player
      - How To Become a better Football Player
      - Decide Which NFL Tickets Will Be Profitable
      - Support the Arizona Cardinals
      - Get an Autograph from a famous Footballer
      - Get an Autograph from a famous Basketball player
      - Football Fans
      - Basketball Fans

      and so on...

      So you can easily start a blog and writing about these topics if you are passionate about it. Its a great start.

      Good luck
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      • Profile picture of the author KenJ
        Originally Posted by Devid Farah View Post

        - Set up a Football Pool
        - Become a Member of the Port Adelaide Football Club
        - Cope when Your Favorite Football Team Loses
        - Get Tickets for Your Favourite Association Football Team
        - SuperBowl Party Ideas
        - Show off Tim Tebow Spirit
        - Best Basketball Tricks & Techniques
        - Best Football Tricks & Techniques
        - How To Become a better Basketball Player
        - How To Become a better Football Player
        - Decide Which NFL Tickets Will Be Profitable
        - Support the Arizona Cardinals
        - Get an Autograph from a famous Footballer
        - Get an Autograph from a famous Basketball player
        - Football Fans
        - Basketball Fans
        Great contribution Devid.

        To OP

        You should definitely start with something you know and love IMHO. You have just got to come up with an original angle or USP.

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      • Profile picture of the author nba2kbeast
        Thank you all so much for your contributions! I think I have decided on soccer because there will always be something new to write about. I am working on focusing my niche down. I know once I decide on it I need a domain, hosting service, aweber, squeeze page, and a few other things. Can someone go over a bit of the steps I will need to take to get my website up and running? Should I definitely use wordpress? Should I pay someone to SEO my website?
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    • Profile picture of the author altitudemarketer
      As I've been doing niche research, I've discovered that picking a niche is the wrong path...

      Picking my "audience" seems to lead to more opportunity. Focus on helping and relating to your audience and you will be rewarded.

      For example... in regards to sports, you might find that fellow Dads or single guys (not sure which one you are) who watch football and play fantasy football and love to hang out at the sports bar might be a big enough audience.

      You might really relate to them and enjoy talking about things you enjoy and coming up with solutions to their problems and products they like.


      1) Narrow down your audience and envision/describe your ideal customer.

      2) Spend some time thinking of problems, hobbies, desires that these folks consistently have...

      3) Research the solutions to their problems, and find the products to meet their desires... Then write articles, create videos, create short reports, and review physical and digital products as an affiliate.

      4) If competition is stiff, then look for ways to uniquely package and simplify things that everyone else is selling.

      Hope that helps.
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      • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
        Originally Posted by Mark Hopkins View Post

        As I've been doing niche research, I've discovered that picking a niche is the wrong path...

        Picking my "audience" seems to lead to more opportunity. Focus on helping and relating to your audience and you will be rewarded.

        For example... in regards to sports, you might find that fellow Dads or single guys (not sure which one you are) who watch football and play fantasy football and love to hang out at the sports bar might be a big enough audience.

        You might really relate to them and enjoy talking about things you enjoy and coming up with solutions to their problems and products they like.


        1) Narrow down your audience and envision/describe your ideal customer.

        2) Spend some time thinking of problems, hobbies, desires that these folks consistently have...

        3) Research the solutions to their problems, and find the products to meet their desires... Then write articles, create videos, create short reports, and review physical and digital products as an affiliate.

        4) If competition is stiff, then look for ways to uniquely package and simplify things that everyone else is selling.

        Hope that helps.
        Actually, you've just gone through part of the process of picking a niche, which entails picking your audience.

        If you haven't picked your target audience, then you haven't really selected a niche to serve.

        "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
        - Jim Rohn
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        • Profile picture of the author altitudemarketer
          Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

          Actually, you've just gone through part of the process of picking a niche, which entails picking your audience.

          If you haven't picked your target audience, then you haven't really selected a niche to serve.

          Ok, if that is what people mean by niche selection, I can live with that.

          I do not believe, based on the stuff that I've read, that everyone who says niche selection is focusing enough on the audience/customer.
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          • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
            Originally Posted by Mark Hopkins View Post

            Ok, if that is what people mean by niche selection, I can live with that.

            I do not believe, based on the stuff that I've read, that everyone who says niche selection is focusing enough on the audience/customer.
            You're right Mark, there is stuff out there that doesn't address that point. I was just being a little nit-picky. lol

            I think some people advise pick a niche first and everything will come together (you and I both know that's not the case).

            "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
            - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author AlphaWarrior
    Originally Posted by nba2kbeast View Post

    I am about to create my first blog/website and I know I am supposed to love what I write about. The only things I can see myself writing about for years are football and basketball. Everyone keeps telling me that all of the money is in health and money making. Is there still money in sports? There has to be less competition right? Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could sell as an affiliate if I chose Football or Basketball?
    Check out It started out as a blog and sold ads for revenue. Eventually, NBC bought it, but kept the original owner as the head writer. Bet it makes a lot of $$$$ now.
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  • Profile picture of the author sree94
    I have a friend who makes five figures a month online teaching aspiring musicians how to make it a profession. Was I skeptical at first? Absolutely

    80% of my revenue has come from a niche outside of health and wealth
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  • Profile picture of the author Fantastic
    Setup a blog, throw on AdSense, and play around with Clickbank or Amazon affiliate links.

    Do 3-5 posts a week at least for 90 days.

    Focus on quality posts and not so much keywords/SEO right now.

    BUT...say you plan to do a post on the Top 5 Basketballs tomorrow...

    Hop on the keyword tool and find something you can naturally work in...

    With decent search volume and low competition...for every post.

    If you do this, there's a good shot you could make a few hundred dollars.

    EVERY month which isn't bad for a sport niche blog.

    Hell, it'll pay a bill or two. To me that makes it worth it IF...

    You like doing it. Good luck!

    *You could also build a list. Give away an eBook in exchange for visitors emails.
    Maybe do an eBook on 5 ways to improve your game? Something like that?
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  • Profile picture of the author ZNICK
    You can also make a site that compiles all of the Fantasy Football leagues or something... have monthly interviews with experts or something.


    New Community Gives REAL Reviews of IM Programs. NO Affiliate Links - Free membership!.

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  • Profile picture of the author higherluv
    You can essentially make money in any niche whereby customers are already buying. Comes down to market research.
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  • If you choose sports especially Basketball and Football I suggest to you post it to some sports sites so that it can easily drive traffic because those people are interested to what your promoted.
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  • Profile picture of the author lowelly
    If you go for sports, I think the easiest and safest way is to start as an affiliate for Amazon or some famous sports equipment site. Don't go for Clickbank products or stuff like that, as it's a waste of time. But this is just my honest opinion. I started my relationship advice site from the pleasure of writing and helping people. I wrote my own eBook, promoted it and so on, but everyone wants just free information, very few are willing to pay for it, and, believe me, everything is 100% original, optimized, high quality, etc.
    But, hopefully, you'll be luckier!
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry

    Now you are looking to drill down to that sweet spot. Not so broad there is too much competition for your budget, skills, or time. Not so narrow that you can't get traffic.
    I have more success just brainstorming BEFORE I start any keyword and competition research.

    Just start thinking of word combinations such as:
    soccer training
    soccer tips
    soccer rules
    learn to play soccer
    soccer stories, history
    soccer equipment
    (geographical area) Soccer
    Youth Soccer Positions
    Youth Soccer Practice
    Youth Soccer Apparel
    Youth Soccer Rules
    Youth Soccer Club
    youth soccer drills
    youth soccer positions
    youth soccer rules
    youth soccer club
    youth soccer uniforms
    youth soccer talk
    youth soccer rankings

    (These are not real suggestions but just a few ideas that popped in my head.)

    Get possible niche ideas from other websites such as:

    Top 50 Soccer Blogs

    As you scan through some other sites maybe something will jump out at you that other popular sites are NOT covering well or even at all.
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    • Profile picture of the author nba2kbeast
      Originally Posted by Janice Sperry View Post


      Now you are looking to drill down to that sweet spot. Not so broad there is too much competition for your budget, skills, or time. Not so narrow that you can't get traffic.
      I have more success just brainstorming BEFORE I start any keyword and competition research.

      Just start thinking of word combinations such as:
      soccer training
      soccer tips
      soccer rules
      learn to play soccer
      soccer stories, history
      soccer equipment
      (geographical area) Soccer
      Youth Soccer Positions
      Youth Soccer Practice
      Youth Soccer Apparel
      Youth Soccer Rules
      Youth Soccer Club
      youth soccer drills
      youth soccer positions
      youth soccer rules
      youth soccer club
      youth soccer uniforms
      youth soccer talk
      youth soccer rankings

      (These are not real suggestions but just a few ideas that popped in my head.)

      Get possible niche ideas from other websites such as:

      Top 50 Soccer Blogs

      As you scan through some other sites maybe something will jump out at you that other popular sites are NOT covering well or even at all.
      Thanks for your posts! I'd really like to write about professional soccer, but I know there are many other blogs out there in this market. Would picking a specific league or even team be a better idea? I'm sure I could find a popular team that others aren't writing about. Would this lead to a lot of traffic?

      For example "FC Barcelona" is searched for 3 million times a month, and there is "low" competition here. If I chose to make my website "fcbarcelonanews" or something similar, couldn't I bring in a ton of traffic?
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    I am not qualified to answer because I have never built a niche site involving soccer or any other sport and I have also never done any keyword research on it.

    However, without doing the research I suspect...

    "Professional Soccer" is still too big with too much competition.

    Even with a particular team or a league you will be competing with numerous other sports websites and news sources. Unless you have a big budget to get started it is unlikely you will get found just with SEO.

    There are some great threads you can find here about drilling down to find a good niche through keyword research and analyzing the competition.
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  • Profile picture of the author taskemann
    Of course there are. Why do you think companies bother to make products targeting other markets than Health, Fitness and Wealth?

    A person does also need food, insurance, clothes, hobbies, toys, education, sex, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Simon Farmer
    If you do choose to focus on a basketball site then I know I've seen a product on ClickBank called "How To Jump Higher" which is perfect for the basketball niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheEye
    In the gold rushes, gold miners as a whole did not make good money.

    The merchants selling equipment to the gold miners did.

    You want to be writing for the people who are buying things.

    • Ask what is bought by people in the niche you are going after.
    • The next step is to ask what group of people would buy these items.
    • Then ask what other things would this group of people buy.

    This will let you decide whether you can make the niche profitable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Rexel
    Football, you mean soccer? could be a good niche, lots of people interested in it and watching, playing and also playing online games.
    For monetization I think for example Goal United has a CPA offer

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  • Profile picture of the author Monsignor
    Since I have access to cheap automated Wordpress blogs, would you guys say that the old brute-force approach of setting up 50 of those in the sports niche, interliniking and doing some SEO might pay off in the foreseeable future?

    The intelligent investor is a realist who sells to optimists and buys from pessimists. - B. Graham

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  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    Originally Posted by nba2kbeast View Post

    I am about to create my first blog/website and I know I am supposed to love what I write about. The only things I can see myself writing about for years are football and basketball. Everyone keeps telling me that all of the money is in health and money making. Is there still money in sports? There has to be less competition right? Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could sell as an affiliate if I chose Football or Basketball?
    Ummm yeah, there's more money to be made outside of health, wealth, and relationships! Those are markets BTW, not niches. Also, those markets are extremely competitive so that's one reason why most people fail miserably...they try going for the Olympics before they can even run a mile. SMH
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  • Profile picture of the author Big Kahuna SEO
    There is literally money to be made fact, that is my biggest problem. I see so many niches that I would like to go after and I just don't have the time to pursue them. Pick one....then take action and everything else will fall into place.
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