Hot and how to make money on Hot.

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I am asked all the time how to make money quick, what to make money with and step by step blueprints. If you need step by step this business is probably not for you since most of it changes fast and drastically day to day and most of it is trial and error to start with.

Not going to happen but I do hope this posts helps some people out.
I am not good at writing but will relay to the best of my knowledge what I can to help you.

To find a niche. Your sitting on one of the most visited forums to do that with. Just watch the posts and you will see what is hot.

Go to google trends to find them. Search the most visited videos for the day on youtube.

Thats all for that. Now how to turn those ideas into dollars the fastest possible way.

I will not go into detail but I have been doing this for a long time, either with dedi websites or article hubs.

My favorite is squidoo and hubpages. I use several different monetization, they both have built in ones but I also use affiliate products and my own products. Now that you found what is hot write an article on it, weather a review article an information article or what have you. Now don't just throw something up, these sites are smarter than that and you won't get much traffic.

Now go and ping that page. Do this quick as hot today is not as hot tomorrow. Soon you will have dozens of pages up and they will all be bringing in some money for you. Remember you can seo a page off of squidoo and not get canned by google easier than you can with your own website.

Just do it. Spend two hours a day doing this and in three months you will be surprised at the money you make.

This is the only adsense I use any longer only because its effective.
#hot #hubpages #make #make money quick #money #squidoo

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