Need Some Help Here Please ..

by 13 replies
Hey ,

I'm in internet marketing for 2 years now with no success buying product after product which all of them have been saturated .

I just want to put my hands on a system that help me make even 10 or 5 dollars per day and without big investment because if i said how much i have to start you will laugh at me .. it's ONLY 40 $ Can i start make money with it ???

Thanks all

Hope you say something helpful
#main internet marketing discussion forum
  • I'm sure it's "possible" and I'm guessing dozens of people will soon post or PM you saying that their system will do it for you but 40.00 isn't much so I wouldn't count on much of a return right away.
  • I would suggest you stop buying "systems". invest some time into learning how to build a website and some basic SEO techniques. then invest a little more time in coming up with a solid business model and product or service of your own. Then hire a good writer to create content for your website. then figure out the many free ways to market your site. might not make you a million dollars but you will have more knowledge than you do now and you will have a base to work from.
    • [1] reply
    • I agree with bluewaveseo, you should stop buying. However, $40 is not enough to start a website, so perhaps you should first decide on something you are really good at, perhaps write an eBook or put together a video course and start using the social networks or a free blog to promote it for free. Later on, when you start making money, you can set up your own website and sell any products you want. But, instead of buying products, just read everything you can find on SEO and Internet marketing for free.
  • You can actually start at Fiverr for free and start making money. You need to study what the best gigs are sold and see what you can offer there. It is not rocket science, play around with it and you should be able to get 5-10 sales a day if you target keywords correctly. All the best...
  • Banned
  • And don't buy into scams that people spam into forums... :rolleyes:
  • It sounds like you have been doing a lot of buying, jumping around from one product or system to another, doing it for a small amount of time then quitting and buying another product. This is a recipe for failure so STOP! Focus and stick to one thing if you buy it until you've learnt AND applied whatever it is that is being taught in that product.

    It's quite common for people to buy a product and then have a huge sense of relief that they've bought... like the hard work has already been done... but buying something is the beginning. The WORK is what the vast majority of people are not prepared to do. It's easier to just keep on buying (and doing very little).
  • Marketing with Alex Live...teaches you all you need to know about successful internet marketing, for $17. You can also access to his forum for $27/month. So there you go. $34. Once you watch it all and know what's involved in IM, you will have a clearer idea of what (if anything) you wish to purchase online henceforth. You may not make your investment back immediately, but if you are a quick student, you can take the tools and learn how to eventually implement them to make money online.
  • Go back through all the products you purchased and pick one that you like and are comfortable with ( facebook, youtube, list building) whatever.

    Dedicate yourself to doing ONLY that for a couple weeks. Do Exactly what the course says, don't put your own short cuts into it. See what happens
  • Try by starting freelancing which will make you money. After you can try promoting an affiliate product and start a WP self hosted blog
  • You say you've been "buying product after product but all of them have been saturated"?
    How long/much have you been trying each technique/idea?

  • money isn't made buying products, the money is made in selling them.

    The process of making money is this.

    Have something to sell
    Advertise online
    sell it
    • [1] reply
    • Read the forum kid.

      This is a great resource. Learn business basics not a system.


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