Simple trick to beat the GMAIL 'Promotions Tab'

by 14 replies
Hi Guys,

As many of you would know by now: Google is sending most auto responder messages to Gmail clients promotions tab and not to the inbox.

I have a very simple solution to help get around this problem and thought I would share it.

Simply send out an email broadcast with the following information:


If you are using a GMAIL account, please consider doing the following
as emails from us may end up in the promotions tab and therefore you may miss out on important information.

Click on promotions tab and locate an email from us. Drag the email with
your mouse to the standard inbox. Once this has been done a prompt will
appear on top of the list of emails asking if you wish for all future emails
from us to be sent to your inbox. Click yes and you are done.


The text above is pretty much what I have emailed my subscribers and it works like a treat.

#main internet marketing discussion forum #beat #gmail #promotions #simple #tab #trick
  • That'll work for the folks who are opening your messages from their promotions tab. But if they're opening them already from the promotions tab, what's the point?
    • [ 4 ] Thanks
    • [3] replies
    • You might take it a step further, and make a video how to do that, like on the opt in page "thank you" page or something.

      But personally, I don't see any difference with the tabs, from either side.

      As a user, I actually like having them grouped together. There's plenty of lists I subscribe to, that I enjoy reading, and I specifically click on that particular tab.

      Kind of like reading through the Sunday paper and looking for ads that I like.

      People DO like buying stuff.
    • The point is simply that most people will look at the inbox only and once in a while check other tabs or even spam. I myself check the inbox multiple times a day but check promotions tab every few days.

      This way your email is the first thing they see in the inbox from the point they 'whitelist' your email.

      • [1] reply

    • I agree. I've made a similar thread, but to post something like this on the redirect/ thank you for subscribing page.

      If people are worried about subscribers not finding your email because of the promotions tabs, there's a good chance they won't find your first email either. You have to post instructions on the thank you page.
      • [1] reply
  • My CTR's have definitely dropped since gmail tabs came out. I've actualy seen several emails similar to your template from some people I'm subscribed to. If you're worried about sending this email to someone that doesn't have a gmail address, you could sort your list by gmail addy's and just send an email to those but the caveat is some people, like myself, forward non gmail addy's to their gmail account. I have over 30 domain specific emails all forward to my gmail account.
    • [1] reply
    • Yes good idea. Simply sending it to those with gmail will work a treat.
  • Additionally, put that message in the footer of your email.

    One thing that most email marketers do is NOT take advantage of their footers.

    My footer brands the hell out of me.

    Make wise utilization of your real estate.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
  • There is no viable workaround.
    It's enough hassle for people to go looking for the message, let alone
    being told to follow a set of instructions.
    The best way is to look at alternative forms of marketing.
  • Good idea, thanks
    this is definitely a try worth... but as mentioned, not sure how many people will follow the instructions...
  • THanks for sharing, now gotta test how well it will work, if the value from you is good, I think they will follow the instruction.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks

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