
17 replies
I am having a terrible time finding a mentor. I am at the point where I need advice from someone competent ( that, being the appropriate word here. I am looking to start a newsletter and possible membership site in an area that I have significant experience in as well as some authority.
The problem is that I have reached the limit of my studies and need someone to help point me in the right directions... I dont mean doing all of my work... I mean telling me WHICH books to read, which courses to study and which persons to use for specific work such as graphics or design.
The people I have talked to want ridiculous figures such as $500 an hour. I'm sorry but virtually no one can command that kind of money... not in ,my world. Maybe there are people that pay it, but I am not one of them. A reasonable sum, sure... but not that kind of money.
I am looking for competency at a fair rate.
Can anyone help or point me in the right direction?
thanks in advance.
#mentoring or consulting
  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    Browse these sections of forum. You may find what you are looking for:

    Warriors For Hire

    Warrior Special Offers Forum

    Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

    Signature edited.
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  • Profile picture of the author malcsimm
    Hi 102Beano - It is hard finding a mentor who gives you what you want and is also low cost (relatively).

    However, I know someone who is very, very knowledgeable and who does provide mentoring at a high price but who also offers extensive advice on his forum for free. He is great on strategy so why not shoot him question?

    Matt Woodward

    I know Matt well and can tell you that as well as being a really nice guy he is very, very knowledgeable and loves sharing.

    I suggest you ask a couple of simple questions first and don't make it seem like you are pumping him! He is very busy, but he's also very knowledgeable and he does answer questions on his forum (because, between you and me, he likes Google to see that content growing on his forum every day LOL).

    Give it a try and see how you get on



    You WILL banish # Procrastination, # Email bloat, # Wasting time, # Wasting money
    Getting Things Done PLUS Evernote turned my life around - read here how I do it
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    In the WSO section there are a few that are offering mentoring. In fact there is one guy advertising at the top of the forum a sort of mentoring program where you bank it off membership sites if I remember the sales copy correctly.

    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8435949].message }}
  • just go to local events meet people who are doing what you are and ask the ones you connect with to mentor you this is how i found my first mentor. offline is better even for online niche

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8436190].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author 102beano
      sorry, but here... there are no "local events" and no one else doing what I am thinking of doing.
      thanks, though for the write.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8436483].message }}
      • Originally Posted by 102beano View Post

        sorry, but here... there are no "local events" and no one else doing what I am thinking of doing.
        thanks, though for the write.
        what you wrote is not true, unless you are doing some anti freedom evil stuff there are local events. Find them

        Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8436677].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author 102beano
          ok, just let me know where they are... in Costa Rica.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devin X
    I'm accepting 10 more students. Not for nothing, but I know my shit, and I don't charge an arm and a leg like these other jokers. Just saying.
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Cutts
    have to agree matt is pretty damn good teacher :-)

    I would offer my help but I just dont have the time and if I did I would want big money :-)

    I have helped a few people in the past but they proved to me that they were the real deal...

    also I am mentoring my fiance as she starts her own blog soon :-)


    Posted from App for Android
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    • Profile picture of the author Lance K
      Read "Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got: 21 Ways You Can Out-Think, Out-Perform, and Out-Earn the Competition" by Jay Abraham.

      As for which freelancers to use, that's going to take some trial and error. Always be as detailed and specific as you can about what deliverables you expect. You'll likely need to pay at least 2 or 3 people to do your jobs at first. That way you don't waste a bunch of time if you only hire 1 and they miss the deadline or return rubbish. It'll cost more up front, but it's worth it.

      As far as courses go, it depends on exactly what you're after. Are you after information about running a membership site, generating traffic, converting traffic into buyers, email marketing, etc.? Even then, don't get sucked into the mindset that you have to learn more before you can start to earn. You've got your expertise/authority, so put together an offer and get to testing. If you've got a winning product or service the marketing can always be fixed. It doesn't have to be perfect from the start.

      What are your biggest obstacles right now?
      "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
      ~ Zig Ziglar
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8438046].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Nightengale

      Big tip: don't limit yourself to the WF and Warriors. It was when I went OUTSIDE of the WF that I found the best info and best mentors. (Sorry Warriors!)

      I'm more than a bit alarmed by your desire to have a coach "tell you what to do..." (You said: "I mean telling me WHICH books to read, which courses to study and which persons to use for specific work such as graphics or design.") Ummm... Excuse me?

      Take the initiative and do your research! You'll then locate the experts in the fields. Approach them for coaching.

      Don't expect anyone to spoon feed you the info (like tell you "what to read"), or even WHERE to find it. You will have to hunt it out for yourself, although you can certainly ask for referrals, recommendations, etc. along the way. Consider it a treasure hunt and an adventure.

      I see essentially three separate categories in which you're looking for advice:

      1. Newsletter publishing
      2. Membership sites
      3. Website design recommendations

      So you need to seek out info and people in these three different areas. A quick Google search of "membership sites" or "how to start a membership site" will get you started. Then go to Amazon and look for books on membership sites.

      Same thing goes for newsletter publishing.

      There are all different levels of "mentoring" at all different price points:

      1. Book -- $20-$40 (Don't laugh. A book is often an excellent mentor with fantastic recommendations for further resources.)

      2. Report/CD -- $20-$97

      3. Course -- $97 -- $5,000

      4. Workshop/Seminar -- $100 -- $10,000

      5. Mentoring/Coaching (group and 1-on-1) -- $500 -- infinity

      These numbers are general, but designed to show you where they fit on the ladder. Get a firm idea of what type of newsletter/membership site business you'd like to have. Then go looking for people who have that kind of business and pay to learn from them, realizing that you will probably have to get the newsletter and membership site info separately.

      Yes, you will have to piece it together. There's no one-size-fits-all solution here. Look for the info you need on building a newsletter business. Look for the info you need on membership sites. Then merge them with your own style.

      Start with Google and do a search. See what the best books are. Who are the experts in the field? Who's published a course on the subject? Buy them. If you like it, consider their coaching program, if they offer it.

      Big tip: you will get a lot more out of coaching/mentoring if you have the foundation of a homestudy course or two under your belt. Coaching can be expensive and often, you can learn a lot more info from a course than you could directly from a coach because you simply can't afford all of the time it would take to feed you all of that info. So buy a course first to get the foundation and then hire a coach to answer questions, help you refine your biz etc.

      It's the financially smart way to do it. And often, you can "get lucky": you'll buy a homestudy course with some coaching attached (like in the form of group Q&A calls). This is an AWESOME hybrid solution.

      I understand feeling overwhelmed and the desire for a mentor to guide you. I've done it all: bought books, courses ($1500 - $3000), gone to workshops and seminars ($1,000+) and have an AWESOME business coach ($12.5k so far...).

      Hope this helps!

      "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
    To get you started:

    1. Newsletter Publishing:

    A. Here's a FANTASTIC book on publishing a successful newsletter or magazine: Starting & Running a Successful Newsletter or...Starting & Running a Successful Newsletter or...
    Cheryl Woodward was a co-founder of PC and PC World, two hugely profitable and successful magazines. I purchased the previous edition and LOVED it. Very practical and VERY useful!

    B. GKIC's Newsletter Blueprint

    GKIC Store - Bill Glazer's Newsletter Blueprint

    GKIC is a huge, well-known, well-respected information publishing business on all aspects of marketing and making money. Their goal is to MAKE MONEY. So this newsletter blueprint isn't just about publishing a pretty newsletter. It's about publishing a newsletter designed to make money!

    2. Membership sites

    Membership programs are also known as continuity programs. You'd probably be better off searching for "continuity program."

    A. Membership Site Bible

    Membership Site Bible

    This is a bit older, but still a good place to start.

    B. Ryan Deiss had a Continuity Blueprint, but I don't think it's available anymore. Do a search for it though to find more recent, related resources.

    My own business is a membership-based business, but not in the sense that IMers think of it. I own a traditional trade association with annual dues. There is no recurring monthly revenue.

    However, be aware that ongoing, month-to-month continuity has a high turnover rate. "Forced comtinuity" has also been cracked down on by the FTC. You're better off designing a course or program with monthly payments which end after a fixed length of time. You can actually pull more money in this way since people are often more likely to stay when there's actually an end to the payments.

    This can be a product (with monthly payments), a fixed-term program (3-months, 6-months, 12-months), or simply a fixed-term membership program.

    C. Here's a resource for creating a fixed-term membership program from Kathleen Gage:

    Fixed Membership Program

    3. Website Designer Recommendations

    My own designers are Susie Fife of and Kelly Garrett of They have done a FANTASTIC job for me! (You can see my site at

    Some other HIGHLY recommended designers are:

    1. Amy Taggart

    2. Chelsea Berler
    Custom Web Design and Copywriting Services for Business | Alabama | Solamar

    3. Jennifer Bourn
    Custom WordPress Themes | Branding | Sacramento Web Design | Bourn Creative

    4. Rayna Diane Hennan
    home of rayna diane web design & development

    5. Amanda Farough
    violetminded Media

    6. Megan Monique Lewis
    Megan Monique

    7. Dawn Papandrea-Khan
    DPK Graphic Design

    8. Amber Ludwig
    Amber Ludwig, WordPress Website Development and Internet Marketing Coach to Build Your Online Platform

    9. Custom Blog & Website Design

    10. Erin Ferree
    BrandStyle Design: Strategic Brand Design For Small Businesses

    There! That will get you started. Now go do it!

    "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8438173].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author malcsimm
    There you go, 102beano - Nightengale has gone and given you a ton of mentoring and resources there! That should keep you going for 3-4 months at least!

    Very generous, Nightengale

    You WILL banish # Procrastination, # Email bloat, # Wasting time, # Wasting money
    Getting Things Done PLUS Evernote turned my life around - read here how I do it
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  • Profile picture of the author Lance K
    Great info, Michelle. Hopefully the OP pops back in here to check this thread before they go off and hire a mentor/consultant.

    I'd also add this --> allinone - WarriorForum - Internet Marketing Forums - Threads Tagged with allinone

    There is all sorts of great info in those threads. There are threads about membership sites, outsourcing, copywriting, and a bunch more.

    Evidently this rule...

    Please do not use the term All-In-One anywhere on this board. It will be saved for these threads specifically so at some point all one will have to do is search for the term "All-In-One" and all these threads will be easily found. At some point these will become some of the most sought after threads on the forum so it might be a good idea to participate if you have something to say people are going to really like.
    ...has fallen through the cracks.

    So just make sure that any All-In-One thread you look at was started by Allen (admin).
    "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
    ~ Zig Ziglar
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8439208].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MatthewWoodward
      Originally Posted by malcsimm View Post

      Hi 102Beano - It is hard finding a mentor who gives you what you want and is also low cost (relatively).

      However, I know someone who is very, very knowledgeable and who does provide mentoring at a high price but who also offers extensive advice on his forum for free. He is great on strategy so why not shoot him question?

      Matt Woodward

      I know Matt well and can tell you that as well as being a really nice guy he is very, very knowledgeable and loves sharing.

      I suggest you ask a couple of simple questions first and don't make it seem like you are pumping him! He is very busy, but he's also very knowledgeable and he does answer questions on his forum (because, between you and me, he likes Google to see that content growing on his forum every day LOL).

      Give it a try and see how you get on


      Originally Posted by Danny Cutts View Post

      have to agree matt is pretty damn good teacher :-)

      I would offer my help but I just dont have the time and if I did I would want big money :-)

      I have helped a few people in the past but they proved to me that they were the real deal...

      also I am mentoring my fiance as she starts her own blog soon :-)


      Posted from App for Android

      Nawww shucks thanks guys!

      But seriously if you have any questions just ask me. Helping is what I do ^^
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8522344].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Brendon Zahrndt
    Originally Posted by 102beano View Post

    I am having a terrible time finding a mentor. I am at the point where I need advice from someone competent ( that, being the appropriate word here. I am looking to start a newsletter and possible membership site in an area that I have significant experience in as well as some authority.
    The problem is that I have reached the limit of my studies and need someone to help point me in the right directions... I dont mean doing all of my work... I mean telling me WHICH books to read, which courses to study and which persons to use for specific work such as graphics or design.
    The people I have talked to want ridiculous figures such as $500 an hour. I'm sorry but virtually no one can command that kind of money... not in ,my world. Maybe there are people that pay it, but I am not one of them. A reasonable sum, sure... but not that kind of money.
    I am looking for competency at a fair rate.
    Can anyone help or point me in the right direction?
    thanks in advance.
    You'd be surprised how many people can afford $500 an hour, actually.

    I am well versed in newsletter creation and membership site creation.

    You are on the right track if you are considering starting both - the recurring business model is easy and effective once you master it.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask me.
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  • Profile picture of the author skywalker89

    personally I can recommend Rob Goyette .... I think he just started a new "season" of coaching
    Rob Goyette's Super Fun Ah Ha Mastermind

    He is on my short dial on skype and I work with him since I began in 2009

    My 2 cts

    the answer to all: 42
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