Why no sign ups on my page?

25 replies
Here's my page, link. Please DON"T sign up, that's not what this is about. but I would like your opinions as to why I havent' got one sign up yet?
My google search engine text ad says
"69.1% of forex traders Lost" Learn trading secrets .. (then some more text).
They are clicking on the ad, at a 500 to 1 rate. but not signing up.
Here is my page link (again please do not sign up, as I don't want to abuse this forum)

(I've removed the link so it doesn't look like I'm trying to market to the forum. I will post an update soon, so that others may learn from this case study, thanks all)
any thoughts are welcome
#page #sign #ups
  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyNight
    Hi researchpro,

    I think the first question people will have for you is how targeted is the traffic and how much are you getting...
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    • Profile picture of the author researchpro
      That's why I put the ad text in my question above and also put the 500-1 click through rate. If they're clicking on the ad then they must be interested. My key words are in the ad too.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnnyNight
        Originally Posted by researchpro View Post

        That's why I put the ad text in my question above and also put the 500-1 click through rate. If they're clicking on the ad then they must be interested. My key words are in the ad too.
        So I assume you are getting ppc targeted traffic, but does that mean 500 a day or a week. If you've gotten say 20,000 clicks so far it would be easier to evaluate than if you've gotten just 500-1000..

        As others have said, copy could be improved and look of your site more like that of established financial sites..
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    • Profile picture of the author researchpro
      RyanGillam, I'm advertising on bing text ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    My Forex-Illiterate opinion is that the headline needs work. Also "How can you not become one of the 69.1%" is a little awkward.

    May want to spend some time in the copywriting subforum - they've got a lot of good info in there and some of the posters really know their stuff so maybe you can get some better input.

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    • Profile picture of the author researchpro
      Mark, thanks. that does make sense to me.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        I'm torn between wanting to tell you (as a potential customer - I'm a forex trader) why I wouldn't opt in to it myself, though I might well click on your AdWords ad, out of curiosity, and wanting to tell you as a marketer and writer why I think nobody else will opt in to it either. I'll try to combine the two. Please don't take me as being rude - I intend what I say helpfully, ok?

        I think it's both badly written and badly designed. The design is poor - it all looks very hastily and rather carelessly assembled. There are layout errors, punctuation and grammatical mistakes, sentences that read very clumsily, and far too much text altogether.

        I'm really sorry if English isn't your first language and if I appear to be very critical about it, but if you have a sentence like "Once your opt in, you’ll also get hooked up my future video productions and upcoming strategy secrets", you're just not going to get (m)any people giving you their email addresses. There are three mistakes, just in that one sentence: first, you've used the word "your" instead of "you"; secondly, you've used the term "opt in" (that's a marketing term, not a term to be used in front of customers); thirdly, you've missed a word out after "hooked up" (maybe "to" or "with", or something? "Hooked up" isn't an expression I'd use, myself, in this context). You need a big re-think, here, or at the very least a re-write by someone with fluent English. Really.
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        • Profile picture of the author researchpro
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          I'm torn between wanting to tell you (as a potential customer - I'm a forex trader) why I wouldn't opt in to it myself, though I might well click on your AdWords ad, out of curiosity, and wanting to tell you as a marketer and writer why I think nobody else will opt in to it either. I'll try to combine the two. Please don't take me as being rude - I intend what I say helpfully, ok?

          I think it's both badly written and badly designed. The design is poor - it all looks very hastily and rather carelessly assembled. There are layout errors, punctuation and grammatical mistakes, sentences that read very clumsily, and far too much text altogether.

          I'm really sorry if English isn't your first language and if I appear to be very critical about it, but if you have a sentence like "Once your opt in, you'll also get hooked up my future video productions and upcoming strategy secrets", you're just not going to get (m)any people giving you their email addresses. There are three mistakes, just in that one sentence: first, you've used the word "your" instead of "you"; secondly, you've used the term "opt in" (that's a marketing term, not a term to be used in front of customers); thirdly, you've missed a word out after "hooked up" (maybe "to" or "with", or something? "Hooked up" isn't an expression I'd use, myself, in this context). You need a big re-think, here, or at the very least a re-write by someone with fluent English. Really.
          Thanks Alexa. Funny you think I'm not English , though I can relate to the types of syntax you associated me with. Crappy typist, yes, in a hurry yes, constantly reworking copy, yes. foreign- nope. Good points though and my page gave them to you so, I'm grateful for your expertise and will address them. si-ya-nar-ah..
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    Forex is a tough market. Your target market are smart and informed, you need to appear much more professional. I mean seriously, your page looks like a muppet designed it.
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    • Profile picture of the author researchpro
      RogueOne, the style of the page in intentional so that it does NOT look corporate. It's the Frank Kern style of 1 on 1 feeling that I was trying to convey. Corporate feel = BS alerts going off in the readers minds.
      But I do think your logic is true, and therefore I need to use more specifics to appeal to a smarter more informed visitor.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kingfish85
        Originally Posted by researchpro View Post

        BS alerts going off in the readers minds.
        Funny thing, what you describe is exactly what I felt when loading the site...

        I've noticed a trend here during my time on this site:

        1. Everything is either "100% FREE" or the price is slashed from something like $9.00 down from $99

        2. Always have to submit your email address.

        Maybe it's just me, but the page itself strikes me as a shady pop-up ad or something that would land in my spam box.

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  • If you want people to trust your opinion with how they invest their money, you need to put more work into your site. It looks like you made the site in 5 minutes.

    There is no shortage of how to make money with Forex guides out there. if you want people to sign up for yours, you have to WOW them!

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    • Profile picture of the author researchpro
      Thanks Michael Levandustki. Actually I spend many, many hours studying copy writing and opt in styles, and tried many forms of web pages, complex and simple. Looking too slick is something I guard against just because it is impersonal so common. But the Wow factor is the goal , for sure, and I've missed it for sure, or they'd be signing up. I'm thinking maybe step up the "authority" factor and the "wow" factor somehow, to overcome the "5 minute" impression it gave you?
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  • Profile picture of the author charto911
    So here are the questions that need to be answered and may be a testament as to the lack of clarity here:

    You have not given us Warriors enough information as to where you are receiving your traffic from, how targeted it is, the amount of visitors over X time period, amount of conversions.

    After you answer these in depth we can nitpick and help with the information pertaining to the size of the font on the page, the lack of credibility, the lack of extreme desire and $$$ that people will make for singing up, and the other conversion factors that I have seen skyrocket opt ins for my businesses online.
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    • Profile picture of the author researchpro
      Originally Posted by charto911 View Post

      So here are the questions that need to be answered and may be a testament as to the lack of clarity here:

      You have not given us Warriors enough information as to where you are receiving your traffic from, how targeted it is, the amount of visitors over X time period, amount of conversions.

      After you answer these in depth we can nitpick and help with the information pertaining to the size of the font on the page, the lack of credibility, the lack of extreme desire and $$$ that people will make for singing up, and the other conversion factors that I have seen skyrocket opt ins for my businesses online.
      awesome response thanks, bells are ringing already, as I am fully aware of the importance of things you mentioned- And they are missing from the page..I was thinking the "free" content would require less proof than a fee based offer, but I guess not.
      I've been tweeking for about 2 weeks, with different ad copy. At first I was getting 1 click every 2000 impressions, but this copy just triggered a 1 in 500 ctr. I've only got about 15 page views so far. No conversions yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eutaw
    Being an option trader for over 20 years....I have to agree with Alexa's comments above.
    You have the opt-in box above the "fold", but after that...not too much going for you..fix the grammar...make it look more professional and find forex traffic!
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  • Profile picture of the author researchpro
    Your' guys awesomeness is overflowing. Thanks for giving me your valuable time. I'm taking it all as golden.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      First off, 1 in 500 CTR is 0.2%, which is god-awful (no offense intended). And 15 clicks is nothing. Even if your page only converts at the same rate as your ad, you might need another 485 clicks to get a sign up.

      Beyond what was mentioned earlier, the thing that hit me is your mixed statistics. You quoted an authority as saying that 69.1% of their traders lost money over a full quarter. You countered that with your success over two weeks. If you want to play that game, compare apples to apples.

      I never got into forex beyond a short fling with a paper-only play account, but I imagine it isn't that much different from trading stocks in that it's quite possible to show impressive returns over a carefully chosen short run. What I found in more than one system is that moving the starting point slightly or extending the trial over a longer time would easily wipe out the touted profits.

      Given all the shortcomings, I'm guessing that your extremely small sample never made it to your below the fold copy. I wouldn't have, but for the fact that I was looking for feedback to give rather than forex information.
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      • Profile picture of the author researchpro
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        First off, 1 in 500 CTR is 0.2%, which is god-awful (no offense intended). And 15 clicks is nothing. Even if your page only converts at the same rate as your ad, you might need another 485 clicks to get a sign up.

        Beyond what was mentioned earlier, the thing that hit me is your mixed statistics. You quoted an authority as saying that 69.1% of their traders lost money over a full quarter. You countered that with your success over two weeks. If you want to play that game, compare apples to apples.

        I never got into forex beyond a short fling with a paper-only play account, but I imagine it isn't that much different from trading stocks in that it's quite possible to show impressive returns over a carefully chosen short run. What I found in more than one system is that moving the starting point slightly or extending the trial over a longer time would easily wipe out the touted profits.

        Given all the shortcomings, I'm guessing that your extremely small sample never made it to your below the fold copy. I wouldn't have, but for the fact that I was looking for feedback to give rather than forex information.
        Thanks John. very helpful to see where your mind went as you were reading it. Skepticism quickly rose to the top of your concerns.
        That helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author megabuff
    Just wondering how you went with this?

    Did you make the suggested changes and did you start getting sign ups?

    So is it acceptabe to put the URL to you page here for people to see it?
    I noticed you must have had it htere and then took it away. So did people see it before you took it down? or do the PM them the URL?


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    • Profile picture of the author researchpro
      Originally Posted by megabuff View Post

      Just wondering how you went with this?

      Did you make the suggested changes and did you start getting sign ups?

      So is it acceptabe to put the URL to you page here for people to see it?
      I noticed you must have had it htere and then took it away. So did people see it before you took it down? or do the PM them the URL?

      I pm'd you with the link
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  • Profile picture of the author edwardmmp
    The factors that people sign up or participate in a program depends on the overall marketing system that you use. you must consider the landing page, your follow ups, and your clients sales page navigational experience. It also depends on the demand on what you are offering.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    Yes your targeting professionals for the most part. So proper english ect is utmost important. Don't write like me do the opposite and you will do great.
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    • Profile picture of the author researchpro
      You are right. but balance thats not what makes the sale. though it can kill the sale
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