Flippa Let Scammers Scam People
I Just would like to create this thread to share my disappointment in Flippa support. I know most of you won't really care, but I think it is important to let everybody know that their support is getting worse and worse and seems to be more focused on making money than helping their members.
I really love designing, coding and everything related to web development. I have been using Flippa for a while now and have sold a lot of websites there, most of them for $x,xxx. I am also a 100% seller and have always worked hard to help my buyers develop my websites and generate revenues with them. Anyway, this isn't really important right now.
I have also been pretty active on Flippa and helped them to spot a lot of scammers (providing fake income proofs). I did it because I was getting sick to see “newbies” paying $xx,xxx for websites that will never generate any revenues (unlike what sellers were claiming with their fake Paypal proofs). Till now, Flippa has always been great and suspended these listings (pending more proofs from the sellers).
But things have changed. Now, Flippa doesn't allow sellers to claim revenues (for brand new sites) in the title of their auction(s). Nothing wrong so far. But lately, I spotted a seller scamming more and more people on Flippa. He has been creating (each week) brand new websites that have generated hundreds of dollars in couple of days. So I started to check his Paypal proofs and compared them to the ones from his other listings. I quickly found out that something was wrong, so I asked him to upload a video proof so I (and all the potential buyers) could compare it to his screenshots. The seller started to remove my comment (again and again) and kept finding “bad” reasons for not doing it. His listing ended with another winner. So I decided to report him to Flippa (with legitimate - and easy to verify - reasons).
The reply I received from Flippa really surprised me. Instead of suspending the listing and contacting the seller to verify his income claims, they simply removed the site’s earnings from the title of the auction (but not from the listing). They told me that this website is brand new and that they don’t have to verify the income claimed by the seller (even though they are clearly faked ones). They also told me that the earnings claimed are only an indication and shouldn’t be assumed that revenues would continue in that fashion (I have received two or three messages like this so far).
Basically, as long as you don’t mention earnings in the title of your auction, you can say and claim whatever you want. You can list a new website, claim that it has generated $10,000 in couple of days (in your listing description), provide fake Paypal proofs and… sell it to a newbie who will believe all your crap. Flippa won’t do anything to stop you (they might even thank you for helping them to make more money…). This kind of mentality makes me sick.
Of course Flippa can’t verify every single listing. However, they can verify the ones that are reported with legitimate and easy to verify reasons. Suspending the auction and asking the seller to send them a video proof of income would have taken them less than 5 minutes.
This seller was clearly providing fake Paypal proofs and scamming Flippa members. Flippa knows it but still refuses to take appropriate actions to protect its members… How sad… Definitely time for a better alternative...
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