Feed back on my videos

8 replies
Friends! I like to get to the next level to help more people, get more views and make better videos. Love your honest, "tough love" feed back on how can do better.

Sean PI Stewart - YouTube

also any course suggestion would be good, (already done james wed more traffic academy)
#back #feed #videos
  • Profile picture of the author Romeo90
    Sorry Sean, I clicked your link and saw a video titled 'how to give up casual sex and porn in under 15 minutes'.

    That put me off you dude

    Seriously though, I kinda like them because it is just you, your personality comes out, and you seem a normal guy.

    I will be giving that breakfast a go tomorrow morning, minus the berries. I subscribed to your channel and will watch the ones that interest me later.
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    • Profile picture of the author SeanfromVanCity
      Originally Posted by Romeo90 View Post

      Sorry Sean, I clicked your link and saw a video titled 'how to give up casual sex and porn in under 15 minutes'.

      That put me off you dude

      Seriously though, I kinda like them because it is just you, your personality comes out, and you seem a normal guy.

      I will be giving that breakfast a go tomorrow morning, minus the berries. I subscribed to your channel and will watch the ones that interest me later.
      lol funny.

      thanks man appreciate the support
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFranks

    I like your videos, full of energy and actual useful information. Also, them teeth! Look great!

    A couple of suggestions that might make it better?
    - Work in a well lit room with a plain background, white is best
    - Have similar video thumbnails, create a quick one on Photoshop, take a screenshot of your video halfway and put some text on it (keeping the font the same each time!)

    Other than that, I can see you becoming huge.




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    • Profile picture of the author SeanfromVanCity
      Originally Posted by MikeFranks View Post


      I like your videos, full of energy and actual useful information. Also, them teeth! Look great!

      A couple of suggestions that might make it better?
      - Work in a well lit room with a plain background, white is best
      - Have similar video thumbnails, create a quick one on Photoshop, take a screenshot of your video halfway and put some text on it (keeping the font the same each time!)

      Other than that, I can see you becoming huge.



      Thanks Mike, great suggestions, I am going to see if i can find a cheap softbox and a white background and have a mini studio in the basment where im staying.

      I also like the idea of the same text on each video, shows consistency and cleanness.
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      • Profile picture of the author Marty S
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        • Profile picture of the author SeanfromVanCity
          Originally Posted by Marty S View Post

          Your energy is awesome and your smile/goodwill is truly an asset for you. Production quality is okay, but I would go with HD wide screen.

          Unfortunately, your "feel good" messages are wordy, self focused and lack a real time/value proposition. I got the feeling you are making videos so that YOU can feel like a star, and the viewer is supposed to be enamoured with you, no matter what you say.

          I suggest then -

          1-) Make videos with real solutions for a niche market.

          2-) Use your passion and connect your video with a real STORY.

          3-) Cut the drama and the muscle shirts. (Alienates other Dudes.)

          4-) Relax, and get to the point. (I still don't know what your channel is about.)

          5-) STOP - STOP - talking about yourself. (Let others talk about you after you wowed them with your content.)

          I think your channel is a DO-OVER at this point, and I hope you get that I am really trying to help you with your video content.

          All the best, Marty.
          I just watched one of your "cut the fat " videos and it was amazing also thank your feed back
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  • Profile picture of the author doggerel
    You definitely have the charisma and presence for what you are trying to do. But as some have already pointed out, you seem a little self-absorbed, and it is off putting.

    Shorter vids, too. Shorter and sweeter.

    But, in all, stick to it, and I think you'll make it. No lie.
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  • Profile picture of the author Beatinest
    The most important thing is you are doing regular uploads. That alone will get you far. But to improve your videos I would:

    - Get a lapel mic to improve your audio.

    - De-clutter your background (infinite white isn't necessary for what you're doing but it's better than a cluttered background).

    - Mentioning in your channel message that you are going to 'try not to show off' would get me to NOT subscribe to your channel and not watch another second of your video because it makes you seem arrogant. If you are trying to help people then focus on helping people, not tooting your own horn.

    Besides those I think you have a lot of potential.
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  • Profile picture of the author SeanfromVanCity
    This is awesome guys thank you so much for your feed back its VERY helpful.
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