Need To Make $100 in 32 Hours or Less

66 replies
Okay fellow warriors...

I'm in a bit of a situation. I HAVE to come up with $100...

In the next 32 hours or less...

I work from home and have no new work coming in until Monday..

I do SEO, web content, and promotional work.

I've tried to land last minute clients and haven't found any.

What would you do?

Thanks in advance!
#$100 #hours #make
  • Profile picture of the author Long Beach Nathan
    Try to sell anything you can locally. Use Craigslist. Put ads out on as many classifieds sites as you can.

    It may not be the answer you're looking for, but it fits the situation.

    Also, this thread:
    Need Music For Your Videos, Podcasts, Sites, etc? Get It Now On My YouTube Channel!
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  • Profile picture of the author zahanega
    nothing with IM will work at this point...unless you already have sites in place that are making money.

    i agree with long beach nathan, sell as much as you can via craigslist (not ebay b/c that takes time) or to a pawn shop.
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    • Profile picture of the author JennySweets
      With nothing but services to offer and no bites at the moment, even Craigslist may not pay off in 24 hours.

      My advice would be to step away from the computer and get creative in the offline world. Look in the paper (or ok online) and check out the want to buy section of the classifieds, see if you have anything to sell to those buyers.

      Got a lawnmower? Any old ladies with weeds near by? That could be a few bucks.

      Craigslist MAY have some people requesting services but I've found those get snapped up quickly OR people are not willing to pay (like with writing - wtf is it with people who post that they want blog content and regular writers but, by the way, it's not a paid position unless the blog starts making money,etc.. but I digress....)

      At any rate, without a foundation already in place you aren't going to be able to drum up $100 overnight online, unless you DO land a client RIGHT NOW lol.

      Best of luck, whatever you try.
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      • Profile picture of the author doggerel
        Originally Posted by JennySweets View Post

        Craigslist MAY have some people requesting services but I've found those get snapped up quickly OR people are not willing to pay (like with writing - wtf is it with people who post that they want blog content and regular writers but, by the way, it's not a paid position unless the blog starts making money,etc.. but I digress....)
        Lol. Really? I'm not surprised at all, I guess.

        Anyway, if I had 32 hours to get 100$ I'd definitely sell stuff on Craigslist. I've done it before when I was in a tight spot.
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  • Profile picture of the author dvduval
    You need to plan for the day that you have the skills to do this easily. If you study and apply yourself in something that is an easy goal. If the existing work isn't doing it, maybe you need to expand your skill set by educating yourself in something new.
    It is okay to contact me! I have been developing software since 1999, creating many popular products like phpLD.
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  • Profile picture of the author sree94
    Yep, chances are, you aren't going to make the $$$ you need with traditional IM stuff like PPV, PPC, SEO, etc
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  • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
    Go visit a sperm bank and then a blood bank.
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    • Profile picture of the author optionstrader
      Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

      Go visit a sperm bank and then a blood bank.
      How about just several runs at the sperm bank
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      • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
        Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

        Go visit a sperm bank and then a blood bank.
        Originally Posted by optionstrader View Post

        How about just several runs at the sperm bank

        I'm going to guess that there is a time period before you can do it again, other wise I and millions of others would be rich and extremely exhausted.

        Originally Posted by JohnV88 View Post

        Sell one of your kidney at cheaper price !

        A cheaper price than what?

        Originally Posted by Raydal View Post

        Having to resort to selling bodily fluids? Then that's really desperate.

        I guess you know that Fantastic is a man.

        -Ray Edwards

        It's just a suggestion, if the OP is a male than he's good to go and if female, well it's not to hard for her to meet a guy rather quickly and siphon a $100 if he is somewhat gullible.
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    • Profile picture of the author Raydal
      Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

      Go visit a sperm bank and then a blood bank.
      Having to resort to selling bodily fluids? Then that's really desperate.

      I guess you know that Fantastic is a man.

      -Ray Edwards
      The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

      Go visit a sperm bank and then a blood bank.
      sounds like very tiring work! haha.
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      • Profile picture of the author revanyo
        Mow some lawns wash some cars. Possibly get a day labor job at a low skilled job site.
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  • Your chances are slim, like everyone else says. Although I could easily reccommend a freelance site like oDesk or Elance, you won't have access to that money until you get paid and it's processed (oDesk takes 5 days after payment is made to clear). Unless you can borrow the money you need from a friend or family member and pay them back in a week, the only other thing I can think of is post an ad for work on here (costs money to put up, but you will get back that money soon). Give a special discount for the first 10 people, or something. Whether you can do that in a day depends on your ad and the clients that go for it.

    Apart from that, I like Art's comment and think contacting anyone and everyone you have ever dealt with in the past, or marketers you've subscribed to, for work is your best bet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Facebookcash
    Sell books, cell phones, used clothes, jewelry. That will add up to more than a $100.

    Please do not use affiliate templates in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author wfjason
    I think the most practical approach is to still go offline. But I personally will think long term and start building a real business so that there will be income coming in on a long term basis. If there is no capital for your internet business, I will go find a job, be very frugal with my lifestyle and invest the rest on growing my online business. This is what I will do personally so that I can grow it up.
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    • Profile picture of the author evas
      We are not thieves that can rob money from where we like in a very short time. You can not guarantee you will make money $ 100 or more in the next 24 hrs except if you have everything in place or setup. example : you have your own list of 10K in aweber or getresponse on specific niche, or you have websites with thousands of visitors /day.
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    • Profile picture of the author ArtAndSoulLady
      Why do you need the money?
      I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
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  • Profile picture of the author bloggerd
    Been in the kind of same situation myself before now,
    I asked friends and family if they had any jobs they needed doing,
    Good old manual labour but I needed the cash so i did it
    Odd jobs gardening, painting dumping stuff at scrap yard.

    As are you now the time frame you have I don't think you going to do it
    So I'd start think about getting your hands dirty
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  • Profile picture of the author Gengis
    Find something you can sell on craigslist for $100 .. Make sure it's a great deal and you will sell it.

    2 weeks ago I posted for sale an iphone 4 that I had laying around for a few months and sold it for $185 2 days after posting it.

    You'd be surprised what you have laying around that someone else would be willing to pay for.

    Good luck!

    Gengis Suarez
    My Craigslist Arbitrage Method Of Making Money On Demand -->
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    Do you have existing clients? If you do send a "24 hour Emergency One-Time Deal". Offer your very best top of the line service for $125 ... the scarcity is in the fact it would only be open for 24 hours and the first 2 clients who jump on this will get it. Everyone else will have to pay full price come Monday.
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  • Profile picture of the author onlineworkers
    Go to the section of this forum where people are hiring warriors or who is in need a service and offer your service. Even a small website or a landing page design will fetch you your target amount in a day or two..
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnE
      32 hours is a bit tight... If this were my circumstance, I would probably hit the streets and visit every restaurant (the small business type, not the franchises) on the way offering them a mobile version of their site. Spending a whole day doing this might land you a deal or two - certainly enough to net 100 bucks.

      Even if you have no idea how to get a mobile site done, there are plenty in this forum who provide the service, simply give them the restaurant's URL and they'll produce a mobile version for it.

      You'll still need to gather some material to sell the owner on the fact that it is a necessity for their business.

      Best of luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnV88
    Sell one of your kidney at cheaper price !
    For Only Real Facebook Likes, Youtube Views & Twitter Followers
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by Fantastic View Post

    Okay fellow warriors...

    I'm in a bit of a situation. I HAVE to come up with $100...

    In the next 32 hours or less...

    I work from home and have no new work coming in until Monday..

    I do SEO, web content, and promotional work.

    I've tried to land last minute clients and haven't found any.

    What would you do?

    Thanks in advance!
    That's gonna be hard to do if you can't find another client or don't already have some residual stuff set up. Perhaps you could borrow the money since you know your gonna have money soon?

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  • Profile picture of the author Endo Pakistan
    start working on freelancer, Elance and Odesk but you won't get project so you work consistently. I personally do these things if got time.
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  • Profile picture of the author spearce000
    1. Look in the Warriors Looking to Hire You section and see if there is someone looking for a service you offer.
    2. Go to and post as many gigs as you can. 25 gigs will get you $100 (a long shot, but technically doable).
    3. Get a bucket, sponge and washing up liquid. See how many cars you can wash. 10 cars @ $10 each will get you $100.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Ebay selling belongings. Simple and effective.

    Failing this, do some services around the neighbourhood.
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    • Profile picture of the author AndreAyton
      If i were i would ask neighbor or friend if there was anything i could do for them for some cash ..

      Or try some arbitrage online
      If you are not making somebodies life better then you are wasting your time

      Life is too short to work 40 hours a week
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  • Profile picture of the author Dotnix
    Sell something on craiglist for 50$
    put that 50$ in online casino on black
    win = profit
    lose = go to craiglist...
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  • Profile picture of the author ATAC
    Find a local doctor that is on the third page of google and sell him seo service !
    Start google searching and contacting them.

    It's a numbers game using email so get going you will land someone.
    This all-in-one marketing platform saves me over $7,000 per year. See how:
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  • Profile picture of the author BuyExpiredDomains
    ODESK. Apply for jobs that you can do quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author yjetyietijian
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    • Profile picture of the author RobusCop
      Grab a bucket and a sponge

      Start knocking on doors offering to clean windows or cars

      You need cash fast with little or no start up cost.
      This is how to do it.

      Do it well and you could have a nice little side business going

      I did this when I was twelve and wanted to buy a motorbike
      As soon as the neighbours new I was offering this service word soon got around, they started bringing their cars to my house and leaving them for a full valet every Sunday.

      If there is a car dealership near by, offer to do the whole forecourt for the full $100

      I make a good living from eBay partner network.
      Inbox me to find out more

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  • Profile picture of the author ezekielseo
    1. find some stuff around the house that isn't in use, then sell it.

    2. Since it seems as though you have a good background in services, create a service but notch down the price so it beats your competitors out of the ball park - but make sure that you are capping on how much you are selling.
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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by ATAC View Post

      Find a local doctor that is on the third page of google and sell him seo service !
      Start google searching and contacting them.
      It's a numbers game using email so get going you will land someone.
      Really, hows that going to earn him $100 by 6am tomorrow morning?

      Originally Posted by BuyExpiredDomains View Post

      ODESK. Apply for jobs that you can do quickly.
      Not going to work in his time frame...

      Originally Posted by Easymoney1 View Post

      Are you student, housewife or internet surfer facing financial challenges? Here is a SOLUTION!!. You can earn sufficient money (up to $300 a month) to lift your DEBT and live the dream of your life by joining the jobtask. Its FREE. No JOINING FEE. just join and start earning money. To Join Follow the Link Below
      You obviously did not read the OP.
      PS! Affiliate links are not allowed

      Originally Posted by spearce000 View Post

      2. Go to and post as many gigs as you can. 25 gigs will get you $100 (a long shot, but technically doable).
      FIVERR does not payout overnight...

      Originally Posted by Endo Pakistan View Post

      start working on freelancer, Elance and Odesk but you won't get project so you work consistently. I personally do these things if got time.
      Did you read "Need To Make $100 in 32 Hours or Less"
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by Fantastic View Post

    Okay fellow warriors...

    I'm in a bit of a situation. I HAVE to come up with $100...

    In the next 32 hours or less...

    I work from home and have no new work coming in until Monday..

    I do SEO, web content, and promotional work.

    I've tried to land last minute clients and haven't found any.

    What would you do?

    Thanks in advance!
    I've been there a number of times myself. I work as a freelance writer, but some of my clients don't pay me immediately. When I'm sitting on invoices and need cash fast, I start by sending invoice reminders. If that doesn't do any good, I contact my list of past clients and offer a one time special for up to a certain number of people (whatever equals the amount of cash I need).

    If that doesn't work, I go through my list of thousands of contacts and offer a new customer sale to any of them that will pay in full up front, with the promise of faster than normal turn around times.

    While doing all of this, I would also throw anything I no longer need up on Craigslist or eBay to give me another option for cash.

    After you get through this little situation, my advice is to put a little away into an emergency fund every time you get paid. Even if it means skipping a few beers at night or eating out a little less. Having a few Benjamin's sitting in a safe will help you avoid the desperation for cash in the future.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author Oliver13
    steal someone
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  • Profile picture of the author Borja Obeso
    Originally Posted by Fantastic View Post

    Okay fellow warriors...

    I'm in a bit of a situation. I HAVE to come up with $100...

    In the next 32 hours or less...

    I work from home and have no new work coming in until Monday..

    I do SEO, web content, and promotional work.

    I've tried to land last minute clients and haven't found any.

    What would you do?

    Thanks in advance!
    Go to

    Sell something you own
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  • Profile picture of the author vividlion
    Making $100 in the next few hours that's a very good scenario,

    Look honestly get a micro-loan if you need to, alot of charities or other independent small financiers offer to help with that, some of them are even interest free.

    Kiva is a great website for sourcing people like that!
    then you can raise the cash back to pay it off, this way it takes the pressure off you and gives you room to breathe. there is always hope, just look closely and you'll find it.
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  • Profile picture of the author o3man
    I could use pay pal to send you green. However, there is a three day hold on money. Best option would be western union. They can send cash in a flash to you. Cost is $8 to send $200 which is twice what is necessary. Please remember that cash truly is the king in this world of ours.
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  • Profile picture of the author yitbarek
    Originally Posted by Fantastic View Post

    Okay fellow warriors...

    I'm in a bit of a situation. I HAVE to come up with $100...

    In the next 32 hours or less...

    I work from home and have no new work coming in until Monday..

    I do SEO, web content, and promotional work.

    I've tried to land last minute clients and haven't found any.

    What would you do?

    Thanks in advance!
    List your services on fiverr and related sites, and advertise the service on facebook, twitter, etc.... contact previous customers and offer them to do same job with discount.
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    • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
      If you don't have a website where you offer your services, you need one now. I would suggest setting up a WordPress blog.

      Just write up what you're offering, the special limited time deal, and the buy button. I do hope you have the PayPal Debit card so you can access the money as soon as it arrives in your account!


      follow the steps above...

      - offer your old clients a great limited-time deal
      - write to others who might be interested and offer them the new client deal
      - Write a little ad for your WF signature line, with link to your site
      - post a bunch of great answers to relevant questions
      And once you've done that, post stuff on ebay, Craigslist, etc.
      Then call your friends to see if anyone knows anyone etc.

      Oh, and depending on where you live, you may have a used books store or a used records/cd etc. store that might give you cash for certain stuff. It's not a huge source of cash, but it might help. So once you've done the above, go and look into that.

      Good luck!

      FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

      Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
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  • Profile picture of the author Gengis
    I should of told you to get off the computer and start knocking on people's doors in the neighborhood to cut their grass, paint one of their rooms, whatever just to raise the $100 if you really need it bad.
    My Craigslist Arbitrage Method Of Making Money On Demand -->
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Sell some stuff on ebay I think. Can have an auction up quickly and sales and money directly to your account or paypal the same day.
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  • Profile picture of the author RouxBourbon
    I got one for ya, 100$ guarantee every single time and Ive sold like 20 this year, but a QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING has brought me a quick (within 4 hrs most cases) $100 off of Craigslist. No Lie ..... without fail
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  • Profile picture of the author Loopholemarketers
    Rank some videos for local keywords, that'l only take an hour if you pick the right keywords, and contact related businesses saying you'll only work with one for a $100 retainer.

    Or did it four times and charge a $25 retainer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fantastic
    Thanks for all the advice everyone!

    I actually made well more than $100 in the 32 hour time.

    I basically contacted a handful of former clients and offered them services.

    I had more than one come through, one of which paid me IN ADVANCE.

    I offered them a service that I normally charge $200 for...

    For $100. I sold 3 of them and...

    I landed an on-going gig that pays $250 a week, takes about 30 min a day..

    They paid me the first week in advance.

    Thanks for all your advice. It def. was do-able haha.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8458687].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Long Beach Nathan
      Originally Posted by Fantastic View Post

      Thanks for all the advice everyone!

      I actually made well more than $100 in the 32 hour time.

      I basically contacted a handful of former clients and offered them services.

      I had more than one come through, one of which paid me IN ADVANCE.

      I offered them a service that I normally charge $200 for...

      For $100. I sold 3 of them and...

      I landed an on-going gig that pays $250 a week, takes about 30 min a day..

      They paid me the first week in advance.

      Thanks for all your advice. It def. was do-able haha.
      Wow, that's great! I'm glad to hear you pulled through, and it turned out even better.
      Need Music For Your Videos, Podcasts, Sites, etc? Get It Now On My YouTube Channel!
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    • Profile picture of the author MarketMaster13
      Identify what you no longer use around you,it could be some PC,Phone or any used items that you feel are no longer of any value to you but might be of some value to someone else.
      Post them in as many classified sites;this way you can easily make your $$$
      All the best!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8459755].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
      Originally Posted by Mike Hill View Post

      Do you have existing clients? If you do send a "24 hour Emergency One-Time Deal". Offer your very best top of the line service for $125 ... the scarcity is in the fact it would only be open for 24 hours and the first 2 clients who jump on this will get it. Everyone else will have to pay full price come Monday.
      Originally Posted by Fantastic View Post

      Thanks for all the advice everyone!

      I actually made well more than $100 in the 32 hour time.

      I basically contacted a handful of former clients and offered them services.

      I had more than one come through, one of which paid me IN ADVANCE.

      I offered them a service that I normally charge $200 for...

      For $100. I sold 3 of them and...

      I landed an on-going gig that pays $250 a week, takes about 30 min a day..

      They paid me the first week in advance.

      Thanks for all your advice. It def. was do-able haha.

      Good to see you took my advice... Now what you can do (now you know that it works) is setup a 4 message autoresponder series that will make this offer to new subscribers about 4 weeks after they get on your list.

      Email #1: The story and offer...
      Email #2: Add some value added bonuses to your offer...
      Email #3: Only 4 days left to take advantage of this offer...
      Email #4: Special offer closes in 24 hours...

      Have a simple sales page detailing your offer and have it on an evergreen timed close (which means as soon as they click the link the timer starts for them until the offer is closed.) You can do this with a plugin I use called Deadline Plugin. (It counts down the time until the offer closes)

      So now you have an automated Special Offer...

      The next thing is to think of other ways you can make use of your autoresponder to increase your profits from existing subscribers and paying clients.
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    • Profile picture of the author JSammy
      Originally Posted by Fantastic View Post

      Thanks for all the advice everyone!

      I actually made well more than $100 in the 32 hour time.

      I basically contacted a handful of former clients and offered them services.

      I had more than one come through, one of which paid me IN ADVANCE.

      I offered them a service that I normally charge $200 for...

      For $100. I sold 3 of them and...

      I landed an on-going gig that pays $250 a week, takes about 30 min a day..

      They paid me the first week in advance.

      Thanks for all your advice. It def. was do-able haha.
      What kind of SEO work do you do? I need some help with my sites. PM me please
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    • Profile picture of the author AlexGeorge
      If you have an ebay account sell some instagram followers / likes. They seem to be very popular on ebay. You can get these off fiverr and make your own large packages. I have easily made $100 in a day with this method.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobsstuff
    Congratulations on hitting your target +++

    Now, take a lesson from this and contact your clients more often with "deals". Maybe not half off, but "deals" anyway.

    I think you may have found the solution to future financial situations, BEFORE they even happen.
    Bob Hale
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  • Since you have no work and you need a money for 32 hours try to make a garage sale to your home and since you're an SEO try to post in fiverr a gig just to promote traffic and try also to find a new online job.
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  • Profile picture of the author SuperKristen
    Read this latest thread by MikeRogers. May be worth reading for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vector Graphics
    The best way to make quick cash is by selling your services to other marketers or offline businesses. lol I just saw your last post which is what I was also going to say. Contact prior customers!
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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    When you have a list of previous clients making 100$ within 24 hours is not very difficult.

    But making 100$ within 24 hours without a list is much more difficult. Most people say it is impossible. Still, for anyone who wants to make money fast, either offer a service or sell a physical product on E-Bay or something.

    Congratulations on reaching your goal.
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  • Profile picture of the author momo14
    Long Beach gives you a good idea. I completely agree with his word. I am also doing SEO work from home and when I decided to start it I had the same confusion which you have now.But Craigslist helped me a lot. When you start work from home first you need to understand the market value so in my point of view you should start from a local market.

    First you can start with your friend circle. Those who are active in this field go and contact them I mean to say first you need to promote yourself and for this and then you have to make a good profile. Best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    You can get a 100$ loan and pay it back. You can do freelancing tasks or etc...

    Blogger at (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Send me $25 dollars - and I'll send you P.T. Barnum's method for getting $100 in 4 minutes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
      Originally Posted by garyv View Post

      Send me $25 dollars - and I'll send you P.T. Barnum's method for getting $100 in 4 minutes.

      LOL... I love it
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  • Profile picture of the author skillboyz
    Long Beach gives you a good idea. I completely agree with his word. I am also doing SEO work from home and when I decided to start it I had the same confusion which you have now.But Craigslist helped me a lot. When you start work from home first you need to understand the market value so in my point of view you should start from a local market.

    First you can start with your friend circle. Those who are active in this field go and contact them I mean to say first you need to promote yourself and for this and then you have to make a good profile. Best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Curtis2011
    Take a cash advance from your credit card.

    Seriously how can anyone be so desperate for money that you can't raise $100 in a day?
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