$50 Facebook Ad Budget - Please Your Advice Is Needed Now

4 replies
I have just gotten 50 dollars coupon to advertise on facebook.
I have any of these 2 niches in mind dating or games. Although i don't know much abt these niches but wanna go into it anyway b/c i got to know it convert well on fb.

Now my question now is, How do i go about it now as i don't have a website yet, do i create fb fan page on it and advertise the page? how can i break down any of these niche and target the relevant audience?
lastly, can i get clickbank affiliate product on any of these 2 niches to promote on the page?

Please your advice is needed. B/c i'm set to go now.

Thanks in advance.
#$50 #advice #budget #facebook #needed
  • Profile picture of the author Langeani

    I would do the following:

    1st profile consumers. See what people are looking for in your chosen niches and find an "angle", or a very specific targeting. Understand what a group of people are looking for and market to this specific group.

    I mean, don't market to people who are into games. Market for, and this is just an example, people who "want to earn money by playing video games". Alright, we've set an angle. Now to profiling.

    Now you go to their forums, facebook groups and fanpages, etc, (look for that on Google... earn money videogame phpbb / vbulletin etc) and gather information.With the information, profile a customer, a person. How the average person looking for what you're marketing would be?

    Examples: 20 year old dude, not going to college, with an income of $X, single...

    So, now, you've got 2 advantages for you:

    1- Your facebook ad will be MUCH more targeted and will get higher CTRs and lower prices. Since you're targeting to a very specific niche, there'll be more people who will be interested to what you're offering, percentage-wise. So, you'd go for 17-25 yo, in specific states bla bla bla

    2- You can set your landing page or fan page to talk to your specific and profiled audience. How would they feel if they clicked on the ad and landed on a page that tells them EXACTLY what they wanna hear, with their specific language, slangs, and so on?

    This is actually just my 2 cents and I could elaborate more, but I believe this is some food for thought..

    Good luck!

    Facebook ads from the start! Check out this free course here

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  • Profile picture of the author Infonet
    hi Langeani, thanks for the advice and your write up. Although i'm not that much familiar with gaming niche. but i have been researching on it now. I plan to use fb fan page for it. but i don't have a website on this yet, can i still go on with that? which affiliate network can i use for this gaming stuff?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    $50 isn't much...probably not enough to tell you anything. If you are in a competitive niche, it'll be $1+ a click. I suppose you can find something for 16 cents a click but this coupon will be used up quickly either way.

    You can blow a lot of money really quickly on FB ads, even when you think they are targeted. With the advanced targeting available on FB now that wasn't available a few months ago (Grrr!), you can advertise ONLY to those people who are already interested in your topic!

    Here's the best training--FREE training--on this that I've found.

    And the software is dirt cheap.
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  • Profile picture of the author Langeani
    @Infonet: yeah, I don't do gaming, but it was just an example. You can definetely do this without a website, and with a fan page. Start somewheere, then, grow.

    @Jason yeah I totally forgot to mention that... 50 is not gonna be much. but, sometimes, it can give you some insights, especially if you target well enough.

    Good call on the free training, looks good.

    Facebook ads from the start! Check out this free course here

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