From WSO to CLickBank..

by Gengis
8 replies
For those of you that are product creators like myself, how long do you wait before you add your wso to Clickbank or other similar platforms?
#clickbank #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    Why wait?... According to the WSO Forum rules you must offer a WSO as a Special Offer, meaning you must either offer your WSO at a reduced price and or offer more in a WSO compared to your regular offer.

    So put it on ClickBank right away.
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    • Profile picture of the author johnmags
      Originally Posted by Mike Hill View Post

      Why wait?... According to the WSO Forum rules you must offer a WSO as a Special Offer, meaning you must either offer your WSO at a reduced price and or offer more in a WSO compared to your regular offer.

      So put it on ClickBank right away.

      Agree. You can also launch a WSO of your existing products in CB at reduced prices.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gengis
      Originally Posted by Mike Hill View Post

      Why wait?... According to the WSO Forum rules you must offer a WSO as a Special Offer, meaning you must either offer your WSO at a reduced price and or offer more in a WSO compared to your regular offer.

      So put it on ClickBank right away.

      Makes a ton of sense Mike. Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Listing it on Clickbank right away also gives you a new selling angle. "This product is currently selling on Clickbank for $97, but pick it up in the next 7 days and you pay only $37."
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    If you are testing a product and how the market will react to it then you shouldn't put it up on CB right away. In this instance, I would wait 4-8 weeks to see how to market likes the product before I put the effort and time into putting it up at the CB marketplace.

    However, if you are certain it's a winner and you plan to stick with the product for the long term then go ahead and put it up at CB before you launch the WSO as it will give you a selling angle like WillR mentioned.

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  • Profile picture of the author HzCy
    Uhm, clickbank dont needs to have some price reduces or whatever.

    Go for clickbank instantly!
    What I did was just promoting the product a bit on forums and then just posting it on clickbankd.
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