Kindle? Where to begin?

by Jordan Hunter Banned
10 replies
Hey everyone,

I've gone through a few threads but am hoping to gain some more insight. I have a few books that I'd like to publish via Kindle but could use some direction. Anyone have some good advice, articles or books here online about publishing with Kindle?

Any help is appreciated
#begin #kindle
  • Profile picture of the author misshang
    Hi, I am very sure there is a paid section on Warrior Forum on Kindle publishing. I am there too

    Join or use my translation group! All languages!

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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    Hi Jordan:
    Please start small and then grow. Well, your first book will probably be like mine. It was a comedy of errors. Hard to think that I could get some many items wrong. Still, it did provide a learning experience. Always remember that things are more difficult than you can imagine. Expect each new book to improve. Congratulations, and all the best to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author sqwm1im
    If you already have books titled and written, then you are almost good to go. You can find instructions on the Amazon website (and YouTube, and tons of other sources via Google) about how to format your book for Kindle. Many people sell software for formatting for Kindle but trust me - you don't need it. Microsoft Word or the free OpenOffice is all you need.

    Unless you are an artist, just go to Fiverr for your book's cover. If you sell at $2.99 then you have paid for your cover in two sales.

    Submitting to Kindle is very easy - you can list a book in a few minutes once you are signed up.

    Writing your book is the hardest part - the rest is easy

    Once you've got a taste for publishing on Kindle, take a back-seat and come up with an action plan. Choosing the right niche and title goes a long way to selling 100 books a month instrad of 10 books a month, there are some great resources for how to write quickly and effectively about any subject, and there is plenty of information about marketing and promoting your books.

    If you have any more questions just shout!
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    • Profile picture of the author Slate Marketing
      Originally Posted by sqwm1im View Post

      Unless you are an artist, just go to Fiverr for your book's cover. If you sell at $2.99 then you have paid for your cover in two sales.

      Writing your book is the hardest part - the rest is easy
      I have to disagree with a few things this person said:

      Fiverr is actually the *worst* place to get a cover made, UNLESS you provide your own image. Why? Because hundreds of Fiverr sellers are using images that can end up getting you sued.

      Secondly, I think writing the book is actually the *easiest* part, not the hardest. There are tens of thousands of books out there and most authors make almost nothing from them. The hard part is branding yourself and promoting yourself and your book(s) so you make great's what 1% of authors do and 99% don't.
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      • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
        Hi, in WF search look for posts by or threads by TPW (Bill Platt). He's one of the best Kindle guys on the forum, read what he has to say and take it heart he's a straight shooter.

        Then go back to WF search and put in Kindle - all forums. You'll get more than you bargained for. You don't need a book or any of that. The info on this forum will get you going.

        Free eBook =>
        The Secret To Success In Any Business
        Yes, Any Business!
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        • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
          Where are you now with the books? Are they formatted?

          Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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      • Profile picture of the author sqwm1im
        Originally Posted by Slate Marketing View Post

        I have to disagree with a few things this person said:
        My name's Steve, please to meet you

        Originally Posted by Slate Marketing View Post

        Fiverr is actually the *worst* place to get a cover made, UNLESS you provide your own image. Why? Because hundreds of Fiverr sellers are using images that can end up getting you sued.
        I am not a lawyer so please don't consider this official in any way, but... sued? Unless you create a book that becomes an instant best seller and starts raking in huge amounts of cash (unlikely, given the amount of people doing this, and the market there is for people selling Kindle systems as WSOs) the worst that is likely to happen is you get a "stop using our image" cease and decist letter, surely? I am well aware of the risks of infringing copyrights and am a stickler for keeping well in the boundaries of the law, but I have never actually heard of a case of someone being sued for something like this.

        There is also nothing stopping you from vetting Fiverr sellers by their feedback, and specifying that they get their images from Pixabay... or stock.xchng... or CC-licensed photos from Flickr (specify to the Fiverr seller that the image source must be supplied so you can verify).

        There are plenty of people who are quality honest workers just using Fiverr to get a business started, and there are plenty of quality honest workers who are making decent money by running their Fiverr business -not everyone is a crook or ignorant to copyright. It's only like going to a food market... someone may be selling stolen eggs from the back of a van, but the many sellers will be legit and you can use a bit of common sense to minimise any risks.

        Originally Posted by Slate Marketing View Post

        Secondly, I think writing the book is actually the *easiest* part, not the hardest. There are tens of thousands of books out there and most authors make almost nothing from them. The hard part is branding yourself and promoting yourself and your book(s) so you make great's what 1% of authors do and 99% don't.
        To become part of that 1% of authors that market their book, or even to be part of the 99% of authors that do not market their book, you actually have to become an author and actually write your book - that's why I said writing your book is the hardest part.. there are many people in this world who would love to write a book but either have no idea how to go about it or just never bother doing it.

        However, I see your point and I do agree (niche, title & cover matter as much as the book itself in terms of attracting attention from buyers, and marketing and promoting is the arguably the most important thing to make the most of publishing), but I have seen so many people take on too much for a first attempt at something and then give up (not just in writing, in all sorts of creative areas).

        The more time you invest in something means you lose more if the venture doesn't perform as hoped (and let's be honest - the vast majority of first attempts on Kindle do not make people thousands of dollars, no matter how much knowledge they have, and no matter how much work they have done. I always find it's much better to get a feel for something and how it works, before working on advanced strategies and spending more time/money on the system.

        The good thing about Kindle is that nothing you do now is permanent. You can test the waters and get used to the sign-up and submissions process, and no matter how much you do or don't make you can always know that there are more things you can do to make things better.

        Of course, mine is just one opinion, but I'm stating it here in the hope that it helps others. Your mileage may vary
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  • Profile picture of the author Jordan Hunter
    Hey everyone thanks for the great advice! I am very pumped about breaking into this area of IM but assumed that it would be a lot harder then you all described. After reading through some more material and taking a look on Amazon I've compiled enough info to move forward.

    I'm pretty good design wise in a sense that I know what looks good but I'm unsure if that would translate well into my book covers. I'll take your advice sqwm1im and look at some designers on Fiverr!

    Thanks again everyone!
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