Seeking advice on making money on successful Facebook fan page.

by Arock
1 replies
Thanks. I am getting rid of page.
#advice #facebook #fan #making #money #page #seeking #successful
  • Profile picture of the author Langeani
    Teespring and Amazon are two smart choices.

    The way I'd look at it is trying to soft sell, in the way of talking about problems and products, issues and solutions.

    Like, flea problems... what do you guys do... oh, there's this and that...

    I know I'm being very vague, but you can explore this in many ways.

    You can have polls asking what's the biggest problem they face. Then, start talking a little more about that problem. Then, your amazon store gives a little more emphasis on that.

    Also, GREAT job on gettin 2 to 1 cent clicks and growing a Facebook Fan Page so fast. Awesome job, mate.

    Hopefully someone with experience on that will come and give you more insights. I'm just giving you ideas on the top of my head, haven't done much Facebook Fan Page marketing


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