Question about Subscribing Options

by PHR
6 replies
Hey guys,

I have one question regarding the subscription process via AWeber:

I have the option when the traffic insert his eMail adress and press subscribe that he is subscribed to my eMail list, without confirmation mail.

The second option is to confirm the subscription via the link in the mail he gets from me.

In the past I did it with the first option but when Im sending eMails out, there getting always in the spam folder...

Could it be that when the user confirm my subscription (option 2), that the eMails Ive send them doesnt get in the SPAM folder anymore?!?

Please give me your advice about this...

Thank you & Best regards,
#options #question #subscribing
  • Profile picture of the author Langeani
    I really can't see a direct relation between single or confirmed opt-in and your emails going to their spam box.

    Lots of marketers work with single opt-ins only, so, this can't be that bad

    If you're ending up on the spam folder, there's other stuff you might consider. Are you using your own domain on the "sent" email address? Are you using spam score to assess your emails? Maybe people have marked your emails as spam in the past?

    But, wrapping up, changing from single to confirmed opt in shouldn't change that.

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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

      That may not be completely accurate. If I recall correctly, Aweber (like many ESPs) sends confirmed mail from one set of IPs and simple opt-in from another set. If receiving systems filter on the IP ranges, it could be the difference.

      That said, COI vs simple opt-in is usually not enough to make the difference by itself. There are all sorts of factors that come into play. Content, links, engagement and open rates, and the ever popular spam complaints.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Langeani View Post

      I really can't see a direct relation between single or confirmed opt-in and your emails going to their spam box.
      There can be, allegedly. Emails to confirmed and unconfirmed list subscribers are sent from different servers.

      I've never had much of a problem with it, myself, and like so many successful email marketers here, I use single opt-in, without the confirmation.

      Originally Posted by Langeani View Post

      If you're ending up on the spam folder, there's other stuff you might consider.

      Of which the prime ones are, perhaps, what are your open-rates, and are you coaching your subscribers to whitelist your email address, to check in their junk/spam folders, what Gmail users should do to make sure they get your emails in their inbox, and so on? You need to do this immediately they've opted in (before they see an email), and clearly, carefully and repeatedly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Allen Payne

    I believe Paul Myers and Alexa are both right. But I don't think it makes a big difference whether you're using single or double opt-in.
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    • Profile picture of the author PHR
      Hey guys,

      Thank you so much for your advices.

      Im pretty new in email marketing and use only single opt-in.

      Ive subscribed myself to my list and everytime Im sending an eMail to my list (and also to me), I get the eMail in my SPAM folder...

      I dont teach people to whitelist my eMail adress.

      Can you teach me how to get this info out (about whitelisting my eMail) to my subscribers?

      I would appreciate it pretty much.

      Thank you guys, you are great. Have a nice and successfull day,
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  • Profile picture of the author JackChambers
    Originally Posted by PHR View Post

    Hey guys,

    I have one question regarding the subscription process via AWeber:

    I have the option when the traffic insert his eMail adress and press subscribe that he is subscribed to my eMail list, without confirmation mail.

    The second option is to confirm the subscription via the link in the mail he gets from me.

    In the past I did it with the first option but when Im sending eMails out, there getting always in the spam folder...

    Could it be that when the user confirm my subscription (option 2), that the eMails Ive send them doesnt get in the SPAM folder anymore?!?

    Please give me your advice about this...

    Thank you & Best regards,
    Whether or not they confirm their subscription has nothing to do with the spam thing. Just remind your subscriber to add your email address to their contacts list to receive your free gifts on your squeeze page, this is very useful
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