Using Clickbank vendor provided pages

9 replies
I am new to clickbank and have been all over clickbank as well as having searched WF looking for information on how to use vendor provided sales/squeeze/thank you pages.

Here is a better explanation, I click on the promote button of a clickbank product I want to be an affiliate of and then go to the affiliates page to see all the provided sales pages/squeeze/thank you pages the vendor provides.

The question is how do I download the files for these pages to use for my domain or am I missing something?

I am a newbie with clickbank and any help getting started with clickbank will be appreciated. Thanks.

#clickbank #pages #provided #vendor #vendor provided pages
  • Profile picture of the author Langeani

    you should actually just get your affiliate link, or, in Clickbank's terms, your Hop Link.

    This link is where your clients will click. Then, their own software will sort out that it was you who sent the click, and, if a sale is made, the program knows that the commission goes out to you.

    The sales page and everything else is the same for everyone, and is hosted by the vendor himself.

    Make sure you cloak your link to make it less affiliate-sy, too.

    So, either get a domain related to the product, or a general domain... or even use or whatever.

    If you go looking around the forum, tehre are awesome tutorials and products teaching everything about Clickbank.

    Good luck and good sales!

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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    or even use or whatever.
    Be very careful what you use to cloak your links. Bitly will throw up a warning page on a lot of CB links.
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    Originally Posted by zxcvbnm View Post

    Clickbank is a massive scam. Don't use it.
    I hope this is sarcasm, otherwise you are clueless.
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  • Profile picture of the author chuckievee
    So I assume I make my own squeeze/sales page and link to the vendors sales page but how do I change my hoplink on the vendor page so I get commission? I have spent hours trying to figure this out and it is frustrating so any help is appreciated.
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    they decide not to pay the publishers on almost all legitimate clicks because they have the freedom to do this kind of scam.
    Why have they paid me so much over the years? On time, every time. Are you saying I should be making even more than I do?

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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBorg
    Originally Posted by chuckievee View Post

    I am new to clickbank and have been all over clickbank as well as having searched WF looking for information on how to use vendor provided sales/squeeze/thank you pages.
    We'll call such a vendor-provided sales page the affiliate sales page, and we'll call the vendor's own sales page the vendor sales page.

    If you use the affiliate sales page, you'll have to use a custom pay link for the order button:

    So if the item number is 1, your affiliate name is jack, and the vendor name is jill, this is what you'd have:

    Such custom pay links allow you to bypass the vendor sales page and go directly to the order form. If your order button were to use your affiliate hoplink instead of the custom pay link, clicking the order button would take the prospect to the vendor sales page, resulting in two sales pitches -- obviously a problem.

    Bypassing the vendor sales page may be a good idea if the vendor sales page sucks. You'd use your own sales page, not an affiliate sales page. Why? Well, if the affiliate sales page is different from the vendor sales page, it's unlikely going to convert better. And if the affiliate sales page is the same as the vendor sales page, why bother with the whole exercise in the first place?

    If you do bypass the vendor sales page, there are two problems having to do with the fact that the custom pay link doesn't store the required cookie for getting your commission:

    (1) If the prospect abandons the order form with the intention to return later, you're going to have to hope he or she returns to your site, as opposed to, say, Googling the product name and arriving at the vendor's site. Otherwise, you're not going to be credited with the sale.

    (2) If the prospect already has some other affiliate's cookie on his or her computer when ordering, you're not going to be credited with the sale, period. Normally your affiliate hoplink would overwrite the other affiliate's cookie with your own cookie, but the custom pay link does no such thing, so when the customer goes through the custom pay link, the other affiliate's name will be at the bottom of the order form, which I think means the other affiliate will end up with the sale.

    The question is how do I download the files for these pages to use for my domain or am I missing something?
    If you're having trouble with that, I honestly think you should just focus on using the affiliate hoplink for now, not bothering with those vendor-provided pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author SunilTanna
    Originally Posted by zxcvbnm View Post

    Clickbank is the biggest scam on the internet. Most providers never pay out, others only pay out a fraction of the time. Clickbank leaves it up to the providers to determine "if the click was valid". As a result, almost all providers "determine most clicks are invalid" -- in other words, they decide not to pay the publishers on almost all legitimate clicks because they have the freedom to do this kind of scam.
    I think you have them confused with somebody else.

    Clickbank is based on payment for sales referrals not clicks,

    There is no concept of "invalid clicks" or "legitimate clicks" in clickbank.

    Clickbank vendors have no role I'm deciding or controlling which affiliates are paid.

    Clickbank affiliates are paid for all sales referrals tracked by the system.
    ClickBank Vendor?
    - Protect Your Thank You Pages & Downloads
    - Give Your Affiliates Multiple Landing Pages (Video Demo)
    - Killer Graphics for Your Site
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesBorg
      Originally Posted by SunilTanna View Post

      I think you have them confused with somebody else.
      Clickbooth perhaps, though I have no idea whether the complaint is legit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Langeani
    Originally Posted by RogueOne View Post

    Be very careful what you use to cloak your links. Bitly will throw up a warning page on a lot of CB links.
    Oh, really? Didn't know that, thanks for the heads up. Definetely, using your own domain is the best option.

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