Starting with content writing!

20 replies
Hi Warriors,

I want to start with some content writing stuff to get some extra cash. And here's the list of things i believe i can write some good stuff on:


Now, i don't have any prior experience in content writing, but i can produce some hot articles. Can you guys suggest me some good sites keeping the topics i listed in the view? Remember, i need to get accepted first. Any website which might be looking for these kind of articles and doesn't make it tough for new writers to get in?

#content #starting #writing
  • Ancientcoder,

    I would check out making a profile on sites like elance. There used to be more companies looking for writers however now it seems like hiring has slowed. Since your topics areas are very narrow, I would suggest reaching out to people personally to write content for their websites. Look for businesses like web marketing firms or blogs and reach out to them. Offer to submit samples and see if they are looking for contributors. You could also search craigslist to see if there are webmasters looking for writers.


    Outsource to the experts...

    We customize your Blog, eBook, Press Release and Sale Copy content with your message.

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    • Profile picture of the author ChristianSites
      Most of my income comes from content writing. I mostly work on:
      Cloud Crowd pays daily, and has some good rates. WriterAccess pays monthly, but they treat their writers well. Zerys treats their writers poorly, but there are some high paying clients there.

      I would check out those three sites, if you want to get into content writing.

      As for your niches,
      • religion - you won't make anything
      • programming - there is some serious money to be made, may have to find your own guest blogging entries
      • twitter - you can make money writing tweets, but you need consistent clients
      • relationships - there's some money here, but the pieces go quickly

      Sign up for those sites and check your interests. Hopefully some will work out!
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    I suggest you learn how to syndicate your content instead of being a writer for hire.
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  • Profile picture of the author Terry Crim
    Expand your writing skills to writing sales letters and you will NEVER need for money again.

    Instead of trying to get clients to write articles for or creating packets of articles to sell, focus on affiliate marketing and use your current skills to developing stand alone product informational pages either straight html pages or use something like wordpress.

    Spend the rest of you time driving traffic to these sites, you will make much more money long term than anything you could ever make as a freelance writer.
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    • Profile picture of the author Terry Crim
      Reading this again another thing would be to spend time developing your own products and develop membership sites that sell how to or complete solutions for your market. Say programming, sell a set of how to program teaching various common problem solutions for website design or something and provide the ready made scripts along with the How To. Add more over time and sell for $12.95 a month or something.

      The only problem with freelance is that when you stop working the pay stops and a lot of the work you would be doing you could do for yourself and just get paid over and over and over again by doing the work once.
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      • Profile picture of the author dstorme
        I have been freelance writing for over a year. One thing you need to know is that you might have to start out writing for a lower price point to build a reputation before you can work your way up to higher paying jobs.

        Some good sites to get started and gain experience:

        Some good sites to sign up and bid for work once you have more experience and a portfolio of samples:

        I know you listed some specific topics you are comfortable with, however, if you want to write full time you will need to branch out into other topics.

        Best of luck!


        Need a freelance writer? Come visit my site to see writing samples and the rave reviews from past clients!

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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    If you're a programmer, then why not build some stuff? Writing's for people who can't program.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
    I would suggest looking around here on the WF for potential buyers. Guest blog in related niches. Build your portfolio. Then, post a Warrior for Hire thread here and orders will come in.
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  • Profile picture of the author valmillercorl
    When I first started out writing online I went to Go to their forums and look for freelancers who write. They have a huge list of writing sites as well as their experiences with them. Great resource!

    By the way, lots of really great responses here.

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  • Profile picture of the author dewayneboyd
    Honestly, the sites I have written on pay peanuts compared to what I make on my own site. And a lot of sites are rejecting articles right and left these days for no good reason.

    How about starting your own site? You never have to worry about getting rejected or not finding something to write about.

    As an example, for programming topics, go to and start running some searches on technology and programming articles. You will get tens of thousands of topics to write about.

    1,574,810 unique visitors and counting. And that's just one of my websites.

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  • Profile picture of the author Danielle Murphyx
    Why would only limit to those themes? Why not write on other domains too. There are many freelancing sites where you can get hired. You just type "freelance writting" in Google and Bam.
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  • Profile picture of the author alasdairsim
    Hey AncientCoder

    I've been writing online for over 4 years now so here are some tips I have picked up.

    Spend a few $ on hosting and a domain. Set up a basic website that tells people who are you, what you do and examples of your work.

    Get over to oDesk, Elance & PPH. Start bidding on jobs.

    Get verified on oDesk and Elance too - it doesn't take long but adds a lot of credibility to your profile.

    Also, go through these sites for your work. You'll come across clients who want to pay you outside of the site. OK, so you save $5 or so on fee's but you end up with a sparse profile. The more complete your profile looks, the more reviews you have and the more earnings you have will land you better jobs.

    Some tips:
    - Don't copy/paste generic proposals for projects.
    - Don't work for 80c per 500 words and the like.
    - Actually produce good content.

    I posted a job on oDesk earlier today and I got 140 applicants in half an hour. I posed a question half way through the listing - real easy answer - that all but a handful managed to see. Make sure you read job postings properly, understand what they want and be sure that you can do it - no point in wasting hours/days working on something you can't do.

    Post an ad on Warriors For Hire as well. Offer 3 samples, there's your three reviews.

    Don't get discouraged. I went through some really rubbish jobs before I got to where I am - it takes time, effort, patience and the realisation that you need to learn along the way as well.

    Hope this helps.
    Freelance writer
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  • Profile picture of the author Jordan Hunter
    Why not start here on the WF? Check out the Warriors For Hire section and post your services. It may be slow going at first but if you can build yourself a reputation as a quality writer you're well ahead of the game.

    I would also suggest setting up a portfolio site where you can showcase your writing and start marketing yourself within social media and on forums within your writing niches.

    Good Luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    You said:
    Can you guys suggest me some good sites keeping the topics i listed in the view?
    What do you mean by 'in the view'?
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  • Profile picture of the author HannaThom
    You should try the freelancing sites. If you are lucky, you may find good contractors. I am already working on content writing for a few months now and I am very pleased.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    Don't bound yourself to few categories, you need to be open for every opportunity you get.
    If you stick to one project only, then you'll never learn the other side of IM that is very good.
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  • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
    If you don't mind selling your soul to the devil while getting started, try writing for places like Hirewriters and iWriter. You set up a free account and you'll be able to pick which writing assignments you want to accept. In the beginning your choices will be limited until you get some articles with good reviews under your belt.

    I've been writing off and on for Hirewriters, mainly to gain experience and perfect my skills. Most articles I write pay about $2 for 300-500 words. But I've also written articles for $5+ a pop. It's still pocket change, but they deposit your earnings directly into your Paypal account every Friday if your balance is over $10. I see it as extra spending money.

    Disclaimer: I still do a little writing for Hirewriters, but have no affiliation beyond that (ie I don't get paid to promote them in any way, shape or form).
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  • Profile picture of the author MyNewMama
    The best thing is to write, write and write some more.

    The more you write, the better you become.

    Places like Elance and are great venues to start offering your services. Of course here on the forum too!
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    • Profile picture of the author ElijahM
      Check your chosen niches on Kindle. Find sub-niches with reasonable competition; making sure that the market is there and publish on Kindle.
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