The best truly free places for creating internet sites

3 replies
I've come across a number of web sites (not to mention the television commercials :confused offering free website creation information... and then subtly offer their domain name register/site-building/ hosting services at the other end. I have a hosting provider and a domain name, but I am looking for a site that offers me the plain option of creating a website by myself (where I can take care of the domain name, hosting provider issues) - free of charge! Can anyone on this forum offer site suggestions - based on their personal experiences?
#creating #free #internet #places #sites
  • Profile picture of the author Langeani
    Hey man, that's the thing about those offers... they ain't really free, they're a disguised sale only.

    What kind of site are you trying to make? How about using wordpress?

    Have you got a hosting service yet?

    Or maybe using weebly, or something like that.. it really depends on the kind of site your looking to have.. just a landing page or a real site?


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  • Profile picture of the author bwh1
    So as far as I understand you have hosting and domain.

    So you need a Website Bulder or a CSM like Wordpress.

    Most hosts offer a website builder, check out your CPanel (if you have).

    You also could forward your domain to Weebly and build you site with them.

    Check out some of the best here 10 Best Free Online Website Builders in 2013

    Over all, they all have some ads or links on it you don't want if you are setting up your own business so Wordpress would be the way to go.

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