YouTube videos for free traffic

11 replies
Hey guys,

In the past, I used only youtube videos for website traffic and I got very good results. However, the videos were simply "income proof" videos showing off the money I made with affiliate marketing. Although that worked at the time, I want to actually provide useful information and make videos that are unique, creative and informative instead of just preselling to people by showing them income proof.

I'm having some trouble with where to start in creating these kinds of videos in the IM/affiliate marketing niche. I'd really like some advice on where I should start with creating videos, what they should be about and what they should teach people before telling them to download my ebook on my website.

Any ideas? What do people want to learn from a video in this niche?

#free #traffic #videos #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Clint Faber
    Kind curious that market you needed to flash your money to get results and conversions outside of the Internet marketing niche.

    Here's a good point should go across the board focus on the solution you offer to a problem Internet marketers do not care about the flash anymore and tend to glaze over it. Whether it's real or fake.

    Prompter visitors with a solution to the problem. The value that you bring to the table.

    This will work when you utilize it.
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  • Profile picture of the author gwpmike
    But that's my question, what problems are internet marketers (or even people who are new to it but want to get started with it) looking for on YouTube?

    Btw, like I said the market was affiliate marketing and I was promoting a system I created a while go. The only reason I was using that method to get traffic wS because I saw other people doing it and it worked. Also, I was just getting started with IM and at the time I didn't see anything wrong with showing people "proof" that it worked. It wasn't fake proof like clickbank screenshots or anything, it was real.
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  • Profile picture of the author thatjc
    Like any other info product:
    1. Find a niche market and exactly what their problems are:
    Right in this forum there are lots of newbies asking for help - there are your problems, just waiting for you to help them.
    2. Use an audio recording or speech recognition software and talk it out - just like if you met one of these newbies at a party and they asked you how to get started and described their problems.
    3. Turn that recording into a set of succinct PowerPoint slides, in a logical order.
    4. Using the PowerPoint slides as cues (maybe using 2 displays) create a Camtasia video, with audio narration. Edit it to get rid of pauses and unwanted sounds ("ummm", "ahhh", etc.) and clean it up.
    5. Publish and market your video.

    Hope this helps...
    "You can count the seeds in an apple, but you can't count the apples in a seed."
    Online Visual Communication expert
    Visual Marketing Info signup: Visual Marketing Online
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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    I've got videos in both IM and non IM.
    The non IM ones have like 155,000+ views.
    A lot less so on the IM ones.
    What you can talk about in the IM videos are things like how to create wordpress sites, facebook marketing, video marketing etc. Something that teaches and gives value to the viewer.
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  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
    This is how I brain storm to creating a list of 20 videos a week on each niche I jump into.

    I get a list of keywords targeting that niche. eg internet marketing

    1: list building
    2: blogging
    3: seo

    You get the point now, base on each keyword I will create an informative video using screen capture video. Include targeting review keywords, review a product and put a spin on it and offer your free guide (make sure this is not a junk, as you want customers to come back)
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  • Profile picture of the author Above The Law
    It all starts with the main idea we wanna communicate to others. Every video is a window into our reality. We wanna create practical applications that everyone in our niche can implement immediately.
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  • Profile picture of the author ATAC
    Why don't you start off teaching something that you know about to people that you think would like to learn what you have to offer and go from there.

    Also when you are having a problem of what or how to do something just do a google search also on youtube to see how the big name marketers do it and follow what they are doing in your own way to your niche...

    See the best part of the Internet is you can not hide anything so what the big names are doing to make money is all right there in front of you ...

    Get on there lists and see there funnel and try to implament your own form of what they are doing...
    Its pretty simple ...

    Everyone tries to make things harder then they really are ...
    Best of luck
    This all-in-one marketing platform saves me over $7,000 per year. See how:
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    • Profile picture of the author pdxkurt
      The key to making money through youtube is keyword research and SEO. It's pretty simple once you figure out how to do those 2 things properly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    Keyword is always an important factor, if you know the best keyword that get most hits you can easily beat your opponents.
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  • Profile picture of the author vedremo
    What problem/s does your ebook solve?

    For example, (I know you said you're in the IM market), but if it were a dog training ebook, your video could be about how to stop a dog barking, or where to find the right stud for breeding, or how to get the dog to be still while being bathed. Then in the description you can say "For more tips on how to raise the perfect dog, check out my ebook - [url]."

    If you need inspiration on ideas, search forums, Yahoo answers, even other video sites. Common threads here are "How can I get money fast" (not that I'd go anywhere near that), "How to get started in affiliate marketing", etc. Doesn't take long to research.

    It's okay if your first video doesn't get many hits at first, or if your title sucks, just keep improving and learning.
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