Best way to deliver digital download (mp3) to members?

8 replies
Hi all.

I'm in the process of creating a 1st level tier program for members which will consist of an honest to goodness, find it in your mailbox, printed newsletter and an mp3.

I have zero technical skills.

I would like to know the best way to go about having members pay for and download the Mp3 and be able to get the newsletter subscription at the same time. I do not currently have a website for this.

I've thought about using software such as profits theme, but I am not sure it would be able to do what I need and I am someone who tends to get caught up in tiny details, thus taking forever to get something done! And then there's the learning curve for a non-techie like me.

I've considered hiring someone to create a webite, but I've gone that route before with another business and I am not sure I want to again. I expect I will have to at some point though, as I will be offering more products down the road in addition to membership.

The other option I thought of is using a third party website to host my mp3's, but would I be able to deliver my newsletter subscription at the same time? Is this even a good option? Maybe a membership website like extreme member?

One major concern I have about having my own site with membership ability is keeping up the technical aspect of it if something goes wrong, or maintaining security. Purchases will be via paypal, but is that enough? Would I have these concerns with software such as profits theme?

Thank you for any input or ideas you can give me! I just feel lost with this one.
#deliver #digital #download #members #mp3
  • Profile picture of the author DoubleOhDave
    INstamember is quite good (plugin) and there are a choice of ways in it to protect and download files, though I prefer to use Amazon S3

    Posted from Warrior Forum App for Chrome
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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    You can do all that through your autoresponder as well as attach files to the mails you send out.
    I used to run a membership program via Aweber/Clickbank which worked seamlessly. Having used membership sites also I can tell you things are a lot smoother to run via an autoresponder than fiddle around with membership scripts. That's just my experience though....others may find the script model works well for them.
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    • Profile picture of the author TheInternet

      1. Create a subscription product that asks for their mailing address (for the physical part)

      2. Send the files to subscribers through Gumroad

      You can export your subscriber list into a CSV file for dealing with whatever you use to mail your newsletter.
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      • Profile picture of the author Imamarketer2
        Troy23 - I thought about this option. It seems like it would be a good option for now, but I would need to create a website at some point to consolidate all my offerings in one place so people could find them easier. That said, I currently have an Aweber account. So, I could get people on the members list and send them a link. But, what about when I add then next tier (coaching, still thinking about this one).

        I don't know. Maybe it would be better to have everything in one place for later so people can choose which tier fits them best. I'm starting small with tier one, but when it grows.....

        And what about my printed newsletter? If they sign up via autoresponder I can get their physical address via the sign up form, but how can I transfer that address to wherever it needs to be so I can create labels? Yes, right now I'm doing this myself as my list isn't quite to 100 yet. It's growing, but I just want to get something out there because the people I have are asking me for more and this would give them that on and ongoing basis, provide me with an ongoing income, and allow me to grow my list all at the same time.

        Did you send out a physical product or just digital?
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  • Profile picture of the author Imamarketer2
    Tearing my hair out over this again! So confused! I am currently offering an ebook on Zaxaa. Maybe I can put my membership program on there? They allow recurring payments, but I'm not sure how I would deal with the newsletter through Zaxaa.

    Since I'm going to need my own website for this at some point anyway, should I just bite the bullet and go that route now?

    And then there's the Aweber option. Might be a good way to go for now, but what about later? What kind of headaches might I run into as this thing grows?

    What about a site like oneshoppingcart or big commerce?

    I want to keep it simple as possible while still allowing for growth down the road - preferably without confusing my members and having to ask them to move somewhere else.

    Oh, and I wouldn't even attempt to deal with scripts or programming on my own. That's just not my thing.

    Thanks so much to everyone for your help!
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  • Profile picture of the author DeborahDera
    DownloadGuard is a great program. You can use it to protect your files and I believe it has integration to put people on your mailing list as well. I forget the cost, but I found it worth the price for my own store.

    Originally Posted by Imamarketer2 View Post

    Hi all.

    I'm in the process of creating a 1st level tier program for members which will consist of an honest to goodness, find it in your mailbox, printed newsletter and an mp3.

    I have zero technical skills.

    I would like to know the best way to go about having members pay for and download the Mp3 and be able to get the newsletter subscription at the same time. I do not currently have a website for this.

    I've thought about using software such as profits theme, but I am not sure it would be able to do what I need and I am someone who tends to get caught up in tiny details, thus taking forever to get something done! And then there's the learning curve for a non-techie like me.

    I've considered hiring someone to create a webite, but I've gone that route before with another business and I am not sure I want to again. I expect I will have to at some point though, as I will be offering more products down the road in addition to membership.

    The other option I thought of is using a third party website to host my mp3's, but would I be able to deliver my newsletter subscription at the same time? Is this even a good option? Maybe a membership website like extreme member?

    One major concern I have about having my own site with membership ability is keeping up the technical aspect of it if something goes wrong, or maintaining security. Purchases will be via paypal, but is that enough? Would I have these concerns with software such as profits theme?

    Thank you for any input or ideas you can give me! I just feel lost with this one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Imamarketer2
    Thank you, DeborahDera.

    For anyone reading this DLGuard is $147.00. Not a bad price, but I would probably be lost with trying to customize it. My goal is to get this done asap and if I have to do anything technical that isn't going to happen.

    I'm going to do more searching on google. I'll post an update if I find something good, just so others reading this can learn about it too.
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    • Profile picture of the author mj9999
      There are two products here that will do what you need.

      Renegade Scripts - Useful PHP Scripts

      One only delivers products and one has an integrated affiliate system. They are both standalone PHP scripts (not wordpress) and are one off purchases. So there are no ongoing fees. Just install and use.

      They each work with Paypal and 2Checkout and the payment buttons are created automatically by the script.

      Keep in mind they are not a shopping cart and work with one sale at a a time but you can blace buttons anywhere you like.
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