Recommend a good social plugin. Please advice....

by 5 replies
Can anyone here recommend a good social plugin to have that's been tried and tested? Please help me out. I'm open to all suggestions. thanks.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #advice #good #plugin #recommend #social
  • What exactly would you like the social plugin to do?
    • [1] reply
    • increase user engagement, lower bounce rate, and social impact. Overall, help increase my pages in the SERPs. should include basics such as facebook likes, tweets, reddits, pinterest pins.

      By all means, name as many as you like so I can take a look at them.
  • You can use social sharing buttons on your website. And that is already included on Jetpack. However, you won't get any all in one plugin, you have to install one by one. You can install jetpack sharing buttons on your website easily.
    • [1] reply
    • What is the most effective way to use this? where is the best area in my site to install them?
  • be a consistant poster, that will definitely increase user engagement. If you want to make it easier just plan you posts in advance, try the app in my sig and you will see the difference in user engagement in a few days

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