Stop Being A Newbie!
No seriously, if you are a newbie right now, then you need to stop being a newbie and start selling stuff. In fact, just get a squeeze page up and send traffic to it.
If you do that, then you'll be further along than 95% of all newbies right away.
Send traffic to a squeeze page, and you're in business. That's it.
Want to make six figures per year? send enough traffic to a squeeze page that you build a list of 5,000 subscribers or more.
I'm now fully convinced that people dont make money because of the BARRIERS they put up that prevents them from making money.
BARRIERS = mindset, making things harder than what they are, self sabotage, fears, overwhelmed, buying too much, lost, analysis paralysis or whatever the heck that is, etc etc
If you just put up a squeeze page and sent traffic to it, you'd be in the game... instead of on the sidelines wondering what to do and how to do it.
dont know where to start?
traffic to a squeeze page. that's it. start there.
focus 98% of your time on that, and nothing else and just watch what happens.
Look, the best way to learn anything is to do it. The best way to learn this business is to do this business.
Once you are sending traffic to a squeeze page, the rest is easy...just promote stuff via emails. dont overcomplicate things and if someone posts below in this thread complicating this, ignore them.
It really is that easy.
(you make it sound so easy Eric)
If you are not making any money, it is because you are not selling anything.
(but Eric, I have a squeeze page)
Are you sending traffic to it constantly?
(but Eric, I am using articles and twitter)
Neither have ever made me a dime. I'm not saying they dont work, but I cant speak for those methods. But, if you've been at those methods for more than a few weeks, then that's a lot of time to spend for nothing.
I would never put my income on the line where it depends on Twitter or articles. That's just me. Feel free to disagree. I dont care.
Paid traffic
That's what has worked for me. Again, twitter may be great for traffic, I just would not focus my effort there. SEO works too, I'm just not good at it.
So, if you wonder why so many never make any money in this business, it's because they cant get traffic... they never-ever get started anyway... they are never selling anything... they offer no services... they sell nothing... they buy everything... they never treat this like a business... they just read, post, buy, read, post, buy, disappear for a while, come back, buy, post, read... etc etc etc
...for years
and are still newbies.
Sell something!
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