What are some free easy ways to make money online?
My ideas so far are:
- Fiverr (Have not yet tried this)
- Amazon eBooks (Tried but I failed miserably at this one...I'm looking for ideas that are less hit-and-miss...I don't want to put hours of work into something just to fail horribly....)
Any other ideas are greatly appreciated. I'm willing to be as relentless and tireless as it takes. Just give me ideas. I'll see to their execution.
Also, if you're a mentor/specialist in some field, I'm more than happy to work under you. Just give me some ideas. I need the money, and I will do whatever it takes to succeed. I have a dream, and I will chase it to the ends of the Earth. I just need to know how to make more money.
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Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...
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