Asking a webmaster for a resource backlink

6 replies
Hey guys,

Does anyone have a decent template that they use when asking webmasters if they can list your article as a resource in one of their blog posts.

Each time I write an article, I do some backlink research and reach out to other bloggers in my niche. Since my article quality is excellent, I feel that many would be happy to link to me. However, I want to use a template (I will edit it of course) that contains the right "wording" that encourages (and perhaps convinces) him or her that it would be a good idea to add my article as a resource.

Any suggestions? What has worked for you and has a decent response rate?
#backlink #resource #webmaster
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by breezynetworks View Post

    What has worked for you and has a decent response rate?
    What works for me (and I make most of my living from it, in the sense that it's my primary traffic source), rather than asking them for a link to an article, is to offer them a copy of the article itself - with a link back to my site's landing-page, rather than just a link back to an article. It's often much better all round. They get some free content, and you get some free, already-targeted traffic.

    If they like it enough to want to share it with their visitors/readers/subscribers, let them syndicate a copy of it instead of just begging for links. That way you're offering them something instead of asking them for something.

    It's called "article marketing", and here's a one-post abbreviated summary of how it works, if that helps.

    And here are some suggestions for "how to ask them".
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    • Profile picture of the author breezynetworks
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      What works for me (and I make most of my living from it, in the sense that it's my primary traffic source), rather than asking them for a link to an article, is to offer them a copy of the article itself - with a link back to my site's landing-page, rather than just a link back to an article.
      Thanks for your explanation and links, they were very informative. It seems that I have misunderstood something along the way, I always thought that if someone copies your entire article it was bad news for SEO. In fact, just a couple hours ago I contacted a fairly authoritative blog in my niche and asked them to remove an article that they had scraped from my blog, I thought this was necessary?

      Any advice is more then welcome
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by breezynetworks View Post

        It seems that I have misunderstood something along the way, I always thought that if someone copies your entire article it was bad news for SEO.
        Yes, indeed ... my guess is that you confused "syndicated content" with "duplicate content", as many people do.

        The differences between the two are briefly explained in this post and this little article, and even though what we're discussing here isn't duplicate content, it's worth noting that there are no penalties even for duplicate content, anyway, as Google keeps clarifying in every possible medium at every possible opportunity.

        Originally Posted by breezynetworks View Post

        In fact, just a couple hours ago I contacted a fairly authoritative blog in my niche and asked them to remove an article that they had scraped from my blog, I thought this was necessary?
        If they'd taken it without my link/resource-box, I would have asked them to add the link, myself, rather than to remove the article. But if that didn't work, then I'd ask them to remove the article, yes.

        The purpose of putting articles into an article directory is also to make them available for widespread syndication. That's what an article directory is: it's the reason they exist. (Of course, I'm not suggesting that putting articles in directories is in itself a serious business-building method, but even an article directory like Ezine Articles can play a small, afterthought role in article marketing, in that it can lead to further re-publication on sites that have the traffic you want ).
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        • Profile picture of the author breezynetworks
          Thank you so much, I cant believe that I didnt understand this before. Just one more clarification, I have about 15 web 2.0 blogs that have been manually built and branded (my business name in the url, Google authorship (where possible), Twitter accounts, etc.). I finished putting them together (took absolutely ages as I put a ton of effort into each one with proper graphics, etc.) and wanted to use them to "announce" my new content when I post on my main blog.

          However, since I have misunderstood the whole duplicate content thing, I needed to write about 15x, 100% unique mini articles (1 per blog) every time I posted on my main blog and it was just not feasible to do so (time wise).

          Based on your description and explanation, are you suggesting that I can copy multiple sections of my article for publishing on these web 2.0s (each of my articles are about 2400w with high quality graphics, videos, etc. so I am thinking of using 300-400w cuts out of them and then link them back to my main article with a "read the entire article here" type of approach) without having to write 100% unique articles on these sites?

          Keep in mind that Google will see that I am syndicating my own content (due to brand naming, authorship, using the same author name as my main blog, etc.), is that still all good?

          Thanks so much!
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  • Profile picture of the author Terry Ivers
    You can always try giving them an irresistable offer of some kind. Something of value to offer their readers.

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  • Profile picture of the author ViralMediaBoost
    Normally you have to pay to have your link included in a popular blog and sometimes it can be up to $100 or something pretty mad.
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