Niche selection advice

25 replies
Hello everybody,
i am going to start a website and i need your advice to help me determine the niche.
I have made a website in the relationships and break up niche and it was successful but unfortunately it has been hit by google penguin 2 update and actually i am going to shut it down and start a new one.

I have discovered that the breakup niche is actually a very lucrative niche and i want to make my new website about breakup advice as well but i also want to write about self help advice for men.
so i have 3 options:
1- To start a website about breakups.
2- To start a website about self help advice for men only.
3- To start a website about both the subjects as i think they relate to each other in a way or another.
So what do you think? and what about option no 3? is it too wide or i can succeed ?
#advice #niche #selection
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    I would focus on one single market and carve out a position (niche) for your business that is unique and based on what your prospects are asking for.

    You can always branch out into other areas later. Don't dilute your work by trying to wear more than one hat until you become profitable in your one business.

    And by all means, whatever you did before with your site, don't do anything like that again. Google can be your friend, really.

    Good luck,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Cobaki
    Choose the niche that you think will not make you run out of ideas. Focus on that and try to stick just to that. Create content that is unique and is RELEVANT. Having multiple niches will not really help you make a lot of money, unless you manage to be best at each of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author ronrule
    Choose a niche that meets the following criteria:

    1. There will always be a NEED.
    2. There will always be people willing to PURCHASE a SOLUTION.

    Dating advice is tricky ... the vast majority of dating sites don't make any money because they're just content, they sustain themselves on ad revenue. But that same site could make a killing selling a book about how to talk to women.

    The desire to give everything away for free is a race to the bottom. Create a product, wrap it in expertise, and build a brand around it. Write about self-help all you want, it might get some stuff from search engines and you might get a few clicks ... but none of that is as interesting as a book that tells a guy what to say to a woman within the first 5 minutes of meeting her that will make her think about him the next day, and how to follow up and close the deal. That's "pull out your credit card and buy something" material.

    Ron Rule

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    • Profile picture of the author sal64
      Originally Posted by ronrule View Post

      Choose a niche that meets the following criteria:

      1. There will always be a NEED.
      2. There will always be people willing to PURCHASE a SOLUTION.

      Dating advice is tricky ... the vast majority of dating sites don't make any money because they're just content, they sustain themselves on ad revenue. But that same site could make a killing selling a book about how to talk to women.

      The desire to give everything away for free is a race to the bottom. Create a product, wrap it in expertise, and build a brand around it. Write about self-help all you want, it might get some stuff from search engines and you might get a few clicks ... but none of that is as interesting as a book that tells a guy what to say to a woman within the first 5 minutes of meeting her that will make her think about him the next day, and how to follow up and close the deal. That's "pull out your credit card and buy something" material.
      I would add...

      [3] Make sure your target audience has a history of spending online for digital products... and

      [4] Get to know your customer inside out before creating a product.

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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Choose a niche where you'll never run out of ideas and are totally passionate about.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cobaki
    If you will let me choose among the three options that you have laid down, I would definitely go for number one. Break-ups are both for men and women and if you must focus on one niche only, you might as well choose the one that can cater to a bigger market. That's just my opinion.
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    • Profile picture of the author themusiccoach
      I have kicked this around and actually have a site built but never put it up because I think that the pain of my last relationship would not have made this a good project for me.

      But if you have something unique to offer in the niche then yes however it is saturated on the guy end especially the POA and the MYstery Method and Neil STreuss making it a much higher entry barrior so pick something specific and role with it.

      You know it would do well on Blog Talk Radio too if you built it up and did a call in show lots of options there and good luck.

      Let me know as I could use it I am sure!

      Peace And Possibilities,

      Kyle O -
      Prinicipal , Student, and Teacher
      The Web Traffic School

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  • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
    Typically, the more specific you are, the higher your ability to get ranked. It's better to get ranked on the first page for a keyword receiving 10K monthly searches, than on the third page for a keyword receiving 100K.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cobaki
    If you can narrow things down and come up with a good micro-niche, it would be a lot better. The more specific it is, the lesser the amount of competition you will get. Just learn how to use the keywords that you have if you want to make your page rank.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    I don't know what your plan is but why don't you look at merging them all and have a broad niche.
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    • Profile picture of the author mtmaster
      Originally Posted by johnben1444 View Post

      I don't know what your plan is but why don't you look at merging them all and have a broad niche.
      Thank you John ben for your reply but what do you mean by broad niche? can you explain more please?
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  • Profile picture of the author katequinn1983
    First, you should choose a niche you like. When doing something that you like, ideas just keep coming.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cobaki
    Talking about relationships as a niche is really interesting for me, so here I am again. Choosing the niche and making up your mind to concentrate on one subject is not that easy. You will not simply make money out of it. With that, I also suggest that you look for good related keywords that you can use for your content.
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  • Profile picture of the author China Newz
    Clickbank has some great advice on how to select a niche. They are an affiliate marketing company and offer many products to targeted niches. Check out the links below. Watch the video on how to select a niche. It is important to drill down on broad topics to a specific niche to 1) brand yourself as an expert in a narrowly defined field and 2) eliminate competition.

    China Newz

    China Newz is a blog introducing China's history, culture, people and places.

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  • Profile picture of the author mtmaster
    Thanks everybody for your input. I actually understand everything about being specific and why somebody should fine tune the niche he is going to get into, but i am talking about a real case here.

    when you talk about breakup advice, it's a must to talk about self confidence as it's the no.1 factor to feel good right after a breakup or in other words a rejection. The same thing also applies for depression and how to get over it, so as you can see it is not actually a pure breakup advice but it has a flavor of self help.... that's the point and that's why i am asking this question. so again what do you think??

    and also for ranking, what i understand is that it is all about selecting the right keyword and it has nothing to do with the niche. right?
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  • Profile picture of the author ppetri
    This will be lengthy because I have no idea how far along you are (knowledge wise) so I apologize in advance if I bore you or I miss your question entirely

    I say go big or go home! So #3 is the way to go. You are simply going to build an “authority site” on men and dating. Your main page will divulge a description about you and why you feel so strongly on helping your fellow man; the hardships you ran into, and why your advice is gospel. “You’ve been in their shoes and you can offer relief to their issues and frustrations” on many levels. I am assuming (and would hope) you are writing/blogging to also make money with affiliate products or your own products? but for this example I will talk about affiliate products.
    Use WordPress. You will have categories on the side bar that devote time and energy to specific topics that are keyword rich for “men only” plus have affiliate products inside to sell. Inside those categories are articles/posts that are advice articles (keyword specific to gain traffic) inside each article you will have an affiliate product that mostly suits the topic you are writing about. So each article is your advice! But you will have other topics you may not have an affiliate products for…

    1) Category 1: Getting Back Together - find a non competitive keyword term that will help get you traffic.
    a) Article 1: How to Get Your Ex back (link to specific affiliate product about making up
    b) Article 2: Texting her to love again: (link to specific affiliate product about making up)

    2) Category 2: Breaking Up - find non competitive keyword term that will help get you traffic.
    a) Article 1: Get Rid of Her Forever (link to specific affiliate product about breaking up)
    b) Article 2: tips for a safe breakup: (link to specific affiliate product about making up)

    So what I’m trying to say is this site will eventually become an authority on all subjects/affiliate products “relationship wise” for men. You can offer some online dating banners and even give away a free report to build a list/ hint hint lol

    Once you get several backlinks to each article and have other authority “relationship” sites linking to you then move on to maybe a “relationship advice for women” website. Basically building a second revenue stream on the same topics but using keywprds and affiliate products for women. You will devote your time on 2 sites now, writing an article for each. Then on to website # 3 “Relationship advice for teens”

    To build a micro niche website on just the one subject (like option #1) is way too time consuming to talk Google into saying “trust me” I’m an authority on this subject. Especially since you will only be writing a few articles on the subject then moving one to the next microniche website. With an Authority site, content is always being provided and the site will always give great content to the reader and Google. So in my terms an authority “category” is basically a microniche “website”. So you get multiple microniche sites on one authority domain. Plus all the backlinking you did for the older articles, you get “rank love” for your newer ones before you even link anything to them. PLUS, its easier to maintaine 1 site of 50 categories/affiliate products than 50 microniche websites

    This also brands you as a leader in the industry, someone who got advice from you on “breaking up with her” will surely come back to your site to find a way to “get her back”! And pay for it!

    Wow that was long. Must be bored haha

    Hope this helps. - Pete
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    • Profile picture of the author mtmaster
      Originally Posted by ppetri View Post

      This will be lengthy because I have no idea how far along you are (knowledge wise) so I apologize in advance if I bore you or I miss your question entirely

      I say go big or go home! So #3 is the way to go. You are simply going to build an "authority site" on men and dating. Your main page will divulge a description about you and why you feel so strongly on helping your fellow man; the hardships you ran into, and why your advice is gospel. "You've been in their shoes and you can offer relief to their issues and frustrations" on many levels. I am assuming (and would hope) you are writing/blogging to also make money with affiliate products or your own products? but for this example I will talk about affiliate products.
      Use WordPress. You will have categories on the side bar that devote time and energy to specific topics that are keyword rich for "men only" plus have affiliate products inside to sell. Inside those categories are articles/posts that are advice articles (keyword specific to gain traffic) inside each article you will have an affiliate product that mostly suits the topic you are writing about. So each article is your advice! But you will have other topics you may not have an affiliate products for...

      1) Category 1: Getting Back Together - find a non competitive keyword term that will help get you traffic.
      a) Article 1: How to Get Your Ex back (link to specific affiliate product about making up
      b) Article 2: Texting her to love again: (link to specific affiliate product about making up)

      2) Category 2: Breaking Up - find non competitive keyword term that will help get you traffic.
      a) Article 1: Get Rid of Her Forever (link to specific affiliate product about breaking up)
      b) Article 2: tips for a safe breakup: (link to specific affiliate product about making up)

      So what I'm trying to say is this site will eventually become an authority on all subjects/affiliate products "relationship wise" for men. You can offer some online dating banners and even give away a free report to build a list/ hint hint lol

      Once you get several backlinks to each article and have other authority "relationship" sites linking to you then move on to maybe a "relationship advice for women" website. Basically building a second revenue stream on the same topics but using keywprds and affiliate products for women. You will devote your time on 2 sites now, writing an article for each. Then on to website # 3 "Relationship advice for teens"

      To build a micro niche website on just the one subject (like option #1) is way too time consuming to talk Google into saying "trust me" I'm an authority on this subject. Especially since you will only be writing a few articles on the subject then moving one to the next microniche website. With an Authority site, content is always being provided and the site will always give great content to the reader and Google. So in my terms an authority "category" is basically a microniche "website". So you get multiple microniche sites on one authority domain. Plus all the backlinking you did for the older articles, you get "rank love" for your newer ones before you even link anything to them. PLUS, its easier to maintaine 1 site of 50 categories/affiliate products than 50 microniche websites

      This also brands you as a leader in the industry, someone who got advice from you on "breaking up with her" will surely come back to your site to find a way to "get her back"! And pay for it!

      Wow that was long. Must be bored haha

      Hope this helps. - Pete
      Thank you so much. This was actually very helpful not boring at all
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  • Profile picture of the author Stefan Shields
    Even if you're site isn't doing anything anymore I wouldn't ever close a site down personally but that's your choice.

    You should start a new site on something that you know exactly what you are going to do with it before you've even started.

    You must want to stick with it forever and you will have great success.

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  • Profile picture of the author ImtheBrilliantest
    I'd like #2. I prefer microniches as they're more specific and I know exactly where to find them.
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    and also for ranking, what i understand is that it is all about selecting the right keyword and it has nothing to do with the niche. right?
    It has more to do with the whim of Google. Maybe you should investigate traffic generation besides just SEO.

    As you mentioned, your previous site got wiped out by Google updates. Do you really want to put the fate of your new site in the same constant peril?
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnTheJock
      It's a difficult call.

      You could spend the next year building an authority site, but you would have to ensure that you are not solely dependent on Google for traffic, (They could demolish it in one day) or you could spend that time building a number of niche sites. Chances are, even with the Google zoo, some will survive.

      Or you could do both .... small niche sites and an authority site, (look on this as a long term investment) while your niche sites bring in cash now.

      It's really up to you. I've survived 6 years by doing both.

      Good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author mtmaster
      Originally Posted by RogueOne View Post

      It has more to do with the whim of Google. Maybe you should investigate traffic generation besides just SEO.

      As you mentioned, your previous site got wiped out by Google updates. Do you really want to put the fate of your new site in the same constant peril?
      I have used the same anchor text for linking back to my website and that's why i think i was hit by penguin. Do you agree?
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  • Profile picture of the author HeadStartSEO
    Following up on what others have said, target a very specific need. Also, your need should be particular to sliver of a much larger market.


    Market: pet health care
    Need: dog food for cocker spaniels with type 2 diabetes

    Then, expand from your niche (need) to the broader market. Example: dog food for dogs with type 2 diabetes --> food for domestic pets with type 2 diabetes --> disease-specific food for all pets.
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    • Profile picture of the author Cobaki
      Originally Posted by HeadStartSEO View Post

      Following up on what others have said, target a very specific need. Also, your need should be particular to sliver of a much larger market.


      Market: pet health care
      Need: dog food for cocker spaniels with type 2 diabetes

      Then, expand from your niche (need) to the broader market. Example: dog food for dogs with type 2 diabetes --> food for domestic pets with type 2 diabetes --> disease-specific food for all pets.
      This, exactly. You would not want compete with the ones that are obviously on top and will still do everything to stay on top. Target a more specific niche from the niche that you have already chosen. This will also make things easier for you to think of what particular topic to tackle every time you need to feed your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    You can make different sites for both of these projects. Both are great, you can't avoid any one of them.
    Attract good targetted traffic to your both sites, where you'll be offering soloutions and consultancy.
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