Do you REALLY need an email list?

38 replies
One of the first things I learned after YEARS of making money online was that everybody was into building email lists. I had been running a business online but never knew anything about IM.

Then I went to WarriorForum and saw all this hype everywhere about how important it was to collect emails, that the email list was the most important thing. That the email list could be used for auto-responders, sales funnels, and regular pitches of offers, etc, etc.

Well anyway...I did find to the email list to be useful but it wasn't the #1 most financially rewarding thing for me. In fact, I got along for a while without it.

What's BETTER than the email list is to build an amazing website (usually something to do with passion) that is essential to people's lives. Something that they will check EVERY SINGLE DAY, the same way you would with your email. People were checking emails, Facebook, Youtube, and MY SITE.

And I made so much money this way because instead of having to design my site around collecting emails, I could design more around having useful content and then selling my stuff. The visitors were constantly coming back so I didn't have to nag or beg or remind them of stuff happening. They were checking back constantly and requesting/begging me to put up new stuff. People were reading my site from school, from work, while on the toilet, while at the Apple store (AHAHAHA).

If you can get to this kind of relationship with your website visitors, it's better than having to rely on an email list. I'm not saying email lists aren't useful but just know that you can do better than that.
#email #list
  • Profile picture of the author Patbinc
    I don't think it should be a debate of "an email list or a better website"...both are important and central to Internet Marketers. Like you have said one can do with an email list and without a website and still make money and vice versa, so ultimately its for everyone to choose what they are comfortable working with.

    Think of email list and website like tools in a toolbox alongside many other tools - naturally some tools will be used more than others, depending on the person using the tools, the purpose and so on.

    Some people will never own websites and would prefer running their businesses using email lists forever, that's just them. Others like you don't need email lists and you have accomplished everything with your website, again that's just you.

    I think its a good thing that people can get to pick and use whatever tools they want whichever way suits them so long as they get the results they want. After all it should be about the results, not the tools.
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  • Profile picture of the author TerryX
    Agree I see is as more of a piece then the only way to reach my audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jerry Higgins
    Both philosophies seem to work depending on how you like to run your business. I would be concerned about traffic drying up to a site that is dependent on organic search results due to circumstances beyond my control.

    With a list, especially a buyers list, you have the very best traffic source that will never dry up.... as long as you have built a solid relationship with your subscribers, just as you are now doing with your website visitors.

    Why not have both methods working for you?
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    • Profile picture of the author blackli0n
      Originally Posted by Jerry Higgins View Post

      Both philosophies seem to work depending on how you like to run your business. I would be concerned about traffic drying up to a site that is dependent on organic search results due to circumstances beyond my control.

      With a list, especially a buyers list, you have the very best traffic source that will never dry up.... as long as you have built a solid relationship with your subscribers, just as you are now doing with your website visitors.

      Why not have both methods working for you?
      I have both methods working for me right now but the organic traffic blows away the newsletter list. I guess my point is to tell everyone to go for organic traffic because it's so much more effective than the newsletter lists alone.
      Signature - Make Money with Wordpress
      Passive income since 2007. Trying to consistently crack 5-figures/month. find what you love - dream big - work hard
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      • Profile picture of the author tpw
        Originally Posted by blackli0n View Post

        I have both methods working for me right now but the organic traffic blows away the newsletter list. I guess my point is to tell everyone to go for organic traffic because it's so much more effective than the newsletter lists alone.

        I have made good money with both.

        The list allows you to keep getting sales, even when Google turns on you.

        And, most of us have had Google turn on us at some point, at a certain level.

        The list generally delivers consistent earnings, and Google is like a yo-yo that has higher highs than a list and lower lows than a list.
        Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
        Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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        • Profile picture of the author sweepnet
          Seems to me it is also a matter of time. Most of us, especially starting out, cant get a bunch of traffic to a site right away, but can build a list quickly.
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          • Profile picture of the author An Al
            Originally Posted by sweepnet View Post

            Seems to me it is also a matter of time. Most of us, especially starting out, cant get a bunch of traffic to a site right away, but can build a list quickly.
   are you gonna quickly build a list without traffic?
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            • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
              sometime I also confuse about email list:confused:

              for me I do received a lot from other marketer ...

              most of the time in fact 100 percent I don't even bother to see
              just see the header you will know is from other marketer

              some will claim ..your paypal payment approve to "force" you open up your mail and see
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  • Profile picture of the author garyt
    If you have a really useful site with lots of traffic, then you can make it even better with an email list, no doubt about that. There will always be a % of people who don't visit so often so you have to reach out to them.

    Even Facebook sends notification emails to draw traffic back to their site.

    Of course, if you are already raking it in, then maybe you can do away with an email list but not everyone is so good.

    Actually, the most important thing is you must have access to people, be it an email list, a FB page with likes or better still, if you know many people with big lists, then you are made
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  • Profile picture of the author ViralMediaBoost
    Yea I agree. It's actually worked for me & my business alot. I now have over 120K contacts alone. I think it's very important. It help's you build a clientele. Your own network. An it's targeted.
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  • Profile picture of the author xohaibx
    Whether or not you need an email list totally depends on the niche you're targeting and at the same time the kind of goals you have with your website. For example, if your site is about reviewing software products, you may very well stick to getting as much organic traffic to it as possible.

    On the other hand, if your website is a blog where you regularly post updates in the form of good content, then you should probably own a newsletter so that you can convert more of your new readers into regular ones, and also promote relevant products to them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    Building a list and an attractive Site with keyword targeting name is always important and recommended.

    What's BETTER than the email list is to build an amazing website (usually something to do with passion) that is essential to people's lives. Something that they will check EVERY SINGLE DAY,
    People check their horroscope daily, but this isn't enough, you need more than that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lokahi
    If you have a good site with content people want to see, they will go out of their way to bookmark your site and check back regularly and you won't have to chase them down.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Lokahi View Post

      If you have a good site with content people want to see, they will go out of their way to bookmark your site and check back regularly and you won't have to chase them down.
      Some of my competitors seem to think so, anyway - I just wish they all did.

      For the most part, this isn't true, of course. The simple, prosaic reality is that if you don't build a list yourself, you'll just lose most of the potential business to another marketer who does. (But hey, that might well be me, so carry on, if you like!).

      Like almost all successful affiliate marketers, the majority of my income comes from three main sources ...

      (i) Building credibility and trust-based relationships with people so that they come to rely on the strength of the recommendations I make, and buy products through my links rather than through those on the websites of all the other places they've also (like most prospective customers) visited;

      (ii) Keeping traffic returning to sales pages (because very, very few people buy anything much at their first visit to a sales page);

      (iii) Regularly making further sales - typically at increasing prices - to the same audience of people who continually trust my recommendations and are gradually more willing to buy more expensive things because I'm the person who's recommending them.

      It's all about credibility and trust.

      I need to do all three of those things to make a living. Without list-building, I can't do any of them.

      That's a big part of the reason why there are a few hundred threads in this forum with titles similar to "What's The One Thing You'd Do Differently If You Were Starting Again Tomorrow?". Take a look through a small sample of them, and you'll find that one of the things they all have in common is that they're full of replies from long-established, successful Warriors almost all of whom give the same answer: the thing they'd do differently, with what they know now but didn't know when they started, is "start to build a list on day 1". There are reasons for that, and they're very good and very valid reasons.

      Yes, there are also one or two people here who claim to be making a living through affiliate marketing without list-building (I think literally one, or maybe two), but when I look carefully at their other posts, and what they're promoting here, it always appears to me, skepchick that I am, that they might be making their livings mostly from selling "information" to beginning marketers rather than from affiliate marketing themselves.

      Of course, I'm not for a moment suggesting that affiliate marketing is the only way to make money online, and I'm not for a moment denying that there are ways of making money online without list-building, but if anyone wants to see what a whole group of successful affiliate marketers (and plenty of product vendors, too) have to say on this subject, these threads will surely help ...

      Is it a good idea to spend some time on building a mailing list ?

      Without Building a List, How Consistent is Your Income from Affiliate Marketing

      Does anyone even make money online without an email list?

      And even this one contains some discussion of the advantages of email marketing, and how they really work: What are the essential things to know about list building?

      Originally Posted by blackli0n View Post

      Do you REALLY need an email list?
      Maybe you don't, but I do. I have a mortgage and bills to pay every month, not to mention shoes to buy.

      Originally Posted by blackli0n View Post

      If you can get to this kind of relationship with your website visitors, it's better than having to rely on an email list.
      There are (a few!) people who think so, but two things are certain ...

      (i) even if it is better than having to rely on an email list, it's still clearly not as good as doing that and having an email list as well, and ...

      (ii) you're overwhelmingly more likely to build that kind of relationship with your visitors through email than in any other way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adrianne_
    Personally, I don't NEED an email list. I have heard for years
    that the money is in the list and if you don't have one, then
    you're leaving thousands of dollars on the table.

    I've captured leads and they pretty much went to waste because
    I personally have no interest in developing an email series to
    follow up with them. It was an unpleasant chore for me.

    Glad to hear about your experience and success outside of
    building the infamous list. Kudos to you, man!
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  • Profile picture of the author PatrickX
    You are absolutely right! The best combination is a great blog / website with an email opt in. It is just important to capture the information of your visitor and to build up a lasting relationship with him!
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  • Profile picture of the author nross128
    I believe that yes you do in fact need an email list. I also think that your method will work with building a website but why not do both. If you really want to build a relationship with your subscriber then you should build up a good email lists and then email them the value that you are putting on your website. This is good because having an email list is good for promoting different things in your business. If you just launch a new website and you want to get traffic to it you can send information about it to your email list. I truly think that an email list is one of the most important things you can have in your business.

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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    • Profile picture of the author wesawu
      Obviously, you are getting traffic and conversions without an email list. However, you are probably not converting 100% of your visitors to buyers. Would it not be beneficial to you to have an email list so you could maybe convert those that need a little more convincing to buy from you?
      Get 50% Off on High Quality PLR - Use Coupon Code: WSO50
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  • Profile picture of the author MKCookins
    As many other people have stated -- sure you can make money without an email list, but you are putting all your trust in Google.

    With how many changes Google makes to their algorithm almost every month, you are risking your entire business.You can easily have your sites knocked down from the top and your income will show because of it.

    Not only are you taking a chance by relying solely on Google -- but even if your sites all stayed at page 1, you are leaving TONS of money on the table by not creating a list.

    With a list you can easily develop a relationship with you're prospects connecting with them on a deeper level by giving them massive value, and showing them what has and has not worked for you.

    The result in this is they are much more likely to buy what you recommend -- and not only one time but for as long as you keep them on your list.

    This is how many people earn 6 to 7 figures a year online. They have a list of very targeted prospects they can send wherever they want, usually resulting in thousands of visitors.
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    • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
      The primary obstacle in running a business out of your email list is a lack of reach. On the other hand, people who experience problems retaining traffic on their websites due to content quality issues may do better with email newsletters. Going purely through an email list can never have the potential upside of a good website though.


      Low bar of entry
      Low production costs
      Retain contact with audience

      Lack of reach
      Limited content options


      Unlimited potential
      Many monetization options
      Website itself has resale value

      Extremely time consuming
      Potentially high costs (if you aren't 100% DIY)
      Usually requires special skills
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  • Profile picture of the author dan11749
    It all boils down to whether you want a fast nickel or a slow dime.
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  • Profile picture of the author starman21
    Build a relationship with a list and you are able to market different products to them or
    send out emails and make sales to them.

    Sure both are excellent but a website is far more labor intensive and can be at the mercy of google, depending on how you are driving traffic to it.

    My opinion is that the list offers greater freedom and flexibility. It is much easier to make money with a list.

    As Adrianne said, it is important to do what you like. Which one do you enjoy? Which one do you believe in? Which one is fun to you...doesn't seem like work to you? If you love! Obviously, both are good and together they are best case scenario.
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  • Profile picture of the author he_august
    Also, still trying to find out the asnwer

    just start using autoresponder, and hopefully find the asnwer for this "Do you REALLY need an email list?" matter also :>
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  • Profile picture of the author natebunger
    With the advancement of technology nowadays, the building an email list might be considered obsolete. But, I know it’s still the most basic and the easiest way to drive more traffic to my website.

    I still make use of email lists right now and I know a lot of people still do too.


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  • Profile picture of the author netizen
    It’s Why The BIG Gurus Always Say… “The Money Is In The List” It All Starts By Building A Double Opt-In List!

    One of the golden rules of marketing is “The money is in the list”. The money is not in innovation. It’s not in products. It’s not in services.

    Email is the absolute center of the Internet universe!

    You have to have an email address to sign up for Twitter, Facebook, or any of Google’s services and there is no indication this will change any time soon.
    Netizen Pros - Marketing & Advertising
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    • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
      Originally Posted by netizen View Post

      It's Why The BIG Gurus Always Say... "The Money Is In The List"
      You should know by now that the big "gurus" say only what helps them sell more courses.

      Find me an actual guru (someone with a professional history of doing something big online) that advocates running a business out of your email list. Good luck with that. You won't find it. Oh, but the "big guru" says to do it so let's carve their words into stone tablets.
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      • Profile picture of the author J Bold
        Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

        You should know by now that the big "gurus" say only what helps them sell more courses.

        Find me an actual guru (someone with a professional history of doing something big online) that advocates running a business out of your email list. Good luck with that. You won't find it. Oh, but the "big guru" says to do it so let's carve their words into stone tablets.

        I know a guy who's not one the traditional gurus and he's very low profile but I've been on his list for a while. He's very transparent about he runs his business.

        He sends emails to this list every day and makes mostly all of his sales from his lists and pulls in about $30K a month.

        So does that count?

        I think anyone who makes a lot of money with their email marketing would obviously advocate the strategy to others, but that's obviously not the only traffic they are getting, but it's sure a great way to keep communicating with your customers, gee don't you think?

        I know most marketers worth their salt advocate a sales funnel which lasts several days, and one of the best ways to get them through that funnel is via email.
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        • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
          Originally Posted by J Bold View Post

          I know most marketers worth their salt advocate a sales funnel which lasts several days, and one of the best ways to get them through that funnel is via email.
          They aren't saying that here in 2013. The seven day sales funnel using email is something that hasn't been optimal for a number of years.

          Changes in how people use the internet to get information have rendered the sales funnel in general less valuable. Customers now follow a nonlinear path that has no clear beginning or end point.

          I'm not saying flush email down the toilet. It is a potentially valuable touch point. The issue at hand that the OP was referencing is the practice of scaling down website operations to focus on email collection and then doing your actual selling only through email. That is highly unlikely to work out well regardless of how many "gurus" preach it.
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  • Profile picture of the author MeelisM
    Yup people say, that the money is in the list.

    I am on the verge of starting to build my first list. We will see what happens

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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    As I mentioned in different email list threads, I never built an email list but I maintain my business afloat. Email list is important but for people like me who is not a fan of email subscriptions and hate receiving offers through email, I stay away....

    Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

    Signature edited.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Nah you dont "really" need an email list to make money. You can get sales from frontend buyers by leading them straight to your sales page... and then "hope" that they remember you in the future and buy from you in the future.

    But you can advance the issue (and the profits) with an email list. In my experiences the dough comes faster, and it's predictable... especially with each new lead that you get.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hartmann
    Building a list is an added complexity but I buy into the idea that you have more control of your business when you have a list. Having said that, you can't just slap up a list and start benefiting from it. It's another skill set that has to be learned. So if someone doesn't have the time or can't focus on developing a list, they are probably right not to bother.
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  • Profile picture of the author mgsmith
    Having a great web content is an essential thing of course. Having a mailing list is an option if you want your website to have more visitors or if you want to get more sales. Mailing list is one of the important things for starters. But you have to make sure that the emails you will be sending out is spam-proof and interesting to read.


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  • Profile picture of the author WillMitchell
    Do you REALLY need an email list?

    No. Obviously, you've seen that for yourself. But that doesn't mean that it's optimal not to have one.

    In fact, I'd go so far as to 100% guarantee that if you took some time to incorporate email into your business plan, you'd make more money within 3 months. It doesn't have to be a super involved process... Just setup two or three initial autoresponders and automatic blog updates. That's a fine place to start.

    I think the problem here is that you're misunderstanding the point of an email list. The point isn't that it does any ONE thing for you...
    • An email list doesn't JUST send traffic to each of your blog posts
    • It doesn't JUST keep you engaged with your visitors
    • It doesn't JUST help you sell more products and convert more customers
    • It isn't JUST insurance against a Google penalty or hacker attack
    • It's all these things and more!

    People who know what they're talking about say, "The money is in the list," because email marketing is literally the most versatile tool in an Internet Marketer's arsenal. Any one of the above points is enough to justify having an email list, in my opinion, and taken altogether it's literally inexcusable not to have one.

    Maybe that's just me, but I seriously think you're leaving money on the table by not having a list.

    - Will
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  • Profile picture of the author elijahdean24
    I always been taught to build a list
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  • Profile picture of the author banwork
    I agree 100%! You can do this with anything from a YouTube channel to a blog, Facebook page, and more. I have got along without using an email list the entire time and some of my best deals have come from forming more personal relationships with people. My biggest clients would rather I not bother them with anything except exactly what they want to know when they want to know it. Any emails with information not giving them information that is 100% personal are likely to lose me business. While others swear up and down about the value of the email list, I think it all matters based on what kind of business you run!

    Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

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