Favourite forum/site to hire good affiliate marketeers

by zuko
7 replies
What do you use and why?
#affiliate #favourite #forum or site #good #hire #marketeers
  • Profile picture of the author Seovault
    It honestly Depends, but I think if you are looking for affiliate marketers, Just keep this one thing in mind "Friends Promote Friends". So the real question is how many friends do you have, and have you taken interest in them enough to help you?

    JVnotifypro, Warrior JV, DigitalPoint, and Here!

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    • Originally Posted by Seovault View Post

      It honestly Depends, but I think if you are looking for affiliate marketers, Just keep this one thing in mind "Friends Promote Friends". So the real question is how many friends do you have, and have you taken interest in them enough to help you?

      JVnotifypro, Warrior JV, DigitalPoint, and Here!
      Exactly! Go out there and make yourself valuable to others and they will be more than happy to promote for you.

      PM Me Now!

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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Morgan
    Originally Posted by zuko View Post

    What do you use and why?
    There are many ways to get the attention of affiliate marketers to promote your stuff

    Affiliate tools, a converting sales page, a reputation, email copy ...oh and a solid product helps too.

    As for your question, I suggest the affiliate section of this forum but it would help you if you had the above elements an other elements too to get affiliates' attention.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lokahi
    Any forum which has a section on affiliate marketing or products is likely to attract those interested in earning affiliate money. Another resource is internet marketing, SEO and money making forums.
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    • Profile picture of the author ValCDesigns
      If you're really interested in recruiting a ton of affiliates, then you might want to look into contacting a few jv brokers; these people have access to all the major players in your specific niche and you can literally explode your sales using this method.

      But make no mistake, your product must be top notch.
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
        You don't really "hire" affiliate marketers, so what you have to offer them to entice them to promote your products is going to make a big difference.

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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    If you need affiliate marketers attention, you need to give them something valuable to sale, something that is highly demanded and you provide them sales pages, sales letter, bonuses to offer, more you give away interesting things you will get more affiliates to your product.
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