mlm sales funnel example...d

7 replies
question1: I'm trying to set up a marketing funnel for my mlm business and wondered if if anyone has an example they can share? and i plan to promote the business using solo ads

product is nutritional

question2: do i need to setup 2 different funnels, one for the product and one for the business or setup 1 and mix up the messages?
#exampled #funnel #mlm #network marketing #sales
  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    What you need to do is take a step back and think about
    where this strategy will take you, long term.

    If short term one off sales commissions are your goal there
    are much more profitable ways to earn them outside of MLM.

    If long term residual income is your goal this isn't the path
    to that destination.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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    • Profile picture of the author AllanJames
      Originally Posted by Tsnyder View Post

      What you need to do is take a step back and think about
      where this strategy will take you, long term.

      If short term one off sales commissions are your goal there
      are much more profitable ways to earn them outside of MLM.

      If long term residual income is your goal this isn't the path
      to that destination.
      Agreed, and I would ad that, if you are using a MLM companies capture pages to gather up your prospects onto an email list you are making a big mistake (one that I also made for about six months )

      Here's a post by one of my associates that illustrates the point ...
      Darryl Graham's $500,000.00 Mistake
      50% Sales Conversions?? YES!, check my blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author carlamae
    Auto Recruiting Platform is the exact answer to this problem...funnels are in place and all you have to do is swap out videos, etc. to personalize it. There are several mlm company specific funnels already in place. You should definitely take a look at this. All the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author anthonyfrye
    I promote my MLM within my business but I treat my MLM as any other product. I DO NOT use my company's lead capture page. I use my own stuff because you want to remember, you are branding you, not the company. People join people, not companies.


    Want more important Internet marketing strategies? Check out my blog Actionable marketing steps inside.

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    • Profile picture of the author makingbillions

      Thanks for the information.. this Auto Recruiting Platform looks interesting but here's the deal...

      I love the product in this mlm co (weight loss), hence want to promote it... been involved for 30 days, made around £4k already... and have around 40 promoters/ 80 customers ... but have gone through my warm market and now want a simple online system to bring in customers and more promoters... nothing massive, just steady few leads a day.

      my idea... set up a new blog just for this with a couple of landing pages, one for the product and one for the make money side of things, and so... wanted to know if anyone had any examples i could look at.

      I am familiar with sales funnels from setting them up for my other offline businesses so i can do all the steps without subscribing to someone else's ready made one.

      thanks again,
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  • Profile picture of the author xenter
    Just curious, how much does it cost to join for your mlm?
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    • Profile picture of the author makingbillions
      product £39, £79, £119 or £199/ month
      promoter basic 39/ executive £350/ star £779

      why are you asking?
      does it matter, why?
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