Newby alert! Question about locations & regions

2 replies
Hi everyone

First post here, but been enjoying a lot of the stuff already.

As mentioned, I'm a newb but I feel I have a pretty solid idea for a WSO. The problem is that it's something that must be sold in Australia as it's wine-related.

I know there are a bunch of Aussies here, but are these kinds of offers viable to launch here, or is a much bigger market needed?

Thanks everyone!
#alert #locations #newby #question #regions
  • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites

    I'm pretty sure the WF only allows IM-related WSOs.
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    • Profile picture of the author MarinerdMike
      Originally Posted by jrjohn View Post


      I'm pretty sure the WF only allows IM-related WSOs.
      Right. Any idea where I can go to get confirmation?

      Also, it effectively is IM. What I sell would be downloadable content, but the opportunity to use product as the OTO is where I think I can do well.
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