Is statcounter acting up for any of you today?

3 replies
Is statcounter acting up for any of you today?My counter seems to not be counting the uniques this morning correctly? Anyone else?
#acting #statcounter #today
  • Profile picture of the author Melkur
    Same here. Was just scratching my head wondering how so few uniques could have generated so many page views It may be fixed now, though - the last few uniques and page views seem to tie up?
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  • Profile picture of the author mediamarket
    Yep it seems to be fixed now. Yeah I was checking my sites all morning I wasn't sure what was up. Anyone else experience weird counter stats from statcounter?
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  • Profile picture of the author m5smiley
    I have never had an issue wit statcounter and have been using it for years. Strange to hear they were having issues, but glad it got resolved quickly!
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