are people still get money from clickbank? or there're better websites now ?

17 replies
hello ,
is anyone still earning from clickbank i dont see people talk about it anymore ?
is there's any better trusted site like clickbank ?
#clickbank #money #people #therere #website
  • Profile picture of the author UK US Marketing
    People still feel clickbank offers a good ROI from what i've been reading lately.
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  • Profile picture of the author rania090
    im looking for a better site using the same clickbank system >>> i haven't earned anything from clickbank.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jack Samatha
      Try clicksure and Jvzoo. Also warriorplus.

      There are great offers coming out these days launching on the above networks.

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    • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
      Originally Posted by rania090 View Post

      im looking for a better site using the same clickbank system >>> i haven't earned anything from clickbank.
      That's a problem with YOU and your marketing skills and NOT Clickbank seeing as CB is a massive affiliate market place full of thousands of different products, some good, some bad, some that convert and some that don't.

      It has NOTHING to do with CB. In short your marketing skills need work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by rania090 View Post

    is anyone still earning from clickbank
    Yes - large numbers of Warrior Forum members make our full-time livings as ClickBank affiliates.

    Originally Posted by rania090 View Post

    i dont see people talk about it anymore ?
    I see it discussed in at least a dozen threads here every day, and I probably post in half of them, myself. (The forum's search function will easily find those threads for you.)

    Originally Posted by rania090 View Post

    is there's any better trusted site like clickbank ?
    It's mostly not about ClickBank and whether it's a trusted site. ClickBank is only a retailer, not a manufacturer of products. Almost all the sales pages are on the vendors' own sites, anyway, not on ClickBank's. There's no commonality between "ClickBank products" that makes the point answerable, really. It depends on niches, demographics, targeting, the establishing of credibility, relationship-building, and so on. To pretend otherwise is simply futile. In the sense that you're thinking of, strictly speaking, there's no such thing as "a ClickBank product".

    Originally Posted by rania090 View Post

    or there're better websites now ?
    Key concept - it's not about "the websites": it's about whatever you're doing.

    Originally Posted by rania090 View Post

    i haven't earned anything from clickbank.
    ClickBank has been established longer than Google and has paid out over $2.5 Billion now, to affiliates and vendors. So ... others are earning: start from the assumption that "you're doing something wrong" (we've all been there! ).

    This may help you: What are the best ways to promote click bank products?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8678834].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rania090
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      Yes - large numbers of Warrior Forum members make our full-time livings as ClickBank affiliates.

      I see it discussed in at least a dozen threads here every day, and I probably post in half of them, myself. (The forum's search function will easily find those threads for you.)

      It's mostly not about ClickBank and whether it's a trusted site. ClickBank is only a retailer, not a manufacturer of products. Almost all the sales pages are on the vendors' own sites, anyway, not on ClickBank's. There's no commonality between "ClickBank products" that makes the point answerable, really. It depends on niches, demographics, targeting, the establishing of credibility, relationship-building, and so on. To pretend otherwise is simply futile. In the sense that you're thinking of, strictly speaking, there's no such thing as "a ClickBank product".

      Key concept - it's not about "the websites": it's about whatever you're doing.

      ClickBank has been established longer than Google and has paid out over $2.5 Billion now, to affiliates and vendors. So ... others are earning: start from the assumption that "you're doing something wrong" (we've all been there! ).

      This may help you: What are the best ways to promote click bank products?
      Thanks a lot
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Dinero
    Sure buddy, some people are making a killing with clickbank these days... also why are you asking for a better trusted site? clickbank is a legit company, they always pay on time and such
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  • Profile picture of the author StillSEO
    Huge part of my earning comes from ClickBank.. There are many other sites like ClickBank.. But, it does not make much difference to me.. As every Pay Per Sales websites got both good & bad product.. I insist you to stop finding which site is better than ClickBank & start spending all your time promoting CB products.. As most of the Internet Markets waste lots of time reading, reading & reading but not implementing what has been read.. Hope this helps.. PM me if U need help making money using CB..
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Clickbank is still good. Doesn't matter the affiliate network really. Just the marketing is important. You should create your own product for backend customer and product capabilities and control.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    There are many affiliate networks you can be apart of.

    It's not a matter of whether people are making money or not, some are and some aren't.

    It's about finding the right quality products to promote, and giving your subscribers what they need.

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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    Clickbank is still very good, if you don't feel comfortable you can move to warrior plus or jvzoo. both are great networks
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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    Every day. There really are some good products on Clickbank. I like checking them out before promoting. All it takes is finding one or two great products that you can focus on promoting to the right group of people and you can do well.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8679624].message }}
  • although some people have had success with it I personally haven't....
    they have a lot of good products though....
    Need To Make Money? Raise All Of The Money You Need To Raise Without Having To Pay Any Of It Back! Not a grant and not a here to learn more!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8679633].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Larry Leggett
    Clickbank is a site which have got thousands of high quality products and this is why most of the Internet marketers likes it. They can get any kind of product to promote and earn affiliate commission. JVzoo can be another good option.
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  • Profile picture of the author horizon206
    I would have to say that it is more important to find a great team to work with. The internet has many great systems to make lots of money.

    Personally I blog and make YouTube videos about things I'm passionate about. I start each day by getting on a very motivational call with hundreds of people then I go about my day.
    I hope this has shed some light on your question.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Originally Posted by rania090 View Post

    hello ,
    is anyone still earning from clickbank i dont see people talk about it anymore ?
    is there's any better trusted site like clickbank ?
    Clickbank still works like SEO.

    Why are people such a pessimist especially when the table turn round on them.

    If clickbank as a whole stops working for you then the affiliate marketing niche is a no go area for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author EnterIn
    The purpose of clickbank is to simply allow sellers to meet with affiliates who can market their products. They list their products. Affiliates help them market.

    That's all.

    Your role is to simply select a product to market based on your knowledge of a group of people ANYWHERE on the web who are interested in buying that product.


    So people will always "get money from clickbank". Unless all sellers start producing bad products or Clickbank's fees become so unreasonable that no one wants to list their products there, or some other highly unlikely event like these 2 occurs.

    Hope this helps
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