WOW! Now this 12 year old did it.

29 replies
This young lady shows it is possible to make money. With a very simple product.

Finance-related videos - Money - MSN CA

She showed the members of the Dragon Den show it can be done.
#wow #year
  • Profile picture of the author bertosio
    Awesome kid!

    She spotted a niche and took it!
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  • Profile picture of the author David Raybould
    Nice share, Mike. Great story.

    Amazing what happens when you just take
    some action, isn't it?

    Also highlights how there's no difference
    between searching for a hungry crowd
    or just stumbling into one as part of your
    daily life.

    Very cool.

    -David Raybould
    Killer Emails. Cash-spewing VSLs. Turbocharged Landing Pages.

    Whatever you need, my high converting copy puts more money in your pocket. PM for details. 10 years experience and 9 figure revenues.
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    • Profile picture of the author fcf360
      That was NICE !!! Thanks for sharing...
      The Warrior Forum
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      • Profile picture of the author mikeink
        Some of the things I dislike the most is when someone tells me

        1 You have not taken the trades course.
        2 You are not licensed.
        3 You are to old to learn to do this. (HMMM I am 67years YOUNG), and still learning to do things.
        4 To old to learn.

        Yet able am able to do it better than some licensed trades people.
        A person needs to be able to adapt and use the information that they have. If you are able to associate the things you are doing today, to something else you have done in the pass (adapt) it does help.

        EG---- Air and hydraulic systems, you may be able to use these to help with plumbing. ADAPT

        That is why when I saw this video it was at the end of the age group (older). Yes I did see that one when they told her no way.

        Age is not the barrier it is people who do not see many things, they have blinders on, or forgot to put on there glasses.

        Well let me see. OH yea need to start work on my ???????? again.
        Been working for slave wages to long.

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  • Profile picture of the author johnnydio
    Great Motivation, just to shows with passion anyone can do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author randak
    Nice. That is an amazing story. Glad she got the publicity from the show to propel her.
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  • Profile picture of the author desley
    Originally Posted by mikeink View Post

    This young lady shows it is possible to make money. With a very simple product.

    Finance-related videos - Money - MSN CA

    She showed the members of the Dragon Den show it can be done.
    What a fabulous story. Many thanks for sharing. Goes to show that age is no barrier to being a successful entrepreneur.

    A story to take heart. Goes to show in everyday life, if one looks at what one requires, thinks of an innovative solution to address the need, one can indeed develop a very successful business. Let's hope this young lady is a millionaire by the time she turns 18 and people don't know out her entrepreneur spirit by telling her this, that or the other can't be done.
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  • Profile picture of the author Danielle Murphyx
    So this proves that your product doesn't have to be "WOW" to be able to sell it. There's nothing that special at her product. But she came up with something else. I guess this is in many cases the key to success.
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  • Profile picture of the author SaraHendren
    The motivation I needed!
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  • Profile picture of the author wayneh
    Great story. Thanks for sharing. It shows again that the "experts" aren't always right. Also that with action you can make your own "luck" too - (publicity from the show).
    CLICK HERE for techniques and reviews of affiliate marketing training
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    Only a kid could have done this. Wearing socks with sandals has long been considered a fashion blunder to even young adults. You see a lot of teens doing it these days though.
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  • Profile picture of the author brenda221
    I think we're all kids at heart. It would be great if more people recognized that and started adding more of their inner child intuition to designing and marketing products than just relying on logic. That little girl knows that she's dealing with people and trying to improve the world around her instead of just focusing on making a profit. So profit comes effortlessly.
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  • Profile picture of the author GlowaSolutions
    WOW Genius Kid!

    Patryk Glowacki

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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Salim
    great share, great story

    that will boost extra spirit for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheMarketingLord
    That's a LOT of strong will and a little bit of luck mixed together...

    Big motivational boost for me for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    Good one, let her enjoy the money coming in..
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  • Profile picture of the author artflair
    I think in the years to come we will have see many more stories about kids making bank like this!
    The things we were learning or discovering at 25-30 y.o. they'll be doing at 7!
    If you have kids direct them to the right path
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  • Profile picture of the author Bannaz
    What an amazing story!
    Flash Banner Design
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  • Profile picture of the author JanePlaten
    This is an amazing story and it only goes to show how far you can get once you stop that one great niche. This first step can really set the course of your entire business. Congratulations to the kid who showed everybody how it's done!
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  • Profile picture of the author asaolo
    She's definitely found her niche. ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author LanceThompson
    Yeah Awesome Simple idea that is powerful. That's what its all about.
    ►This system pulled in over 25,000 sales in 2013 right under your nose and you probably laughed at it. But while you were laughing we were laughing all the way to the bank. Some to the tune of 6 and 7 figures. This year 10 times...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8691459].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      Only a kid could have done this. Wearing socks with sandals has long been considered a fashion blunder to even young adults. You see a lot of teens doing it these days though.
      I was expecting a different design - and don't be too surprised if she goes this direction.

      For years there are already "sandal toe stockings" on the market. They are basically pantyhose done w/o the toes, but they do at least have a thong type foot where a thin strip of nylon goes between the toes so that the hose don't slide all the way back off the heel.

      I think this is what she's missing, because otherwise it will roll back toward the heel and just turn into a mis-shapen leg/ankle warmer.

      Personally I've been just wearing socks and put on my flipflops over them and wedge them onto my foot.

      You go for a long walk or start running around like kids do and those things will fail.

      Ankle warmers.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author Koljak8
    Great story! This just goes to show that there is a demand for new trends constantly. You just need to be able to have a product that stands out from the crowd, and it is sure to be a success with the right kind of marketing.
    Thanks for sharing Mike.
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    • Profile picture of the author juggernaught
      A simple idea can be reinvented and remarketed to become something big.
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  • Profile picture of the author rockstart
    That's a great story.
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  • Profile picture of the author Highway55
    I was going to skip over the video. Glad I didn't. Brilliant idea. So damn simple...

    Wish I thought of it.

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    • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
      simply brilliant! I love the simplicity of it and of course her tenacity.
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  • Profile picture of the author craighakwins
    Unbelievable! That would shame my 12 yr old lego playing version of me.
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  • Profile picture of the author djones20
    I saw that episode and I was very impressed with that kid. Which I can have a great idea like that lol!
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