my full time job it seem getting no where.perhaps going to make me quit...will IM help me and my

my parents?
presently only I the sole bread earner ...stay with parents who already in their elderly...
already work in the same company for 13 years...recently conflict with bias manager is getting out of hand. Sick of him bias..on one person who is a follower...instead a worker..
the rest of my colleagues either quit or go another section because of these two person.
I believe IM can be a full time job
I happen to start a thread asking for suggestion is it wise to do IM full time.
since I quite new is wise to hold my present full time job and try to explore more on IM ...at least can see a stable income...that day maybe I can afford to quit?
time is running out since I going to near 40s...
all I want is to provide a comfort life for my elderly parents.
ok enough of talking my personal life here...
because I have seem IM indeed can help people quit their job and work from home.
I have seem proof ...where as of course some a fake gurus...out there portray like rich folk and help people like me.
fellow WR bros /sisters out there....
what serious thoughts and suggestion I should go?
I was thinking to change job but salary wise I have to lower down.
Im a simple person ..my life is simple.
even one day I become rich , i will stay in my present old house..because it bring back my childhood memories .
Any successful WR bros and sisters can share ..how you do it?
perhaps maybe ..some stuffs you feel not nice to mention here can PM me
summary I curious how those successful real IM folks do and success...
yes I hate entertaining clients....good thing about IM is you no need to meet face to face ...with clients....
communication mostly on email..perhaps sometime you have to meet..at most via webcam .
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