How to find Great Sites for Guest Posting?

14 replies

I have recently started guest posting, but feeling tough to find great sites to do guest postings.. I found many websites who needs guest posting, BUT i doubt on how much traffic they would receive for their website, since i dont see much facebook likes, no comments and sites doesn't look attractive!

I will be glad if you guyz teach me on how you're researching and finding great sites for guest posting.. please kindly tell me!

and one more thing, i found postrunner BUT do you suggest me going that way? or any approach? or you depend only on Google? or any great tool to find? pls suggest me?
#find #great #guest #posting #sites
  • Profile picture of the author valmillercorl
    What is your ultimate goal in doing the guest posting? I don't do this so I can't make any suggestions, but figured if you clarify your "why" you'll get better answers here.

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    • Profile picture of the author gillw254
      Originally Posted by valmillercorl View Post

      What is your ultimate goal in doing the guest posting? I don't do this so I can't make any suggestions, but figured if you clarify your "why" you'll get better answers here.

      We can get free traffic for our websites in exchange with our article. its targeted traffic... its not related to seo.
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  • Profile picture of the author tojamienoel
    Try out MBG (Myblogpost) for guest post site searching. Try it. Cheers

    Jamie Noel is Creative Head of VCM (Visual Content Marketing). 64% of your website clients/visits can be reached via organic search. GRAB Free Keywords from me. Ask:

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  • Profile picture of the author Maikel Michiels
    You are already on the right track to filtering the sites you encounter.

    Some things to look at are:

    - Social shares and Comments (show engagement and readership)
    - Post frequency: If they post 5 new posts a day, you will most likely end up with a smaller readership than a blog that posts once every few days. (given that they get the same amount of visitors).
    - And obviously traffic is important as well, although it sometimes might be hard to find how much traffic a blog is really getting.

    Good luck!
    Maikel Michiels
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Before you guest blog for traffic, here is how to know if a blog is worth sending your article to.

    10 Little-Known Ways to See How Much Traffic a Website Gets - How To Make Money Online
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  • Profile picture of the author Arthur Burlo
    The way I do it, is by spying on the competition. Basically:
    1) Decide an SEO strategy
    2) Find a competitor in your niche who uses the same strategy and ranks well (but not so good that his links are unattainable by average people - for example, if you are in the money making niche, Problogger would not be a good choice).
    3) See where the competitor guest blogs and have a go at those blogs.

    Full strategy here
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    • Profile picture of the author Hartmann
      Following on from this, you can find where people guest post by looking on their facebook or twitter page. Guest posters are encouraged to promote their own post when it goes live and they usually do this by announcing it on these 2 popular social networks.

      Originally Posted by Arthur Burlo View Post

      The way I do it, is by spying on the competition. Basically:
      1) Decide an SEO strategy
      2) Find a competitor in your niche who uses the same strategy and ranks well (but not so good that his links are unattainable by average people - for example, if you are in the money making niche, Problogger would not be a good choice).
      3) See where the competitor guest blogs and have a go at those blogs.

      Full strategy here
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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    I run a pretty high-traffic fitness website and get requests for guest posts often.

    I don't care if the person has authority in the niche. I'm game for all offers ... BUT what's critical is that they propose and/or provide a really great article that's specific, unique and something my readers will like.

    I get way too many of the same junk offers such as "8 cool ways to lose weight" which are worthless. I politely respond explaining I need something unique and interesting very relevant to my niche. Some people then respond "can you suggest article topics?" I ignore that.

    Your aim should be to guest post for traffic. Look for the big blogs in your niche. Read the blog and get a sense of what they publish. Then write an article the audience and website owner will really want to publish.

    As a publisher, I don't care if it's been published elsewhere as long as it's great content (although not all website owners accept articles published elsewhere).

    I REALLY like it when somebody just attaches an awesome article for me. This saves me a lot of back and forth. If I accept it, I just publish it and it's done. If I don't accept it, I let them know so they can submit it elsewhere.

    TIP: You'll bring more to the table if you build up a social following in your niche so that you can offer to let your social network know when it's published sending more traffic to the guest post. I love it when a guest poster sends their own traffic as well.

    If you decide to build up a social following, get Klout account and build up your score. With a score above 50 or 60, you'll get attention because that signals you can send some serious traffic to the post on your own.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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  • Profile picture of the author gillw254

    Thanks a lot for all your replies!

    I just got to understand how to chose a best site for guest blogging, BUT still I didnt find a solution on finding a huge number of sites who needs guest posting in their site. how do I find this..? ( instead of google? )
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    • Profile picture of the author brittlesnc
      If you're asking for a list of sites that allow guest posting unless you're in an IM niche you're more than likely NOT going to find such a list...

      You're going to have to put in the work of finding guest blogging opportunities yourself...and 1 of the ways to find those opportunities is by using's not the only way but it's a pretty decent way...

      And if you want to make things a bit easier for yourself when using Google try the following searches:

      • [niche keyword phrase] +"write for us"
      • [niche keyword phrase] +"submit"
      • [niche keyword phrase] +"author guidelines"
      • [niche keyword phrase] +"writer guidelines"
      • [niche keyword phrase] +"article submission"
      • [niche keyword phrase] +"submit content"
      • [niche keyword phrase] +"submit an article"
      • [niche keyword phrase] +"author submission"
      • [niche keyword phrase] +"article submission guidelines"

      Another way to find "guest blogging" opportunities would maybe be the Directory of Ezines but I've heard mixed reviews about it (some bad but mostly good)...

      Originally Posted by gillw254 View Post

      Thanks a lot for all your replies!

      I just got to understand how to chose a best site for guest blogging, BUT still I didnt find a solution on finding a huge number of sites who needs guest posting in their site. how do I find this..? ( instead of google? )
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      • Profile picture of the author sararoberts88

        You can use some commands for a better result. For example "write for us" (if you want .com domain ), for UK you can change this by Also Just keep trying. don't give up untill you do it.

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  • Profile picture of the author MrArr
    i usually search similar sites using alexa, try to find one there and offer them to guest post
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Monroe
    Guest posting can be an awesome SEO strategy if done properly, but can also become a waist of time, if you don't find the right blogs to guest post on.

    Try using My Blog Guest. You can use it to find websites in your industry that accept guest posts, and also bloggers who do it for free. Register yourself as a member and you'll have a better exposure.

    Here is a review of the website - read it and learn how to use the benefits: When Guest Posting Seems Impossible...
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