Hiring Mentors or Coaches

33 replies
It has come to my attention that I can probably make more progress by hiring a mentor. Primarily to keep me more accountable, but also to reflect and bounce ideas off at certain points of my journey.

I think, in theory, it will be an excellent investment. This will compliment finding out for yourself, but taking action, at least coordinated action, seems to be hard. There are so many things I can do, which ultimately creates a huge list of things TO do.

Anyone have any thoughts or feedback based on their experience hiring a mentor. I would like to hear your thoughts and how it helped or didn't help you? Remember everyone is different, including myself, whom I deem as being very independent. I think I will hire them based on helping me focus on mastering a craft online!
#coaches #hiring #mentors
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Get one ASAP.

    You won't regret it. Also don't be afraid to spend good money on getting the right person as the investment will pay itself off big time.
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  • Profile picture of the author GuruGuna
    I agree. It help you in many ways.

    Experienced people who are making ton of money still uses coaches or mentors. More like a mentor group.

    The key is finding the right one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Startingstartup
    I like the idea of finding a mentor group – a group of people on your level or better. This will help you feel more compelled to catch up to their level. Then you rinse and repeat the process. I think it's hard to find these people offline, at least so far. That is probably a poor attitude to begin with and why I need a mentor.

    I have started different projects, but haven't decided which deserves the most attention; which I should narrow in on.

    The guidance of a coach will do wonders I know it. I have become quite anxious and stressed trying to figure this out. I'm not ready to give up by any means, I just know what I want as a result of working from my laptop. I am just a world away from knowing how it will happen.

    I was also accepted into the foundation today (dane maxwell's project). It's very intriguing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      There's no such thing as a mentor group. By definition a mentor is someone on a different level than you are and is an individual relationship not a group relationship.

      Just because a person says they are a coach or a mentor doesn't mean they are any good at it. Following advice from people who are not qualified to coach could definitely pose problems for you.

      Coaching is a completely different skill than doing something. A person can for sure be good at both, but there is definitely no guarantee.

      A good coach or mentor helps you find what you are looking for inside yourself, they don't tell you what to do. Then they help you set up an evaluation system that keeps track of your results so you know if you need to change what you are doing or do more of the same.

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      • Profile picture of the author aleksbogata
        I agree that a mentor is the absolutely best thing to do if you want to succeed quickly. If you have the capital it is good to invest in a personal mentor, just do your research very well and make sure it is the right person.

        However, if you cannot afford that I still believe you can find a mentoring programme at a more affordable rate. Again though, research research research.

        I personally could not afford the one on one when I started so I joined a mentoring programme. It provided a lot of value but was not completely right for me. I found another one (at a quarter of the price of the first) and am soooo happy with it.
        Who's your favourite coach/mentor: Alex Jeffreys -v- Kenster -v- Stuart Ross?

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  • Profile picture of the author thelawlessone
    I disagree that hiring a mentor is going to be a good thing for you. There are so many different ways to make money and you need to test out things for yourself, not just listen to one person. Test and test some more and save your money for the tests.
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    • Profile picture of the author Raydal
      Originally Posted by thelawlessone View Post

      I disagree that hiring a mentor is going to be a good thing for you. There are so many different ways to make money and you need to test out things for yourself, not just listen to one person. Test and test some more and save your money for the tests.
      Have you tested this advice you are giving? Are you now mentoring him based on your experience?

      If you are, then you shouldn't since mentoring is not a good idea.

      -Ray Edwards
      The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author SuperKC
    Geez. No dude. You can't become Micheal Jordan by hiring him as your coach.. in fact, you don't need a coach. Jordan is Jordan and he what he needed was 10,000 hours of throwing the ball before he was 15. That is what you need. No ebooks, no coaches, no make money programs, no howto's, guides, instructional videos, or step by step systems... nothing. So if your asking yourself right now in your head.. "well how do I get started and learn then?".. if you ask yourself that.. your in the wrong business. That would be like Jordan saying "well how do I learn to throw the ball thru the hoop".. he never asked himself that.. he just enjoyed throwing the ball so much he become very good at it. I'm GREAT at business because I enjoy it and I don't need anyone to point me in any direction.. in fact.. I don't want anyone to try to point me in a direction and I'm not going to read any ebooks listening to some idiot that HAS time to write an ebook. So my advice.. either (a) exit, or (b) just start making decisions, get started, and learn the way the real pros learn.. one day at a time.

    If you like my posts please leave a thanks and message me if you wish for me to follow up with your thread. I enjoy engaging with entrepreneurs and ALWAYS willing to take the time to offer solid answers that you can take to the bank. Internet marketing has made me rich over the last +20 years and this is how I give back to the community for all of those evil popunders I used to sling in the 90s.

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
      Originally Posted by SuperKC View Post

      Geez. No dude. You can't become Micheal Jordan by hiring him as your coach.. in fact, you don't need a coach. Jordan is Jordan and he what he needed was 10,000 hours of throwing the ball before he was 15. That is what you need. No ebooks, no coaches, no make money programs, no howto's, guides, instructional videos, or step by step systems... nothing. So if your asking yourself right now in your head.. "well how do I get started and learn then?".. if you ask yourself that.. your in the wrong business. That would be like Jordan saying "well how do I learn to throw the ball thru the hoop".. he never asked himself that.. he just enjoyed throwing the ball so much he become very good at it. I'm GREAT at business because I enjoy it and I don't need anyone to point me in any direction.. in fact.. I don't want anyone to try to point me in a direction and I'm not going to read any ebooks listening to some idiot that HAS time to write an ebook. So my advice.. either (a) exit, or (b) just start making decisions, get started, and learn the way the real pros learn.. one day at a time.
      I agree that people need to make decisions and get started, but...

      Learning doesn't happen in a vacuum. It sounds like you're saying you never learned anything about business from anybody else. You were just born a businessperson? Michael Jordan was never coached? Of course not!

      The trick is to have a good idea of your goals and then find a coach/mentor that can help you achieve those goals. (After all, getting a coach/mentor is a decision.)

      All the best,

      "Ich bin en fuego!"
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    • Profile picture of the author Jacob Pionke
      Originally Posted by SuperKC View Post

      Geez. No dude. You can't become Micheal Jordan by hiring him as your coach.. in fact, you don't need a coach. Jordan is Jordan and he what he needed was 10,000 hours of throwing the ball before he was 15. That is what you need. No ebooks, no coaches, no make money programs, no howto's, guides, instructional videos, or step by step systems... nothing. So if your asking yourself right now in your head.. "well how do I get started and learn then?".. if you ask yourself that.. your in the wrong business. That would be like Jordan saying "well how do I learn to throw the ball thru the hoop".. he never asked himself that.. he just enjoyed throwing the ball so much he become very good at it. I'm GREAT at business because I enjoy it and I don't need anyone to point me in any direction.. in fact.. I don't want anyone to try to point me in a direction and I'm not going to read any ebooks listening to some idiot that HAS time to write an ebook. So my advice.. either (a) exit, or (b) just start making decisions, get started, and learn the way the real pros learn.. one day at a time.
      Sorry but I completely disagree with this. It didn't cost money for Michael to throw balls into the hoop.

      So what you want me to invest $$$$$ into solo ads till I become good at it ?

      I would rather hire someone that is already good at it and save my self stress, time and money.

      I used to be a pro footballer (quit due to an injury), I enjoyed kicking a ball against the wall but that didn't get me anywhere....only when I joined a TEAM and got a COACH that's when I got scouted by a professional team.

      Am not having a go at any one, am just saying.
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  • Profile picture of the author Young Financier
    Keep your money. The vast majority of so-called mentors and coaches are people who failed in business and are trying to make money as a mentor/coach. Real coaches/mentors that have been successful in the past aren't selling coaching/mentoring, they're taking apprentices under their wing if they even decide to teach anyone.

    You're better off using the good ole trial and error method instead of looking to so-called mentors/coaches that are just looking for a quick buck. If you do go that route, be sure to ask the person to provide proof of past business success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greenville
    Obviously, if you hire a mentor thinking it will do the job for you is not a good idea! Those who say that a mentor is not necessary do not had one.

    At first I read several ebooks, I bought 15-20 and WSO and ClickBank products and I've read plenty of articles on blogs and forums. In short, I did everything to be completely lost and overwhelmed with information! Then I hired a mentor who showed me the path to follow and I got my first earnings in the weeks that followed.

    If you are interested to know more, I explain it HERE in the only thread I did on this forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author SuperKC
    Jacob: Your read my post wrong.. I advised him NOT to spend a penny because it didn't cost Jordan a penny to learn ball.. just time and effort.

    If you like my posts please leave a thanks and message me if you wish for me to follow up with your thread. I enjoy engaging with entrepreneurs and ALWAYS willing to take the time to offer solid answers that you can take to the bank. Internet marketing has made me rich over the last +20 years and this is how I give back to the community for all of those evil popunders I used to sling in the 90s.

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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Lessard
    Mentors are absolutely invaluable. Picking the correct ones is the hard part. I cannot imagine were I would be today if not for mentors.
    Ready to generate the next million in sales? The Next Million Agency
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  • When I started speaking I couldn't get any sales from the stage and promoters would not invite me back, spent a few days working with a mentor and just one short small advice fixed everything and I was able to close from the stage, it's was so simple but I just couldn't see it probably if I worked at it 10 more years.

    My mentor figured it out not just from his experience as a speaker but he has a different perspective on things, which I thin was the key to help me. I've used mentors in other endeavors good mentors can help you.

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it www.MonthlyMastermind.org
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  • Profile picture of the author Manoj V
    You can reduce the learning curve by hiring a coach. However you need to have enough drive to implement what is taught to you or else it will be waste of your time and money.

    Choose the right coach for yourself by going through the feedback and deciding which one is good for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Victor Edson
    I never would have made a penny online if it weren't for my mentor. That being said, he never helped me increase my online income or business at all. It was the opposite. I taught him advanced online marketing and he helped me understand the technical aspect.

    What are you really looking for in a mentor? Someone to get your mind going or someone to teach a specific method?

    The better you know what you want, the easier it is to find it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hannah Gardner
    Hiring a mentor can help you get where you want easier and faster.
    Mentors know the way up and the right steps for it.
    Of course, you can find them by yourself with a lot of research, time and asking questions for valuable answers.
    I think it is worth investing in it.
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    • Profile picture of the author cuie
      Originally Posted by Hannah Gardner View Post

      Hiring a mentor can help you get where you want easier and faster.
      Mentors know the way up and the right steps for it.
      Of course, you can find them by yourself with a lot of research, time and asking questions for valuable answers.
      I think it is worth investing in it.
      Actually that is what coaches do. They focus on practical issues on getting forward where as mentors focus on relationship and mental issues.
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  • Profile picture of the author Startingstartup
    Wow I'd like to take the time to thank each and every one of you for posting such controversial subject matter. It is a real dive into the subjective of what insight a mentor may or may not provide for a student.

    I agree with everyone to an extent:

    The Michael Jordan reference is relevant in terms of just doing something you enjoy and becoming so recognizably talented that your path begins to blossom. However, like many have stated - guidance is prevalent in any talent based scenario. Why? Because you need to master certain tasks (school, college, team, drugs, friends, practice) so many different scalable ideas a teacher can provide a prodigy.

    That said, related to marketing or business online in general. I think that real application, even offline meet ups, sales, meetings, encounters, or just generic wifi turned off work input is what will provide you experience and help you succeed.

    Myself for example: I am a professional with both education and experience in world place business matters, however, online has become such a personal journey that it's almost irrelevant of business.

    What can an MBA give you to start a business when it solely focuses on the scalability of empires?

    This conversation is truly remarkable: I will schedule more time to participate in the hopes I find personal gain and it helps others!

    Again, having a coach slash expert guide you will probably be a tremendous advantage or compliment atop personal trial and error.

    One such comment was that you find the right coach or mentor. This holds true, and you can only know who you sync with once you start engaging them. Most coaches will probably spend more time free of charge with you than they do actually coaching you! So take advantage of that and if you like them invest by paying them for their time earned and the return you get for what you've learned!
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  • Profile picture of the author drlelong
    I think you have the right idea.

    I didn't start making money until I found and worked with a mentor.

    Now, my advice to anyone getting started is:

    1) Find a mentor who has produced the results you want to achieve
    2) Do whatever the mentor says

    A mentor doesn't necessarily need to be someone who knows they're your mentor.

    So, you want to make $1k a month, model someone who makes $1k a month.

    $10k a month? Model someone who makes $10k a month.

    $100k a month? Model someone who makes $100k a month (the only thing here is to not model what they're doing now, but what they did before).
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  • Profile picture of the author cyberzolo
    It seems that the people at the top have always had a mentor to guide them and train them to be successful, mentors can be a crucial step to success in making a living online.
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  • Profile picture of the author ankee1991
    Up to you really, if you can teach yourself from finding your information all over the web more power to you.

    If you want a head start, someone holding your hand along the way, advice that will save you time and $$$ then yea it's an investment worth doing. Just make sure whoever you're paying isn't just going to dump you once the program is over, you want to be able to also be paying to make a friend that you both can brainstorm and share ideas with.
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  • Profile picture of the author trader909
    It's B*S*

    You are trying to buy success. Like hiring Nadal for $100k a day thinking that ill turn you into a champion. You trying to buy a short cut.

    I like all the "coaches/mentors" on here telling you to go for it and don't be scared to pay high $$' for it..lol

    Seriously what secrets do you think a mentor is going to shower you with? Some "secret" no-one on here s ever heard of? Or the same old things said a different way?
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  • Profile picture of the author SuperKC
    Year later I get to kick this tire again.. you know what I have found on this forum.. the people who say you need a mentor just HAPPEN to offer mentoring services.. and those that say you should buy some WSO's.. just happen to have some of those for sale.. but entrepreneurs like myself who have reached the top in a big way.. who do not sell any products.. don't offer paid mentoring.. say the best course is ACTION.. no paid mentoring.. not buying products.. but a) Action and b) Hands On Learning. I don't know who is right or wrong.. but I would gamble.. the successful guys that don't have their hands in your pocket are the ones giving real advice.

    If you like my posts please leave a thanks and message me if you wish for me to follow up with your thread. I enjoy engaging with entrepreneurs and ALWAYS willing to take the time to offer solid answers that you can take to the bank. Internet marketing has made me rich over the last +20 years and this is how I give back to the community for all of those evil popunders I used to sling in the 90s.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    I agree that hiring a mentor and/or coach is a wise investment. As a business owner, you have to put your employees, your company, and yourself in a position to succeed. But do your research and hire the right mentor/coach for you and your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author SuperKC
    The problem is 'who'. I would say that I would be a titan of a mentor. I mean just a 'hit the lottery' style mentor in business.. but I can't be hired. So what do you really have to pay a mentor? $10 an hour? That is what they pay people that flip burgers. $20? That is what they pay people to wash cars. $100? $200? When I do consulting I have charged between $5k/day up to $20k a weekend.. and honestly.. thats my price to 'sell my soul' to someone for their success. When your business is doing $100k a month then it makes sense to hire consulting and 'mentors' because you can pay out $100-200k for the 'right' people that are going to be worth every cent.. but in this article I guess I'm targeting 'new guys' with $100 budgets and dreams of making $20 a day.. and in those cases.. no mentors.. just hard knocks.

    If you like my posts please leave a thanks and message me if you wish for me to follow up with your thread. I enjoy engaging with entrepreneurs and ALWAYS willing to take the time to offer solid answers that you can take to the bank. Internet marketing has made me rich over the last +20 years and this is how I give back to the community for all of those evil popunders I used to sling in the 90s.

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    basically getting a mentor means you will get from POINT A - B alot quicker

    The catch is, if you are not willing to put the hard work in, do not expect to make chit loads. It takes learning, time an dedication..and some money....and making sacrifices.

    If you can do all this, then you will do well with a mentor.

    A mentor can guide, but you have to DO. I find that 97% of people fail online cause they hang out in forums all day, and never get around to the DOING PART!!

    Infact I said 97% ....but it would probably be more like 98% - 99%
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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    they do help alot but....always insist on making payments and never pay all upfront....unless it is someone very well known on this forum. alot of scams out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author EmpireMarket
    You sir have found the key to success... modelling successful people.. i wish you all the best! do let us know how it goes!
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  • Profile picture of the author kaibril
    I think it would be a great thing to do that. But then again, I believe that the most important thing to do is for you to do most of the effort. I mean the web has really many strong points to offer for you. You would learn a lot if you effort also a lot.

    Take it slowly and surely. Make sure to experience what you think you must. Nothing beats experience. It's still the best teacher. Surely if you have the perseverance, you will definitely learn those things that you must learn.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrgoe
    Yeah, if you have the necessary cash, a mentor could help you a lot in your journey
    Worked as a senior editor on ThePricer.org, experienced in financial topics
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