10 replies
Network marketers of Warrior Forum, what websites do you go to for good articles to learn new stuff about network marketing?
#marketers #network #network marketer #network marketing
  • Profile picture of the author djneill
    This is a good place to go to for advice, there are also books written by phenomenal marketers such as Zig Ziggler, and John Carlton. If you get the chance to read Joh Carlton's work it will be the best advice you'll ever receive for marketing both online and off line.
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    • Profile picture of the author mattchambers
      thanks for the advice. I will check out John Carlton's work and then Zig Ziggler's after

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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Dini
    Originally Posted by mattchambers View Post

    Network marketers of Warrior Forum, what websites do you go to for good articles to learn new stuff about network marketing?
    Hello Matt,

    One of the places I find good information about network marketing today is Better Networker (BetterNetworker | MLM Home Business Community | BetterNetworker.com)

    Hope that helps
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    • Profile picture of the author Goingpro
      Better networker are awesome
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  • Profile picture of the author Goingpro
    Erric Worre, and Ray Higdon are great sites
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    The best site for up to date no BS network marketing training
    is Eric Worre's site. Eric is a $20 Million earner in this profession.
    There's nothing you need to know that you can't learn from Eric.

    He puts out a video pretty much every day. I suggest you go
    to the beginning of the archives and just start watching.

    Pay particular attention to the Million Dollar interviews. These are
    people who have earned more than a million dollars per year in the

    Here's a link to the video archives...

    Archives | Network Marketing Pro | Free MLM Training
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas V54
    John Carlton's work is far better than any other work I am also very keen to start Network Marketing business. Because I believe in this business every employee feel boss rather to become modern slave of corporate company. In today world, we call them as Entrepreneur. You can check this site Marion Scales Creative Internet Marketing for Everyone to get better understanding of Network and see how this business rapidly making a positive change in this era of inflation, poverty and unemployment.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Hooper
    It's more "classic" than new, but there is a great version of Think and Grow Rich especially for network marketing people on Audible that you might find helpful.
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  • Profile picture of the author C. Sierra Love
    Originally Posted by mattchambers View Post

    Network marketers of Warrior Forum, what websites do you go to for good articles to learn new stuff about network marketing?
    I would stay away from sites that target Network Marketers.

    Those type of sites, generally speaking, are breeding grounds of misinformation. You'll find a lot of sales letters trying to pass as proven business plans.

    Marketing is marketing. Whether it's internet, network or offline.

    Rich Schefren is good...

    Initially, I was turned off by his story because I was broke when I got started...but he was rich...so for me, there was a disconnect.

    However, he walked out of the first "marketing" seminar he went to before it was over because he knew he was being sold a bill of goods. That's the type of knowing that only comes from having an understanding of what it really takes to build a successful business.

    People like me who got into Network Marketing, usually get in as consumers. And most stay in the "consumer" mode...or quit.

    I'd hate for you to go down the same path I did and waste a lot of time working some "business plan" that can't possibly work...because it's really just a sales page in disguise.

    That being said, there is a right way to do Network Marketing.

    Unfortunately, that "right way" is not going to be self-evident. Just make sure you are building your own business...and your Network Marketing company is simply a profit center that supports your business...

    Instead of you being a profit center for your Network Marketing company...which is the fate of most Network Marketers.

    Hope that helps,
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