If you found the KEY, would you REALLLLLLY want to give back to the Warrior forum?

70 replies
Hey Gang

First of all, let me start by saying I love you all. We're all on here for pretty much the same reason, to learn how to make money (correct me if I'm wrong).

As much as I love you, I have to be honest and say that if I found a way of making tons of cash with a particular method or in an untapped niche, I wouldn't come back here with one of those "I'm posting this to give back to the warrior forum". Why? Well first of all, we know there are a ton of people who would just try and replicate what you are doing and stand a chance of diluting your own results.

Secondly, when someone is really doing well and getting stuck into the daily running of their business (which often doesn't mean laying on the beach getting a massage), they don't have the time to spend hours replying to posts and questions.

What I often see is people writing those types of posts, and guess what, their sig file is promoting a product or coaching program on the very subject.

Yes, I know all about abundance, and plenty to go around and all that stuff, but I still wouldn't spend my time here, I would want to spend my time on my business instead.

Soooo, my question to you is: If you were in the same situation, would you really come back and do those kinds of posts? Of course, occasionally you will see somebody doing so WITHOUT promoting a product, and that is fair enough. But when people "want to give back"....by having a product you have to purchase??? Well, why not make it free then? .....to which the answer is normally "oh, well if I don't charge, then people won't take action".

Listen, I don't want to ruffle feathers, and this is all said with a bit of tongue in cheek...but am I really the only people who thinks this???

(I'm now putting on my tin hat in preperation for the bashing I'm going to get lol)

#back #forum #found #give #key #realllllly #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author IMMer1975
    Honestly, I probably wouldn't...at least not until I've reached such critical mass where I'm wealthy enough or additional entrants won't dilute my revenue stream.

    I applaud you for putting up this post. It does irk me that so much of WF is a "pyramid scheme" (Oh, I'm really going to get it now). But its full of people who haven't made it big, trying to tell other people how to make it big (Just browse the WSO's...).

    I so wish there was a rule that any WSO talking about how to make money online, must come with proof of how much money they made online...

    Happy weekend all.

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    • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
      Originally Posted by cdutoit View Post

      Honestly, I probably wouldn't...at least not until I've reached such critical mass where I'm wealthy enough or additional entrants won't dilute my revenue stream.

      I applaud you for putting up this post. It does irk me that so much of WF is a "pyramid scheme" (Oh, I'm really going to get it now). But its full of people who haven't made it big, trying to tell other people how to make it big (Just browse the WSO's...).

      I so wish there was a rule that any WSO talking about how to make money online, must come with proof of how much money they made online...

      Happy weekend all.
      Thanks for your feedback. WSO used to mean a product sold elsewhere, but was being offered here to warriors at a discount price...now it seems to be a place for people to actually run a business....many of which are ripping people off.


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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B

      Why should you get bashed for giving a personal opinion? That's what forums are for. You have every right to express yourself on the topic you have chosen. Granted, there are some members out there who love to be contrarian and delight in being obstinate on every issue - but just disregard their criticism when it comes.

      My opinion is that every person is different and has the right to choose for her/himself how much to divulge regarding the success of the business. Some don't worry about competition (and rightfully so) while others don't want to hint at anything that is working.

      I happen to be in the camp that says my business and how it performs is a private thing and I choose not to share what I'm doing. My customers know what I'm about, but heck, I don't even share the niches I'm in let alone how I'm making money. That's my business and no one elses.

      At the same time, I try my best to help out people here on the WF. I can do that by giving my opinion and experience in online business without divulging my niches, sales information, business model, or other details about how I make money.

      Members of this forum need to understand that there are a lot of motivations for posting here and some of them are thinly disguised sales pitches designed to direct the viewer's attention to the sig file. I think, over time, it becomes obvious which forum members are really trying their best to add value to their posts.

      Thanks for the thread,


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
        Originally Posted by Steve B View Post


        Why should you get bashed for giving a personal opinion? That's what forums are for. You have every right to express yourself on the topic you have chosen. Granted, there are some members out there who love to be contrarian and delight in being obstinate on every issue - but just disregard their criticism when it comes.

        My opinion is that every person is different and has the right to choose for her/himself how much to divulge regarding the success of the business. Some don't worry about competition (and rightfully so) while others don't want to hint at anything that is working.

        I happen to be in the camp that says my business and how it performs is a private thing and I choose not to share what I'm doing. My customers know what I'm about, but heck, I don't even share the niches I'm in let alone how I'm making money. That's my business and no one elses.

        At the same time, I try my best to help out people here on the WF. I can do that by giving my opinion and experience in online business without divulging my niches, sales information, business model, or other details about how I make money.

        Members of this forum need to understand that there are a lot of motivations for posting here and some of them are thinly disguised sales pitches designed to direct the viewer's attention to the sig file. I think, over time, it becomes obvious which forum members are really trying their best to add value to their posts.

        Thanks for the thread,

        Hey Steve

        Wow, a great, balanced response. You're right, there are ways of helping people on here without giving your own methods away.

        I guess the people who ARE going to bash me are those who are doing the exact thing I'm speaking against.

        All the best

        It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
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  • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
    I wouldn't disagree, completely. However, if it was something that COULD result in a loss of business for myself for a competitor, then no - I probably wouldn't share it.
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    • Profile picture of the author martinp
      Honestly, I wouldn't be prepared to give away an untapped niche that I was making a killing in. That'd be like committing virtual suicide.

      However when it comes to methods, most people don't follow them to the letter anyway so I don't think posting them on the forum or selling them as a WSO makes a massive amount of difference to their effectiveness. Unless of course it's a completely new and original method, and those don't seem to come around very often.

      Maybe I'm just thinking of the methods I use myself, but just as an example, a really good product was released earlier this year teaching niche marketing exactly as I do some of my sites.

      Months later, the amount of people who are actually successful following the methods seems to be relatively small. Why is this? Well from what I've seen, people still tend to do their own thing and not follow instructions properly. Or they give up before they start seeing success.

      Out of the thousands of people who buy some of those WSO of the Day offers it'd be really interesting to find out how many people actually implement the methods AND do so successfully. I'm guessing it's a very small percentage and probably doesn't affect the product creator very much.
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  • Profile picture of the author Phillip McGough
    Hmm, I'm on the fence with this one, because I think a lot of people on here have found the "key" that worked for them.

    The Warrior Forum to me is a necessary evil in a weird way. We all want to buy the next biggest and greatest money maker when it comes out and then a lot of us want to be able to turn around and sell our method here too. If the method we learned was so great then why does anyone need our method?

    It's the shiny object syndrome, if we would just follow a few known steps to success and not go after every new method that came out we would all be set, but then there would be no need for the Warrior Forum either, as there would be no need for any new products.

    The same in the fat loss market, if every product that came out was so great then why do new ones come out? All you gotta do is eat right and exercise!
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  • Profile picture of the author djtrillian
    What I used to find amusing was when I'd get the typical IM product email from some hot-shot marketer where they would begin with tons of 'proof' of their income in order to build their cred. So the sales page would bang on with something like "I've made X million dollars over the last five years, and I'm not saying this to brag but just to prove to you I know what I'm talking about". Then the next minute they're saying, "I made a pledge to myself that once I made it big I would help as many people as possible to do the same, so now I want to 'give something back' Here's my blueprint for how to do this for... only... $197.00... blah blah

    Most people may not spot the logical conundrum. I can say with total honesty, if I already had a few million (or the assets from it) from my efforts and I wanted to 'give something back', I'd just friggin give the product away, I wouldn't sell it for any price, it would be free, gratis, no strings, just take it and have fun, do whatever ya want. I'd be living in my dream house, doing only what I love doing everyday, not sending more offers to my list!

    (And actually in the example above the 'guru' in question claimed to have made 15 mil and was 'giving back' by selling the product at 500 bucks).

    There's success and then there's just pure greed, there's real actual logic and then there's this kind of malarkey.

    I wish Sam Kinison was around to do a comedy piece about it, I can just imagine that scream now...
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    • Profile picture of the author wholesale blogger
      Originally Posted by djtrillian View Post

      What I used to find amusing was when I'd get the typical IM product email from some hot-shot marketer where they would begin with tons of 'proof' of their income in order to build their cred. So the sales page would bang on with something like "I've made X million dollars over the last five years, and I'm not saying this to brag but just to prove to you I know what I'm talking about". Then the next minute they're saying, "I made a pledge to myself that once I made it big I would help as many people as possible to do the same, so now I want to 'give something back' Here's my blueprint for how to do this for... only... $197.00... blah blah

      Most people may not spot the logical conundrum. I can say with total honesty, if I already had a few million (or the assets from it) from my efforts and I wanted to 'give something back', I'd just friggin give the product away, I wouldn't sell it for any price, it would be free, gratis, no strings, just take it and have fun, do whatever ya want. I'd be living in my dream house, doing only what I love doing everyday, not sending more offers to my list!

      (And actually in the example above the 'guru' in question claimed to have made 15 mil and was 'giving back' by selling the product at 500 bucks).

      There's success and then there's just pure greed, there's real actual logic and then there's this kind of malarkey.

      I wish Sam Kinison was around to do a comedy piece about it, I can just imagine that scream now...
      Oh great DJ, now I have to Google Sam Kinison... I hope he is good :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author wholesale blogger
    I am surprised that this thread has even been created. The people saying 'to be honest, you would not give out your info' what are you on about? Of course you would not give away your deepest secrets.

    Phil, I am not knocking you (or anyone else here) but what sort of an idiot would give away all of the secrets to their business.... what sort of an idiot would think that anyone would give them the magic formula.

    This forum is full of a mixture of people as in the real world and I don't see why, just because we are online, people would become thick (well OK, maybe some do) :-)

    There are a few people on this forum that help out all the time. I myself have benefited from this help (Alexa, Streve B) and others have guided me along as they have others, even when we ask the most basic of questions. But that would happen in the real world also when you meet someone in the same industry. it is what happens.

    On the flip side of the coin, the forum also has it's fair share of clowns who are pushing themselves as self proclaimed guru's. But again, as in the real world it is up to everyone to use their best judgement. Further, these people are often berated by those warriors who are more practised and this, in some way helps out the less experienced.

    I see this forum as a great place to be. It is a place to learn the basics and a little more, but it is then up to us to develop our own plans going forward. When we become more experienced, we may well discuss newer matters but we can also then advise the new comers to the forum. And all going well, they will get the same great advice they need.

    Phew... That turned into a bit of a rant :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
      Originally Posted by wholesale blogger View Post

      Phil, I am not knocking you (or anyone else here) but what sort of an idiot would give away all of the secrets to their business.... what sort of an idiot would think that anyone would give them the magic formula.

      Hey Mate

      Thanks for your honesty. Yeah, I guess it is a stupid question really because in some respects it's obvious. But of course so many on here get drawn into it...as I have myself in the past. I think it is much easier to spot once you've been around for a while, but for people who haven't been on here as long, those headlines and sales pages can be very convincing...and exciting ;-)

      I liked your rant and in fact, I think I was probably doing the same, letting off a bit of steam on a Friday.


      It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Hi Phil,

        The flaw in your premise, of course, is that there really isn't a key, as such. And that means anyone claiming to offer a simple, push-button, "instant riches" method can be confidently dismissed as either a charlatan or someone pushing, at best, short-term gimmicks or temporary loopholes.

        On the other hand, there are many members here who have run, or are running, successful businesses, willing to devote some of their time in giving solid and useful advice on the principles of marketing. It's perfectly possible to do that without divulging specific niches or going into details that might compromise their own businesses.

        But you do make a worthwhile point in that it's prudent to always be aware of a possible ulterior motive when taking advice from self-professed experts.


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        • Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

          The flaw in your premise, of course, is that there really isn't a key, as such.
          Finally, a good answer in this thread.

          When will people realize that there's no "secret key" to making money online other than, as it's always been, to simply A) create a quality product/service, B) apply some marketing magic powder, and C) drive tons of targeted traffic to it? Seriously guys, that is ALL there is to this whole "make money online" game!

          For as long as there are people looking for the "secret key", there will be vendors happy to sell them some stupid hype.
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          • Profile picture of the author wholesale blogger
            Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

            Finally, a good answer in this thread.
            Yeah, because the rest of us who replied were talking rubbish !!
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          • Profile picture of the author cristeck
            Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

            Finally, a good answer in this thread.

            When will people realize that there's no "secret key" to making money online other than, as it's always been, to simply A) create a quality product/service, B) apply some marketing magic powder, and C) drive tons of targeted traffic to it? Seriously guys, that is ALL there is to this whole "make money online" game!

            For as long as there are people looking for the "secret key", there will be vendors happy to sell them some stupid hype.
            I couldn't have said it better!
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          • Profile picture of the author maji88
            Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

            Finally, a good answer in this thread.

            When will people realize that there's no "secret key" to making money online other than, as it's always been, to simply A) create a quality product/service, B) apply some marketing magic powder, and C) drive tons of targeted traffic to it? Seriously guys, that is ALL there is to this whole "make money online" game!

            For as long as there are people looking for the "secret key", there will be vendors happy to sell them some stupid hype.
            That's what I was thinking. I don't think that there is this golden "key" that a select few have and has to be hidden from everyone else. I'm not trying to put anyone down by saying that. I think there's a basic formula or outline that everyone basically follows and anything else is there own "spin" they put on it that works for them. Maybe .. Just maybe, the key is that everyone has there own individual key with no real duplicates. I think that if someone needed help with something or some mentoring, there are those who would be honest enough to share what the basic outline is and give them a little "kick in the butt" to get to think outside the box a little to build there own system. After all isn't that what forums are for really? I think I would help someone in that way, sort of the "teach a person to fish" concept.
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      • Profile picture of the author wholesale blogger
        Originally Posted by phil.wheatley View Post

        Hey Mate

        Thanks for your honesty. Yeah, I guess it is a stupid question really because in some respects it's obvious. But of course so many on here get drawn into it...as I have myself in the past. I think it is much easier to spot once you've been around for a while, but for people who haven't been on here as long, those headlines and sales pages can be very convincing...and exciting ;-)

        I liked your rant and in fact, I think I was probably doing the same, letting off a bit of steam on a Friday.

        Sorry Phil, I didn't mean you had asked a stupid question at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author ashloren
    Yes, I would still spend time here to give back to other warriors. However, giving back does not have to mean giving them a copy and paste formula for my own success. That would be slitting your own throat, but it doesn't mean you can't give back. I would still do it because I enjoy doing it and think we all owe each other a certain amount of sharing in order for everyone to benefit and learn.
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  • Most people expect to get paid when they share a money making system, at least for hundreds of people who have systems that is what I have seen, once in a while they will share but most of those they expect something in return like at mastermind groups they share because they know other members share in return so they are compensated that way and once in a very long while (and I have seen that as well) they share with no compensation or expcpectation whatsoever totally 100% altruistic that I have seen but it's minority from what I have seen.

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  • Profile picture of the author Vednor
    It's a fact that not everyone would do that, but some will always come back and help others. Isn't this how we find mentors among us? We see many people trying to sell their books with success stories but actually not giving away anything in terms of business strategies. On the other hand, many would come and spend time in forums like this guiding others to learn and grow their businesses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Victor Edson
    The key isn't my best kept secret. The key is just the beginning.

    Once you're inside, it's a whole new game.
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  • Profile picture of the author wordpressmania
    We all know that we come here to learn something. So surely people continuously contributing here and making this forum more valuable.
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  • Profile picture of the author William2010
    What amuses me here.. is that a lot of newbies..come buy a WSO..he makes 3-5 sales then..he sells "his method" as ..A NEW WSO ..after that with the money made with that WSO,launches another one using the screenshots with income made from the first WSO..and with the time he becomes a"guru".. I've met a few examples here, but i'm not going to give names..
    About your question..well maybe i would share the info for free with A FEW people so i can create a group and work further with them in doing money together..but as you may notice i said "maybe" .
    In an utopian world this would make perfect sense to give back..but we re not in that world so....
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  • Profile picture of the author Nuno
    I give back with my advice, not doing all the work for others.

    I would never share unique secrets that could ruin my opportunities, or sell a site with a good monthly income for a small x payment.

    Many people think that by spending $17 or $27 their life is set... they keep going after the next big thing, or easy money, instead of doing regular tasks and be patient.

    Most just waste their time and cash... if you are looking for a longterm partner... ok. But handing you the key for peanuts?
    I have 15+ years of experience & millions of visitors (I'm also a warrior since 2002)!
    NunoAlex.com explains how I can help.
    I'm looking for a limited number of serious partners.
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    • Profile picture of the author SuperDJ
      There is a key. The key is consistency. It's just unfortunate that most people don't possess this trait. Well they do, some people are really good at consistency - taking consistent INaction that is. :p :p
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      • Profile picture of the author UnkwnUsr
        Interesting question I've often wondered the exact same thing. I mean if they're making so much money why stop to make a $7 WSO seems like that time would be better spent on scaling the method they are already using. However, you have to remember a few things:

        1. Any method will require skill, money and hard work. So most of the people buying the product will never become direct competitors.
        2. Most everyone wants to be in the IM niche (even if they have other niches) because there are always new products to promote as an affiliate. To start building a list you pretty much need a product.
        3. Many of the methods may work but the actual seller has moved on to other methods that seem easier or more effective.
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  • Profile picture of the author WriterWahm
    Nice thread. And I do agree with you to some extent. I would LOVE to give back and I don't even mind sharing what has worked for me and what hasn't, but it's just too time consuming. So instead I pop in here once in a while and drop replies to comments.

    PM me if you want a romantic fiction ghostwriter.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris30K
    As much as I love you, I have to be honest and say that if I found a way of making tons of cash with a particular method or in an untapped niche, I wouldn't come back here with one of those "I'm posting this to give back to the warrior forum". Why? Well first of all, we know there are a ton of people who would just try and replicate what you are doing and stand a chance of diluting your own results.

    Soooo many things wrong with this mentality.

    1. You are trying to GET without GIVING. (You are gambling with your time/money or both)
    2. You fail to achieve the abundance mentality (diluting your results? We live in a world of infinite possibilities)

    This is the fundamental thing most people are doing wrong.

    It's funny how you think you'll be rich solely by extracting information on WarriorForum.com & not giving back.

    Meanwhile, WarriorForum.com has been making super cash this whole time because they've provided the extraordinary value of bringing the internet marketing community together all in one spot.

    The answer is right in front of you. It's not about smiling, or being super nice. It's about developing relationships, collaborating, finding problems, and finding ways to solve them. Aka offering value.

    Chic Fil A > McDonald's

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  • Profile picture of the author seonutshell
    If i found an untapped niche, i tottally would. I'd create a product to sell to that niche, upload it to clickbank and let everyone know about the niche. Then the'yd all be scambling over each other to promote the hell out of you clickbank product
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
      Of course we would. All decent caring people who have something to share will share and the smart ones will make a business out of helping others in order to keep helping others and to justify spending their time putting together a product that helps others follow the same path.

      Charging money for information actually improves a product because it justifies putting effort into creating it. If everything was free no one would bother to put any effort in and the products and knowledge will suffer to the point of being practically useless.

      Education has been sold for centuries and won't stop because the internet was invented. Teachers will continue teaching and sharers will continue sharing and business people will continue making business decisions.

      Originally Posted by phil.wheatley View Post

      ...many of which are ripping people off.

      Really? What figures do you have to justify this often-repeated-but-obviously-false claim? In my experience the exact opposite is true and I'm speaking to and interviewing Warriors all day almost every day. This WSO bashing really ought to stop or at least stop coming out of the mouths of apparently otherwise intelligent people. I'm grateful that people are stopping by and taking the time to create information products that invariably help us in many ways to save time, save money and to share new ideas.

      Obviously it's anyone's right to not share and hold secrets close to their chest (and I feel sorry for them living in such quiet desperation and fear) but let's not attack those who do take the time to stop and share - even if we have to pay them a few measly cents as compensation.
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      • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
        Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

        Really? What figures do you have to justify this often-repeated-but-obviously-false claim? In my experience the exact opposite is true and I'm speaking to and interviewing Warriors all day almost every day. This WSO bashing really ought to stop or at least stop coming out of the mouths of apparently otherwise intelligent people. I'm grateful that people are stopping by and taking the time to create information products that invariably help us in many ways to save time, save money and to share new ideas.
        Hi Mr Bill

        Sorry, actually you are absolutley right, the majority of WSOs are in fact written by people with successful businesses who are then coming to the Warrior forum to sell $7 reports or software that generated$34,547 over the weekend without lifting a finger. C'mon mate, are you for real, go right now and look at the offers in the WSO section. I know there are good ones in there, but just look at the amount of crap! You are also right again, I didn't base this on the fact I have brought products like this since 2007 and implemeted them, it was just something I pulled out of my ass Take a look at the majority of the replies from the rest of the thread and note that most people either agree with me or at least have a balanced opinion.

        In fairness, you are welcome to your opinion, that's what a forum is for. But what bugs the hell out of me is when people make assumptions about me when they've never met me before or know what I'm about.

        Anyway, thanks again for replying and your opinion.


        It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
        ---->>>> BrainDirection.com <<<<----
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        • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
          Originally Posted by phil.wheatley View Post

          Hi Mr Bill

          Sorry, actually you are absolutley right, the majority of WSOs are in fact written by people with successful businesses who are then coming to the Warrior forum to sell $7 reports or software that generated$34,547 over the weekend without lifting a finger. C'mon mate, are you for real, go right now and look at the offers in the WSO section. I know there are good ones in there, but just look at the amount of crap! You are also right again, I didn't base this on the fact I have brought products like this since 2007 and implemeted them, it was just something I pulled out of my ass Take a look at the majority of the replies from the rest of the thread and note that most people either agree with me or at least have a balanced opinion.

          In fairness, you are welcome to your opinion, that's what a forum is for. But what bugs the hell out of me is when people make assumptions about me when they've never met me before or know what I'm about.

          Anyway, thanks again for replying and your opinion.

          Hey man, like you said it's a forum, we're here to discuss. I'm not making any assumptions that aren't inferred. You're not the only one who's been buying information on here since (longer than) 2007. I've been buying information and gadgets in here since 2004 and I love em all - just like all the books in my library and many of those were cheaper than most WSOs. They all add to what I know and who I am.

          Yes, of course I'm for real. What sort of question is that? Show me one single WSO that promises to "...generate $34,547 over the weekend without lifting a finger". Just one. That's crazy talk. While we're at it show me anyone who has ever expected that. I've never met anyone who wasn't willing to work. They/we come in here to pick up ideas. Frankly I think that much of the stuff I've bought in here could have been sold for a price with at least one and in some cases two extra zeroes.

          What crap are you referring to? You say "most" and that's what I don't think is true. It's an electronic bookshop with information. Do people buy (real) books expecting them to be the only thing they'll need to do to become a millionaire? Of course not and it's the same in there. There's probably a bit of stuff that's very poor quality but that's there in everything in life. For the most part, in my experience, I've learned heaps of great things from cheap info products.
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          • Profile picture of the author 1byte
            Call me selfish, greedy, or whatever, but if I had such a key, I would definitely keep it to myself until I had made as much money as I need to provide for my family. Only then would I be willing to share my secret and give back to others.
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            • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
              Phil, seriously I don't blame you one bit. Ask those of us who have given back what happens: all of a sudden your security issues have just become a huge ordeal and I believe that anyone who disagrees simply is hiding the truth.

              The more attention you get on the internet the bigger target you become for all sorts of wonderful stuff. I`ll spare you the details. But I know of what I speak - trust me on that one!

              It pains me to write this because this forum is filled with all kinds of wonderful people - but there are some with not the best of intentions. So I would advise to keep your business and your personal life as private as possible and don`t show all your cards.

              There are ways of giving back without jeopardizing your business and your privacy - the thing is I believe that when you are giving back the whole world doesn`t have to know about it - know what I mean?
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            • Profile picture of the author malcsimm
              Originally Posted by 1byte View Post

              Call me selfish, greedy, or whatever, but if I had such a key, I would definitely keep it to myself until I had made as much money as I need to provide for my family. Only then would I be willing to share my secret and give back to others.
              There is no magic bullet you could share, mate


              You WILL banish # Procrastination, # Email bloat, # Wasting time, # Wasting money
              Getting Things Done PLUS Evernote turned my life around - read here how I do it
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  • Profile picture of the author ddDonPaul
    1 John 3:17

    But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?

    "At the end of pain is success." E.T.

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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    do not give away:
    sell it ....i will pay money and alot of money if you showed me something really worked instead of the bs that is peddled.. all of this forum is methods but i really think there is always something being left out so they will not have competition.
    GOD BLESS.....
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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    i think we should still help each other. many warriors helped me and i am thankful. i beleive warriors should make money since they are creating competition for them selves.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
      Originally Posted by tristatemedia View Post

      ... i beleive warriors should make money since they are creating competition for them selves.
      I don't really believe this is true though. The internet is a BIG place.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    The whole concept of "giving" anything valuable away is silly. I've tossed out at least a dozen viable ideas since arriving here. Here's one: Create a site like fiverr. Not some exact dumbass fiverr clone offering all the dumbass stuff fiverr offers. Create one that specializes only in graphics. Instead of charging $5, charge $10. And instead of taking 20% like fiverr does, take only 10. Sellers would love it. Buyers would love it. People would flock to a site like this. You can buy fiver clone scripts for chump change. Have someone modify it to fit the graphics model.

    No one is doing this. And even with potentially thousands of eyes on this post, it's doubtful anyone here will do it. Why? Because people are in love with the idea of getting rich but most have no idea what it takes to actually develop a real idea or business.

    I may sound cynical but I've been watching people back away from real, smart action for years in favor of pie in the sky dirty little autopilot ninja secrets that will never work even if people were willing to work them, which they're not.

    Here's another idea: Next year is an election year. People are fed up with both sides. Create bumper stickers that favors dumping incumbents from both parties. Sell them singly and/or in bulk on eBay. Ooooh, but that means I'd have to get them printed, and list them on that big mean eBay who will take too big a cut and dishonest buyers and yadda, yadda, yadda... I can already hear the whining. But guess what? People are already doing this and before it's all finished next November there will be a LOT of money made doing just this.

    I could list dozens of other ideas, stuff I'm actually doing myself and not lose a wink of sleep for fear that anyone here would actually take any business away. That's because even if people were willing to take meaningful action, which most aren't, there's plenty for everyone out there willing to pay the price.
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    • Profile picture of the author dewayneboyd
      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      The whole concept of "giving" anything valuable away is silly. I've tossed out at least a dozen viable ideas since arriving here. Here's one: Create a site like fiverr. Not some exact dumbass fiverr clone offering all the dumbass stuff fiverr offers. Create one that specializes only in graphics. Instead of charging $5, charge $10. And instead of taking 20% like fiverr does, take only 10. Sellers would love it. Buyers would love it. People would flock to a site like this. You can buy fiver clone scripts for chump change. Have someone modify it to fit the graphics model.

      No one is doing this. And even with potentially thousands of eyes on this post, it's doubtful anyone here will do it. Why? Because people are in love with the idea of getting rich but most have no idea what it takes to actually develop a real idea or business.

      I may sound cynical but I've been watching people back away from real, smart action for years in favor of pie in the sky dirty little autopilot ninja secrets that will never work even if people were willing to work them, which they're not.

      Here's another idea: Next year is an election year. People are fed up with both sides. Create bumper stickers that favors dumping incumbents from both parties. Sell them singly and/or in bulk on eBay. Ooooh, but that means I'd have to get them printed, and list them on that big mean eBay who will take too big a cut and dishonest buyers and yadda, yadda, yadda... I can already hear the whining. But guess what? People are already doing this and before it's all finished next November there will be a LOT of money made doing just this.

      I could list dozens of other ideas, stuff I'm actually doing myself and not lose a wink of sleep for fear that anyone here would actually take any business away. That's because even if people were willing to take meaningful action, which most aren't, there's plenty for everyone out there willing to pay the price.
      You're talking about risky business ventures. That is not a "key" to success. How do you know there isn't a graphics-only site like Fiverr, but it totally failed? You wouldn't even know whether it exists or not. What percentage of people making up bumper stickers are actually successful? You don't know the answer to this question? How many have lost money cause they couldn't sell them after printing them up? Again, you don't know. These are not keys to success.

      1,574,810 unique visitors and counting. And that's just one of my websites.

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      • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
        Originally Posted by dewayneboyd View Post

        You're talking about risky business ventures. That is not a "key" to success. How do you know there isn't a graphics-only site like Fiverr, but it totally failed? You wouldn't even know whether it exists or not. What percentage of people making up bumper stickers are actually successful? You don't know the answer to this question? How many have lost money cause they couldn't sell them after printing them up? Again, you don't know. These are not keys to success.
        Big assumption. How do you know what I know or don't know? Worrying about competition is a fear based approach to business and will GUARANTEE your failure. Scared money ALWAYS loses. But you do have a point. Someone might have tried anything and failed. But that most often means they didn't execute a workable plan, not that the market is bad. Just look at some of the questions that show up here. Should I spin articles? Should I get traffic from fiverr? Should I buy followers or likes to show people how slick I am? They go on and on. Their focus is on ALL the wrong stuff.

        Failure comes from cutting corners and doing stuff that doesn't work. Failure comes from doing as little as possible for your customers and expecting big paydays. Failure comes from treating people like punks. More than half the newbs here aren't even asking the right questions. Thy're still sitting around la la land believing there's some sort of magic software or "system" that will stuff their bank accounts overnight while they're sleeping. Dream on, baby.

        Again, my point is simple. The marketplace is CROWDED with people that don't have a clue as to how to turn a profit. The "key" is that there is no key. Business is the same today as it was 500 years ago. Sell products and services that people need and want and that they can afford. The rest is mental masturbation.
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  • Profile picture of the author DTGeorge
    Originally Posted by phil.wheatley View Post

    Hey Gang

    First of all, let me start by saying I love you all. We're all on here for pretty much the same reason, to learn how to make money (correct me if I'm wrong).

    As much as I love you, I have to be honest and say that if I found a way of making tons of cash with a particular method or in an untapped niche, I wouldn't come back here with one of those "I'm posting this to give back to the warrior forum". Why? Well first of all, we know there are a ton of people who would just try and replicate what you are doing and stand a chance of diluting your own results.

    Secondly, when someone is really doing well and getting stuck into the daily running of their business (which often doesn't mean laying on the beach getting a massage), they don't have the time to spend hours replying to posts and questions.

    What I often see is people writing those types of posts, and guess what, their sig file is promoting a product or coaching program on the very subject.

    Yes, I know all about abundance, and plenty to go around and all that stuff, but I still wouldn't spend my time here, I would want to spend my time on my business instead.

    Soooo, my question to you is: If you were in the same situation, would you really come back and do those kinds of posts? Of course, occasionally you will see somebody doing so WITHOUT promoting a product, and that is fair enough. But when people "want to give back"....by having a product you have to purchase??? Well, why not make it free then? .....to which the answer is normally "oh, well if I don't charge, then people won't take action".

    Listen, I don't want to ruffle feathers, and this is all said with a bit of tongue in cheek...but am I really the only people who thinks this???

    (I'm now putting on my tin hat in preperation for the bashing I'm going to get lol)

    1. If you've studied psychology, you might have heard that in fact there is a debate whether or not there is any "true" altruism

    2. There's no such thing as a key, a magic bullet, or anything that will help anyone to "get rich quick". I remember the first time I let the secret "slip" to a few of my family and friends about how easy it was to make money writing online. Without fail, all of them expressed interest, but none have yet put in place the hard work to become successful at it.

    90% of the people want a "foolproof system" when reality is that there is no such thing. You can hand people all the secret keys you want, unless they have the drive and motivation to actually work at it then your "untapped niche" is still as good as gold.
    Kickass writer featured in:
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    Contact me now for quality content at a reasonable rate
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  • Profile picture of the author Jarrett
    Hey Phil.

    There are alot of successful guys who come back to forums and give away GOLD...
    but most of the times it's TRUTH and it's not what people want to hear so it goes un noticed.

    If you want to be wildly successful online.. It's simple.

    Find a big HOT market where people are spending tons of money:
    Here's a few.. Weight loss, MMO, relationships, forex, hair loss, etc.

    Study what the top guys are doing.. Model what works.. do it. then improve and do even better.
    and watch as you make tons of sales.

    As far as untapped niches.. I won't touch them. Why?
    Think about it...

    Why would I want to jump into a niche that is unproven, untested and gives me nothing to model after? I have no idea what works, or even if there is any money to be made in it at all..

    If it's an untapped niche.. I don't know. It's a gamble. And when it comes to money.. I don't like taking risks.

    Plus if it's untapped.. chances are it's SMALL.. there's a ceiling. and there's only so far you can go with it.. If I can't make at least 7 figures with something.. I don't waste my time.

    I'd much rather jump into a niche like weight loss.. go with something that is proven.. something that I KNOW there is money in... has lots of competition so I can see what formulas are working.. do it better then just scale the heck out of it.

    Sure, you could be the next Google.. Youtube.. Twitter, etc.. and stumble across something
    revolutionary that no one has ever thought of.. and if you do.. more power to you.. But what are the odds of that? I'd rather go with something that works.. Make tons of money with that, then invest that into your pet project.

    So I just gave you the secret. Jump into a hot market, promote a hot product (or create your own), model what the top guys are already doing (don't reinvent the wheel, go with what works), then send traffic to it.

    If you've got a hot product in a hot desperate market and price it accordingly.. Money is inevitable.. If you simply jump in front of people.. in front of the traffic.. you will make sales. If you're selling beer at a football stadium.. you're going to make money bottom line.

    If you're selling ice cream on the corner and it's 100 degrees outside.. You'll make sales.
    If you've got a killer weight loss program that sells itself and hang out at weight loss forums or weight loss facebook groups or post a banner on a weight loss blog.. You'll make sales.

    If you do nothing.. you'll make nothing. But it really is that simple.. and any excuse you can come up with is all in your head.

    Why? Well first of all, we know there are a ton of people who would just try and replicate what you are doing and stand a chance of diluting your own results.
    It doesn't work like that. Really successful people are on a whole different wave length bro.
    Truly successful people LOVE competition.. they aren't afraid of it.
    Truly successful people don't live their life under fear of loss.. Instead they focus on GAIN.
    I'm not worried about people copying or taking from me.. I'm WAY more focused on what's next.. and am always thinking bigger and better.

    Even if you give away winning campaigns.. it doesn't matter. I've sold thousands of copies of courses in the past where I showed people EXACTLY what I do to make alot of money. unfortunately.. most people won't act on it.. and those that do.. most give up all too quickly and by the next day are onto the next shiny thing...

    And for the few.. the proud.. the people who did stick with it and are now successful because of it?
    Hell yeah! they are my HOMIES.

    I'll buy them a beer. and I want to be friends with them. There's PLENTY of room for everyone. There's way more traffic out there than I or anyone else can handle.

    Secondly, when someone is really doing well and getting stuck into the daily running of their business (which often doesn't mean laying on the beach getting a massage), they don't have the time to spend hours replying to posts and questions.
    If someone is 'stuck' in their biz.. and can't break away... that's not success to me.. that is someone who has a high paid job. If you've got a successful business and set it up the right way.. It runs with you having to do very little if anything... so they should have time to answer questions

    Whether or not they "want" to.. that's a different story.

    Well, why not make it free then? .....to which the answer is normally "oh, well if I don't charge, then people won't take action
    I'll answer this question.. and it's real simple bro. You even said part of the answer.

    if you don't charge money people won't take action on it.. and that's 100% true.

    I've given advice to people for free.. and it fell on deaf ears.. they did nothing with it.
    I've given the SAME exact advice to people who paid me serious money for it.. and those people became millionaires from it. So yes.. if something doesn't cost you anything you're going to place a lower value on it.. and that's fact.

    How many spoiled rich kids got handed a bmw that thrashed it and could care less about it?
    compare that with how many broke college kids saved up to buy their first car... which may have been a beater.. but they treated it like gold..

    Because they had to work hard for it.. it cost them something.. same principle.

    Also, the other reason why people charge for their stuff is because when I create a course or make a product.. it costs ME something.. TIME.

    It takes me alot of time to make a course.. It takes ALOT of time answering questions, answering support emails, etc.

    And I value my time and like to get compensated for it just as anybody does in their profession.

    A doctor wants to get paid for what he does, a teacher does too, so does a postman.

    I thoroughly enjoy doing what I do. I help out tons of people and give out free advice and products when I can... but at the end of the day.. I also enjoy making money but if I can make extra money AND help people out at the same time.. do both.. why not?!

    Ps. your name looks familiar. think I remember you from the dark ages of WA? I was 'Ghost' on there
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    • Profile picture of the author Christopher Fox
      Originally Posted by Jarrett View Post

      Hey Phil.

      There are alot of successful guys who come back to forums and give away GOLD...
      but most of the times it's TRUTH and it's not what people want to hear so it goes un noticed.
      I thought this worth repeating ...
      One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

      - Seldom Seen Smith
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  • Profile picture of the author automationhero
    You have a point. But at the same time people value things (especially information) more when they have to give something up (money) to get it. Obviously that is not why all warriors charge for certain products but in a way it does help others cherish the product more.

    On the other hand, our company knows how traffic to your website is like the holy grail in IM. So to help everyone out, even with our free most basic membership, we have developed tools so that people can generate free targeted traffic using their social media accounts. Obviously we still have our product that we encourage people to purchase but we want to add as much value as possible and give back type of thing in the areas that we know internet marketers tend to struggle most.
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  • Profile picture of the author nik0
    Too many small things play a crucial role so there's nothing wrong with sharing winning concepts.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Originally Posted by wholesale blogger View Post

      Phil, I am not knocking you (or anyone else here) but what sort of an idiot would give away all of the secrets to their business....
      Hmm, how about...

      - someone who has made all the money they need
      - someone who is leaving one business model behind for an even more profitable business
      - someone who is retiring
      - someone who needs the praise more than the money
      - someone with a terminal illness who has had a change of priorities

      But yeah, I get what you're saying and it's mostly true. There are exceptions though, and the exceptions are not necessarily idiots.

      Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

      I don't really believe this is true though. The internet is a BIG place.
      That's kind of funny, given your avatar. It's like you're showing how big it is.


      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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    • Profile picture of the author PCH
      It's interesting to see the variety of answers here, and it's come close to bashing at various points.

      But whilst it's a valid and interesting question from OP Phil, I think the truth is that most people would just keep quiet and get busily beavering away 25hrs a day, 8 days a week until they'd made a potfull, or it stopped working or whatever.

      And stuff this 'being nice' crap and 'giving back' and all that. We're mostly devotees of making it big ourselves, and that doesn't usually involves giving away your 'secrets' to the world. And as someone pointed out earlier, 'giving back' pretty much always means 'selling back!" anyway.

      And you know, whatever people may say about scammy WSOs and other products promising the Earth, I try to think of these products in a different way.
      Newcomers need to TRY things. They need to embrace the opportunity to learn the various ins and outs of this business in general. When I've bought WSOs in the past, they've rarely lived up to their promised expectation, though that's more likely to do with me than the product, but for everything that I've bought it's ALWAYS allowed me to learn heaps, and I've rarely asked for a refund simply because it's CHEAP education in this subject.

      Eventually, you know enough to be able to make up your own mind about what works and what doesn't. So WSO's have a very real and valuable purpose, to newcomers especially, in my mind - regardless of whether they perform as promised.

      Anyhow, - an interesting question, and some interesting answers too. Thanks Phil


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  • Profile picture of the author bob33229
    Why should someone share their secret? If it is shared, it is no more a secret right?

    List of FREE and Legit Survey Sites

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8746419].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Nuno
      Some make money WSOs do provide high value, but they cannot give you everything for the price of a dinner.

      At best, when they work, they give a rough idea and then you need to do the difficult part: getting customers. The less a secret it is, the more trouble you'll have, depending on the niche.
      I have 15+ years of experience & millions of visitors (I'm also a warrior since 2002)!
      NunoAlex.com explains how I can help.
      I'm looking for a limited number of serious partners.
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      • Profile picture of the author dewayneboyd
        Originally Posted by Nuno View Post

        Some make money WSOs do provide high value, but they cannot give you everything for the price of a dinner.

        At best, when they work, they give a rough idea and then you need to do the difficult part: getting customers. The less a secret it is, the more trouble you'll have, depending on the niche.
        Every marketing product I have ever seen fits into one of two main categories:

        1. If it's a traffic or marketing tools product, they don't tell you how to profitably make money from the traffic. And the ones I have seen are either risky paid traffic or low-quality, generic traffic.

        2. If it's a product-based course, such as resale rights, they don't actually tell you how to get quality, targeted, affordable traffic.

        Note: Tips like "post on EzineArticles.com" are not keys to success. Unless you have time to write 100,000 unique articles, you aren't going to get enough traffic back to your site to make any real money.

        I challenge anyone to show one product that truly delivers both. I haven't seen one yet. It's all theory and fluff from what I have seen. Even the ones that provide something of value give you the one ball but leave out the other. Still waiting to see one that actually makes you successful if you follow ACTIONABLE steps. Saying "sell bumper stickers" or "sell a weight-loss product," like some people have said here, is not a set of actionable steps.

        What is missing from all these products? ACTIONABLE steps. It's not always the lazy person's fault. I tried to apply these principles these marketers teach and FAILED. It wasn't due to lack of trying. Then, I discovered my profitable niches and became successful. No one showed them to me.

        1,574,810 unique visitors and counting. And that's just one of my websites.

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  • Profile picture of the author AffiliatingAlan
    I would make you all my employees
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    • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
      Originally Posted by AffiliatingAlan View Post

      I would make you all my employees
      Guys, you have to admit, this is probably the best reply from the entire thread

      It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
      ---->>>> BrainDirection.com <<<<----
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  • Profile picture of the author malcsimm
    Originally Posted by phil.wheatley View Post

    Hey Gang
    Soooo, my question to you is: If you were in the same situation, would you really come back and do those kinds of posts? Of course, occasionally you will see somebody doing so WITHOUT promoting a product, and that is fair enough. But when people "want to give back"....by having a product you have to purchase??? Well, why not make it free then? .....to which the answer is normally "oh, well if I don't charge, then people won't take action"
    Hey Phil - the reason I post is to put my sig link about of course: but also to network. Eg I made a friend a month ago and we are now chatting on Skype regularly.

    IM can be a lonely business: so the networking you get from posting is very valuable

    Also, I like highlighting bullshit where I see it! (I try to do it constructively... ) ... And especially as it can mislead news.

    Finally I learn by reading others's posts too (not often, lol, but it happens).

    So, yes, I'll share. But just as there is no 'magic bullet for success', there's no magic bullet to share either - unless it's a dodgy strategy with a limited lifespan - like boosting yourself up Ezine Articles ranking ( and getting a shed load of backlinks) by faking the 'most read' numbers using Scrapebox!

    To be successful u need a well developed system which most people would not copy due to:
    1. Lack of focus
    2. Lack of skills, or
    3. Laziness!

    For example I just posted a 500 word article here:

    ...on how to set up a bullet-proof email marketing system: then how to double your income pretty much instantly by changing to a "grown up" autoresponder service.

    It's a killer strategy which I wanted to share for free, but only a few will take the trouble to copy it. And good luck to those few - I am more than happy for them to copy!

    It's not a magic bullet though


    You WILL banish # Procrastination, # Email bloat, # Wasting time, # Wasting money
    Getting Things Done PLUS Evernote turned my life around - read here how I do it
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8746628].message }}
    • Originally Posted by malcsimm View Post

      To be successful u need a well developed system which most people would not copy due to:
      1. Lack of focus
      2. Lack of skills, or
      3. Laziness!

      I want to add something. After selling a few dozen how to do info products for money, lets say the best of the best I gave it away on the Warrior forum.

      How can I give away the Focus, skill building and learning and non-laziness (dedication to implementation). I can't and that is the true reason for most people not getting results.

      You can't give away that part, it's like Kenster said earlier it's like you are guying a guide and the person can't just press buttons blindly and have success you got to use common sense and learn and figure it out AND IMPROVE as you go, but that requires fuel you got to have alike a Nimitz Class nuclear reactor to push you forward the WSO or free "secret" on the warrior forum is just steering the carrier in the right direction but if an obstacle comes up you might have to activate the guns to blow stuff up or even launch your F-18's.

      No WSO can move a carrier who's "dead in the water". Some people got to get their engines running first, we can help with the rest of the ship but not the drive.

      Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it www.MonthlyMastermind.org
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    A good case in point of when it is believable that someone is really giving away all of their key methods that has made them millionaires is Nick Chou.

    He made over a million with his ppc method and then invested that money into other things that makes him even more income, and to the degree where he no longer had interest in doing his ppc method.

    So he came on the WF and started his thread, deciding to give others a chance with his somewhat outdated method (which he admits is a tad outdated but still works to a lesser degree than when he used it). And people are making money with it.

    I have noted a few Warriors now and then doing the same thing. Even Kenster has done this in the War Room, but free.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8746647].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by Joan Altz View Post

      A good case in point of when it is believable that someone is really giving away all of their key methods that has made them millionaires is Nick Chou.

      He made over a million with his ppc method and then invested that money into other things that makes him even more income, and to the degree where he no longer had interest in doing his ppc method.

      So he came on the WF and started his thread, deciding to give others a chance with his somewhat outdated method (which he admits is a tad outdated but still works to a lesser degree than when he used it). And people are making money with it.

      I have noted a few Warriors now and then doing the same thing. Even Kenster has done this in the War Room, but free.

      Many people do this!

      The problem is that although many people are willing to share what's working for them, generally you can't wrap an entire system up into paint by numbers steps like a lot of people want.

      So you need to go into everything with the mindset that you are buying guidelines...you are buying a lot of time savings and money savings in your own testing, you aren't buying a ready to run six fig system.

      But yes, especially in the War Room, there's a lot of great, current, and valuable stuff in there to help kick start a good online biz
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  • Profile picture of the author dewayneboyd
    Originally Posted by phil.wheatley View Post

    Hey Gang

    First of all, let me start by saying I love you all. We're all on here for pretty much the same reason, to learn how to make money (correct me if I'm wrong).

    As much as I love you, I have to be honest and say that if I found a way of making tons of cash with a particular method or in an untapped niche, I wouldn't come back here with one of those "I'm posting this to give back to the warrior forum". Why? Well first of all, we know there are a ton of people who would just try and replicate what you are doing and stand a chance of diluting your own results.

    Secondly, when someone is really doing well and getting stuck into the daily running of their business (which often doesn't mean laying on the beach getting a massage), they don't have the time to spend hours replying to posts and questions.

    What I often see is people writing those types of posts, and guess what, their sig file is promoting a product or coaching program on the very subject.

    Yes, I know all about abundance, and plenty to go around and all that stuff, but I still wouldn't spend my time here, I would want to spend my time on my business instead.

    Soooo, my question to you is: If you were in the same situation, would you really come back and do those kinds of posts? Of course, occasionally you will see somebody doing so WITHOUT promoting a product, and that is fair enough. But when people "want to give back"....by having a product you have to purchase??? Well, why not make it free then? .....to which the answer is normally "oh, well if I don't charge, then people won't take action".

    Listen, I don't want to ruffle feathers, and this is all said with a bit of tongue in cheek...but am I really the only people who thinks this???

    (I'm now putting on my tin hat in preperation for the bashing I'm going to get lol)

    You are probably right in that most people wouldn't do it. However, the only real secret there is in online marketing is finding a profitable niche or product. Really, everything else you need to learn is free if you just ask it on the forums and read what others are asking and posting. But without the right niche or product, it won't make one cent. There is a very good reason people won't share that, at least with a lot of detail. And you already stated that it's because they don't want to have to compete against the people they teach. This is exactly why no marketing product I have ever seen is good beyond teaching generic steps.

    Having said that, no one in this or any other forum has ever showed me how to make money that is consistent with their deceptive and often downright false sales letters. At most, I learned basic steps leading to success. But only I found the niche to make me successful. And a lot of the products I have read are essentially worthless.

    And while I am not making TONS OF CASH like you said, I do give away my basic niche on these forums and even some of the sources. Am I worried? No, if I had 20,000 posts with the same information, probably 3 or 4 people here would actually take the time to follow my advice and become successful. LOL.

    It ought to be obvious I know what I am talking about. But people are either 1. lazy, or 2. just don't believe me. That's fine with me since I make my money from the search engines, not in selling marketing products.

    1,574,810 unique visitors and counting. And that's just one of my websites.

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  • Profile picture of the author Nuno
    Hiring warriors is precisely what I'm doing

    I'm more interested in longterm partners than customers. When I'm here I share my knowledge and look for talent.
    I have 15+ years of experience & millions of visitors (I'm also a warrior since 2002)!
    NunoAlex.com explains how I can help.
    I'm looking for a limited number of serious partners.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Hess
    There are people who give back and their motivation is gaining acknowledgment or receiving some form of gratitude from people, these are things money can't buy and are emotionally fulfilling. When people feel good about themselves and what they're doing, it can help push their business even further. (there's also something to be said for karma).

    I see 'keys' being posted all the time on here, but sometimes it requires a little reading between the lines or putting your own unique spin on things. This is something many people struggle with for one reason or another.

    Every piece of content you create, even a forum post, should have an agenda whether it's to fulfil something within, sell something, gain credibility, or setting yourself up for a future endeavour. If you're not doing this it's just wasting time.
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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    'The Key' is often revealed in plain sight for those Wise enough to understand.

    The Key is the same for all. However, the methods are personalized. No one should reveal personalized and working methods for many reasons, self preservation topping the list.
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author Nuno
    There are many honest WSO, with truthful advice, that teach real ways to make a living online. No doubt about this.

    I think most here are referring to those others that promise everything, that it's easy to earn a lot doing almost nothing, and without any external support. Really?

    The big secret, that anyone can imitate with little effort and make a lot of cash, is something I haven't seen. Even today I still work a lot if I want my projects to become a reality.

    What a great thread we have here!
    I have 15+ years of experience & millions of visitors (I'm also a warrior since 2002)!
    NunoAlex.com explains how I can help.
    I'm looking for a limited number of serious partners.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    What I love most about my business model is that the more I share it
    and give away ALL my secrets the more I make. If your model doesn't
    work like that you might want to rethink what you're doing.

    When you finally understand that prosperity is found in giving, not getting,
    you'll begin to build something that will stand the test of time.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    I probably would if the method won't get oversaturated or outdated.

    Why not have more streams of income?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rhiannon Beckham
    Totally not a fan of people who put on their Mother Theresa face and pretend like they're performing some great task, all the while having an unspoken implication of debt being owed if we were to read their glorified sales page- which surprise surprise, leads us back to their services.

    Douchebags. All of them.

    *takes a breath*

    Anyways, now that I've got that off my chest, and hopefully without looking like tooo much of a self-righteous twat, I'll answer your question

    I am totally the person who would share the wealth, granted it isn't my main source of income.
    If I'm already killing it in another way and happen upon another massive source of cash, I'd be sharing it.
    Now that I'm thinking about it though, I don't think I'd be posting it in the forum for all to see, in fear of previously mentioned Douchebags getting the all the benefit.
    I'd like to help others who had the same struggles as I did, which certainly wasn't being the first to take action.

    First off, it would go to my email list - loyalty pays, you know..

    But, this is definitely my go-to internet geekery spot, and I have gleaned a ridiculous amount of information from the thousands of genuine, kind people on here, so I'd want to give back for sure. Somehow.
    I'm thinking a canned response type thing where I'd message it to those who seem to need a helping hand and are going about it the right way.

    Naturally, I'd be ridiculously wealthy and getting a massage on the beach so I'd have the spare time..

    Good question!

    **I don't always make it back to check on threads, so if you'd like me to elaborate feel free to PM me, I try to make sure to check my inbox regularly and am happy to help..

    I wouldn't have pulled a $9k week w/Teespring etc without the help of others, so it's time to pay it forward.
    I can make a little room in my life for that. ;)

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  • Profile picture of the author kingde
    The "Key" is more likely the big idea or concept, not the application of an idea.. we all need to put our unique spin on whatever we do

    **** Learn fast and simple ways to tackle challenging business topics DaveKing.org/about ****

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    Success leaves clues....

    Many years ago there was a very popular magazine called Business 2.0 which eventually saw its demise as FastCompany dealt with the same topics with more colorful illustrations and one-on-one in-depth interviews.

    However at the end of every issue of Business 2.0 there was a 1 page article that detailed some business model that involved Internet marketing. Furthermore, the article would have testimonials as well as action plans how anyone could implement such a business.

    These articles were like mini WSO's that today STILL work. Every article that I've saved over the years, I've seen or my contacts have seen success with.

    The success "keys" were our in the open for hundreds of thousands of people to try out. Many years later, they still work! Some I follow to the letter and others I've added twists along the way.

    The truth is that many people have generously posted very detailed action plans both on here and other boards on here (especially the War Room).

    I see so many people worry about "saturation risk". Yet, the reality is that a small percentage truly execute these plans. When something doesn't work it is usually because the environment changes where you need to adapt your approach (ie, Google updates).

    Is it laziness?....fear?....overwhelm? It could be any combination but I can tell you that the methodology for MANY of these do work...The issue is do you want to do the work too?

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  • Profile picture of the author goodewealth
    I have to honestly say....I have come away from the WF because of this very nature of things. Everyone selling a WSO has already made the serious amount of loot that they are going to make from the system, plan, blueprint or whatever they want to call it in their sales thread. They have already found the exact sales funnel and keywords or whatever has made it a success and raped it of its full capacity. Now, I am seeing many that have grown lists just promote other products and services and because of their list size, are the only ones really being able to capitalize on the very subject they "pitch" to you about making your assumed $$$$$$ I have learned that you must try and do things a little differently and be creative for your own way of online business and or marketing. When people say they are giving back it is not the "Godly" way of what we all are accustomed to where they are giving til it hurts it is the way that may pacify their ego and have them thinking they have actually done something good because they shared what they have already ran through and milked....henceforth it "can" work because it worked for them. I used purchase systems and software and stuff to get ahead and then give it to others or let others have access to it to help themselves in marketing....but I have to say they did not honestly return the favor. But, then it goes to say when you want to help...you should give from the heart and that is what I had always done. Now, since it is not only me that suffers but my family as well because of the decisions that I have made to "give" til it hurts....I have had to hold back and make sure that I no longer hurt those that I love and need me for support. I wish everyone well on the forum and I continue to chime in and enjoy the many different headings and see what creative ideas that people come up with to draw people to them. And who knows maybe someone will actually share something one day that will give everyone a level playing field....but right now....from what I see now....I honestly have to say that I seriously doubt it.

    You want your life to change? You must first be willing to set the wheels in motion for the change to manifest. Learn how to build your list the right way~
    www.mygoodemoney.com and get health in check while creating your wealth www.mygoodehealth.com

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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    What works for me might not work for you! Thats one of the nice things about working online is there is somewhat of an art to it. Its organic and natural. Sure I would come back and share it. In fact thats what I am doing now. I just created a blog and I am sharing everything I have learned and am currently doing. And yes I make money! Not from any particular one program but by understanding what it is I am doing. Yeah today there is so much traffic you need to sometimes think outside the box and you can really hit some good home runs with traffic generation. The fact is, is you do need certain items to run your online business and for traffic generation as well and those tools cost money! Just like any business. I would give my content away for free and recommend paid products that I feel help with running a online business.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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